11 unique struggles empaths deal with on a daily basis

Ever heard of an empath?

They’re people who can really feel the emotions and physical feelings of those around them.

It’s like they can step into someone else’s shoes and feel exactly what they’re feeling.

But this special ability isn’t always easy to live with.

Today, we’re going to talk about 11 struggles that empaths face every single day.

This might help you understand them better or even realize that you’re an empath too. 

1. Overwhelming Emotions

One of the biggest struggles empaths face is dealing with overwhelming emotions.

Imagine walking into a room and instantly feeling a mix of happiness, sadness, anxiety, or excitement from those around you.

It’s like having an emotional radio that can tune into multiple stations at once, without an off switch.

This can be incredibly draining and confusing.

It’s not just about feeling what one person feels, but potentially absorbing the emotional energy of everyone in the room.

For empaths, learning to manage this can be a daily challenge.

2. Difficulty Setting Boundaries

Here’s another challenge empaths often face: setting boundaries.

Because they feel other people’s emotions so deeply, they often find it hard to say ‘no’.

They might end up overcommitting themselves, trying to help everyone else and forgetting to take care of their own needs.

This can lead to burnout and exhaustion.

So, learning to set healthy boundaries is a constant struggle, but it’s crucial for their wellbeing.

3. Sensitivity to Noise and Crowds

As an empath, I often find myself feeling overwhelmed in noisy or crowded places.

It’s like every sound or movement sends a ripple of energy that I can feel deep in my bones.

For instance, a simple trip to the shopping mall can turn into a sensory overload.

The buzz of people chattering, the loud music from different shops, the bright lights – it’s all too much at times.

I’ve had to learn how to cope with this sensitivity and find quieter places to recharge, but it’s something I struggle with daily.

4. Vulnerability to Negativity

Empaths tend to be more susceptible to negative environments.

They can absorb negative emotions like a sponge, which can affect their mood and overall well-being.

This means that empaths often struggle with distancing themselves from negative people or situations.

They may feel inexplicably down after watching a sad news story or being around someone who’s upset.

Learning to protect ourselves from this negativity is one of their daily challenges.

5. The Need to Be Alone

Empaths thrive on connection, but paradoxically, they also desperately need time alone.

After spending a day soaking up a kaleidoscope of emotions from those around them, the need for solitude becomes a necessity rather than a luxury.

It’s during these precious moments of solitude that they can finally shed the emotions that aren’t their own and recharge.

Even though they deeply care for others, they must prioritize this time alone to preserve their emotional health.

This balancing act is a heartfelt struggle they navigate every day.

6. Difficulty in Relationships

Being an empath, I often find relationships challenging.

While being able to sense my partner’s feelings deeply can seem like a dream, it can also be quite overwhelming.

I’ve found myself worrying excessively about their emotional state and sometimes, prioritizing their needs over mine.

What’s more, I often absorb their feelings as my own, blurring the lines between us.

It’s a struggle to maintain a sense of individuality and ensure my own emotional needs are met in the relationship.

Navigating these complexities is a daily challenge for me.

7. Being Misunderstood

Empaths often feel misunderstood.

They experience the world in a way that’s intensely different from most people, and that can be isolating.

People might see them as overly sensitive or even dramatic because they react more intensely to situations.

They might be told to “toughen up” or “stop being so emotional”. But for an empath, these feelings are as real as it gets.

It’s not a switch they can turn off.

This struggle of being misunderstood, of trying to explain their world to others, is a raw and honest reality they face every day.

8. Prone to Fatigue

Did you know that empaths are more prone to experiencing fatigue?

This is because people who are highly empathetic expend more mental energy, which can lead to higher rates of fatigue and burnout.

This makes sense when you consider that empaths are constantly processing not only their own emotions and experiences, but also those of others.

This can be incredibly tiring, and it’s a struggle empaths deal with daily.

Finding ways to rest and recharge becomes a crucial part of their routine.

9. Difficulty in Detaching

As an empath, one of my daily struggles is learning to detach from the emotions of others.

It’s easy for me to get swept up in someone else’s feelings, to the point where I can lose myself.

For instance, if a friend is going through a tough time, their pain can feel like my own. It can be hard to separate myself and remember that their emotions are not mine to carry.

This constant effort to detach and preserve my emotional boundaries is a challenging part of my everyday life as an empath.

10. Feeling Overwhelmed by the World’s Problems

Empaths often feel the weight of the world on their shoulders.

They can be deeply affected by news stories about tragedies, injustices, or suffering.

This isn’t about being overly sensitive; it’s about feeling a deep empathy for all living beings.

The pain of others, even strangers from across the globe, can feel intensely personal.

This can be really overwhelming and lead to feelings of helplessness and sadness.

It’s a raw and honest struggle to balance this deep care for the world with the need to protect their own emotional wellbeing.

11. Dealing with Emotional Hangovers

Lastly, empaths often experience what can be termed as “emotional hangovers”.

Just like the physical discomfort you feel after a night of drinking, empaths can feel emotionally drained and exhausted after being in intense emotional situations or around certain people.

This isn’t about being weak or unable to handle life’s ups and downs; it’s simply a result of their heightened sensitivity to emotional energy.

Dealing with these emotional hangovers while trying to go about their daily life is a genuine struggle.

But it’s part of their journey and something they bravely navigate every day.

Being an empath is a unique journey filled with its own challenges.

But despite these struggles, empaths bring an incredible depth of understanding, compassion, and love to the world. And that in itself makes every struggle worth it.

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Tina Fey

I'm Tina Fey, the founder of the blog Love Connection. I've extremely passionate about sharing relationship advice. I've studied psychology and have my Masters in marital, family, and relationship counseling. I hope with all my heart to help you improve your relationships, and I hope that even if one thing I write helps you, it means more to me than just about anything else in the world. Check out my blog Love Connection, and if you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Twitter

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