12 words or phrases classy people avoid in daily conversations

Classy people are smart enough to know that certain words or phrases make them look crude, vulgar, insensitive, or even evil. 

That’s why they simply don’t use them. The vocabulary has more than enough appropriate words to use without being too serious. 

So join me to find out what type of language classy people avoid at all costs. 

1) Cursing or vulgar language

Cursing can be fun. But it has its time and place. In most, if not all, interactions, we don’t even have to use curses or vulgar language

Phrases such as: 

“This food tastes like sh*t” or “He’s such an a**hole” are the ones you’ll never hear from a classy person’s mouth. 

Classy people understand that using such language is unnecessary and can create an uncomfortable atmosphere in conversations, especially when talking in formal settings. 

2) Inappropriate comments 

Refined people are mindful of their words and strive to be considerate and compassionate in their interactions.

They avoid making insensitive or hurtful comments that distress or offend others and use respectful and supportive language.

Can you imagine saying or hearing, “You can’t afford that; it’s way too expensive for someone like you?” 

It’s not nice, is it?

A classy person would say, “I hope you find something that fits your budget better,” instead.

Or what about, “I knew your relationship wouldn’t last. I never liked your partner.” A classy alternative would be: “I’m sorry to hear about your breakup. If you want to talk, I’m here for you.”

3) Arrogance 

If there’s one type of person I can’t stand, it’s an arrogant person. They have an inflated ego and attitude of superiority over others. 

Classy people avoid displaying arrogance in conversations as it’s off-putting and creates a negative impression. 

Instead, they look to be humble and approachable, treating others with respect and valuing their opinions. 

Would a classy person ever say:

“I’m clearly the most talented person in this group; the others don’t even come close?”

4) Oversharing personal details

Sharing too many personal and intimate details with others can make them feel uncomfortable. Classy people know what information is appropriate to share and maintain a level of discretion. 

For instance:

“I had the worst diarrhea yesterday” or “My credit card debt is out of control” aren’t things classy people would ever share. Not even with their closest friends.

They understand that not everyone is comfortable discussing such personal topics openly. They’re also sensitive to social cues and understand when sharing personal details is appropriate and when it’s best to keep certain things private.

5) Insults

Is there ever a good time to use an insult? Of course not. They’re harmful to individuals and relationships and lead to emotional distress, damaged trust, and a toxic communication atmosphere.

It doesn’t matter if you say them directly (“You’re so stupid, you’ll never get it.”), or you use them behind someone’s back (“She’s just a lazy slob.”).

Insults spoil your reputation and credibility. Friends, colleagues, superiors, and family members are less likely to respect and trust you if you resort to insulting language.

Most classy people are not some rich snobs. They’re just ordinary, everyday people that prioritize respect, empathy, and understanding in their conversations.

6) Bragging

Do you like excessively bragging about your achievements, possessions, or experiences? I have a news flash for you – you’re not a classy person. 

A refined person won’t brag like this:

“I just bought the latest Mercedes. It cost a fortune, but I can afford it easily.”

They know that statements like these that include excessive self-promotion alienate others and come across as self-centered.

By avoiding arrogance and bragging, they preserve a sense of humility and authenticity.

While it’s natural to want to share positive experiences or accomplishments, bragging becomes problematic when it becomes the primary method of communication and disrupts meaningful interactions with others.

7) Bad-mouthing others 

Gossiping or speaking negatively about others is usually harmless and sort of fun, isn’t it? I mean, who hasn’t talked about their boss behind their back? 

But on the other side, it can also harm reputations and create a toxic environment. Classy people avoid such exchanges at all costs and focus on preserving a positive and supportive atmosphere.

I can’t imagine them saying, “I heard that Lisa and Tom are having problems in their relationship. I knew it wouldn’t last,” or “I can’t stand working with Susan; she’s so lazy and never contributes anything worthwhile.”

Bad-mouthing like this often leads to unnecessary drama and conflicts. Cultivated people prefer to resolve conflicts directly with those involved instead of involving others in negative discussions.

8) Offensive remarks based on race, gender, or other characteristics

They also understand how important it is to treat everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of their race, gender, or other characteristics. 

That means steering clear of making offensive comments that perpetuate stereotypes or discrimination.

For example:

“You only got the job because you’re a woman,” or “He’s just good at math because he’s Asian.”

Making offensive comments reinforces prejudices and contributes to racial and sexist discrimination.

9) Overuse of filler words (like, um, uh)

Overuse of filler words, such as “like,” “um,” and “uh,” is a common speech habit.

But constantly using them gives the impression that the speaker lacks confidence in their thoughts or ideas. By minimizing filler words, classy people project more self-assurance and credibility.

Using too many filler words also makes the conversation less engaging and captivating.

You wouldn’t catch them dead saying:

“Like, you know, I was, um, going to, uh, the store,” or “I, like, can’t believe, um, what happened, uh, yesterday.”

10) Overuse of exclamation marks or emojis

“This party is going to be so much fun!!! 🥳🥂👯”

Frequent use of exclamation marks or emojis sometimes comes across as too enthusiastic or insincere. 

While they can add emphasis and express emotions effectively when used sparingly, overusing them can lead to unintended consequences and aren’t considered classy in daily conversations.

Overusing them is also associated with a lack of maturity, as more seasoned communicators use language more thoughtfully and deliberately.

Classy people use punctuation appropriately and express their excitement or enthusiasm through their words.

11) Dominating the conversation without letting others speak

We all know that person that makes every conversation about themselves, right? 

They say something like this, “Anyway, enough about you. Let me tell you about my day.”

Or this, “I don’t really care what you think; I’m going to do it my way.”

This is incredibly self-centered and dismissive of others’ opinions, leading to poor communication dynamics and a lack of inclusivity in group discussions.

On the other hand, classy people value active listening and respect each person’s opinions and perspectives. They avoid dominating conversations and instead encourage open and balanced dialogue.

12) Complaining about insignificant issues

Constantly complaining about trivial things makes us seem negative and unappreciative. Classy people focus on having a positive outlook and addressing important matters constructively.

Can you imagine a classy person saying something along the lines of:

“Ugh, my latte is not hot enough!” or “Why can’t they play better music in this store?”

Of course not. I can imagine a rich and/or entitled person saying it. 

We all need to recognize that constant complaining about superficial issues is draining for those around us and comes across as ungrateful or negative.

Final thoughts

So there you have it, 12 things classy people avoid in their daily conversations. Do you think that’s how we should all behave, or would this mean the world would be a much more boring place to live? 

Adrian Volenik

Adrian has years of experience in the field of personal development and building wealth. Both physical and spiritual. He has a deep understanding of the human mind and a passion for helping people enhance their lives. Adrian loves to share practical tips and insights that can help readers achieve their personal and professional goals. He has lived in several European countries and has now settled in Portugal with his family. When he’s not writing, he enjoys going to the beach, hiking, drinking sangria, and spending time with his wife and son.

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