Why You Lost Your Boyfriend (And How You Can Get Him Back)

(This article contains affiliate links. However, I never recommend anything to Hack Spirit readers that I haven’t used personally and found valuable. You can read my full affiliate disclosure here).

Yeah, the feeling of getting dumped sucks.

There’s no question about that.

Sometimes, you can go crazy thinking about all the things that went wrong in your relationship.

But the bottom line is, the reason why your relationship ended is because your boyfriend has lost attraction for you.

No, it wasn’t because you left your dirty laundry around the house or that it’s “him, not you…”. It’s because the foundation of his attraction for you faded – and it’s your fault.

But please read on before getting too outraged by my bluntness.

There are ways you can “re-attract” your boyfriend (and I’ll get to that in a second), but you have to first understand why he dumped you.

Only then will you know how you can get him back.

This is what I like to call The Six Deadly Relationship Sins.

Now, I’m not saying that you committed all of these mistakes, but chances are you probably exhibited at least one of these characteristics that pretty much forced your boyfriend to leave you (even if he’s claimed that he left you for another reason).

Here are the first 3 of these deadly sins.

The first Deadly Sin is a common problem that over half of women have in their relationships – and that’s being way too controlling.

Men are repelled by women that put unrealistic restraints on their lives.

Though asserting your dominance in a relationship is important, you have to know exactly when “enough is enough”. If you don’t, then don’t be surprised that your boyfriend or husband left you.

The second Deadly Sin is a bit of a weird one, but always seeking external validity from your boyfriend is a huge attraction-breaker.

What does that mean?

It means that you constantly seek out your boyfriend’s approval. Asking questions like, “Do you love me? Do I look fat in this dress? Did you have a good time?” repel men.

It’s like saying to him that you aren’t confident enough or good enough… and this reeks of insecurity.

The third Deadly Sin is being jealous all the time.

Were you jealous that he was flirting with other girls? Maybe he was hanging out with a female friend that you felt a little suspicious about…

Well, if you did exhibit this emotion, then again, don’t be surprised that your boyfriend lost some attraction for you. Jealousy is the ultimate form of insecurity.

So now that you know only some of the relationship killers, how do you go about “re-attracting” your boyfriend?

Well, it starts with employing some powerful psychological techniques. Yes, even if things seem completely hopeless right now, you can get him back if you know what you’re doing.

Let me first introduce my friend Brad Browning, also known as the “Relationship Geek.” He’s been helping thousands of women across the globe win back their ex-boyfriends.

His success rate is over 90%.

Even if you think your relationship with your ex boyfriend is completely torn, there is a way to make him fall hopelessly in love with you again (or at least give you a second chance!).

You see, what a lot of women do when they get dumped is they start begging and pleading. They ask for forgiveness and start begging for second chances. The say “sorry” and “just give me another chance” time after time.

If you’re guilty of one of these mistakes, then you better start listening to my advice… because chances are you’re doing something right now that is pushing your ex further and further away (and into the arms of another girl).

I highly recommend you checking out his free video. In it, he’ll tell you exactly how you can get your ex boyfriend back as soon as possible… and he’ll go over some other Deadly Sins as well.


Why I recommend Brad and his program

Brad’s program is easily the most comprehensive and effective guide to getting your ex back I’ve come across.

As a certified relationship counselor, and with decades of experience working with couples to repair broken relationships, Brad knows what he’s talking about. He offers dozens of unique and breakthrough ideas that I’ve never read anywhere else.

Brad claims that over 90% of all relationships can be salvaged, and while that may sound unreasonably high, I tend to think he’s on the money.

I’ve been in contact with too many Hack Spirit readers who are happily back with their ex to be a skeptic.

Click here to check out this video presentation.

Getting back with your ex can work

I have a question for you:

Do you still love your ex?

If you answered ‘yes’, then you need to formulate a plan to get them back.

Forget the naysayers who warn you never to get back with your ex. Or those who say your only option is to move on with your life. If you still love your ex, then getting them back may be the best way forward.

Getting back with your ex can be a good idea when:

  • The break up was a rash decision or the result of circumstances beyond your control
  • You had a great relationship together at one point in time.

The simple truth is that getting back with your ex can work.

The key is to work out why you broke up in the first place. And to self reflect and become a better version of yourself so you don’t end up in a broken relationship again.

There are a few resources you can check out online to help you do this, but Brad Browning’s guide is one I always recommend. I’ve read the book cover to cover and I believe it’s the most effective guide to getting your ex back currently available.

Click the button below to watch Brad Browning’s free video.


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Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.

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