12 personality traits that show you’re a sophisticated person

There’s just something so inexplicably attractive about high-class individuals.

From the way they talk, and how they move, to their aura, there’s a certain sophistication that sets them apart from the crowd.

In this article, we’ve compiled 12 personality traits of sophisticated people that will help you figure out if you fit the bill.

Take note: These are not natural characteristics. These take years of learning, refinement, and sometimes even unlearning of toxic behavior that you weren’t self-aware about.

1) You Are Always Put-Together

Nothing screams class and sophistication like always appearing put together.

You show up to an event just the way you need to – not underdressed, not overdressed. You also prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to your wardrobe.

If you’re having a bad hair day or you aren’t feeling particularly good about yourself, you know exactly what to do to boost your self-confidence.

The thing is, looking put-together doesn’t come naturally to all of us. It’s a skill that takes time to master.

For starters, part of the putting yourself together routine is being well-groomed, so make sure to never skip out on your dental cleaning and teeth whitening appointments, get enough quality sleep, have a consistent gym routine, and maintain a healthy diet. Health is wealth.

2) You Are Well-Rounded and Cultured

You are perpetually curious about the world and societies around you. You are inquisitive. You are always interested in learning about new cultures, ideas, and even hobbies to broaden your horizons.

Looking for opportunities to grow is part of your personality.

You keep yourself updated on important topics and the state of the world – whether it involves politics, economics, or social issues – and never hesitate to stand up for what you believe in. 

But at the same time, you also don’t force your views onto others because you understand that a sophisticated individual has a flexible worldview. Your feet are grounded in reality.

3) You Know How to Listen

People say that you’re a good listener.

You’re invested in what people have to say; you make eye contact; and you pay attention to the other person’s non-verbal cues.

Ultimately, you listen to understand, not listen just to respond.

The truth is, sophistication entails knowing how to disagree without being aggressive or argumentative.

Banking on that last point, you’d be surprised at how many people listen simply to respond.

They don’t try to look at things from your point of view nor do they ask thought-provoking questions. All they care about is getting their point across.

These are not the type of people you want to surround yourself with.

4) You Are Fun to Talk To

Communication is a two-way street. Looking at the other end of a conversation, you know how to keep people interested and hold their attention.

You don’t monopolize the conversation. You don’t let your ego get in the way by pretending that you know more than you do.

Although it may have taken you years to enhance your communication skills, you are now a sophisticated individual that can articulate your thoughts clearly.

After all:

Your speech reflects your classiness.

Instead of being inclined to use vulgar language and cuss words to express yourself, you’ve developed a wide vocabulary to effectively communicate your emotions.

The hours you spent reading various literature and engaging in long-form content have been paying off.

5) You Know Your Worth

You don’t play games or use your charm to get what you want.

Wherever you go – may it be a job interview, social gathering, or even a date – you walk in with an air of self-assurance. You refuse to be pushed around.

Speaking of dates, you don’t base your self-worth on someone else. 

You know how to take care of yourself – emotionally, physically, and mentally – because you know what’s best for you.

You don’t settle for the first person that shows interest in you. You choose the one that you’ve gotten to know and has never failed to treat you right.

6) You’re Respectful to Everyone

Sophisticated people don’t just respect themselves, but they also appreciate everyone around them, regardless of their job, socioeconomic status, or even opinion on a certain topic.

For them, every human being deserves kindness, courtesy, and grace.

Insults don’t faze them. Instead, they rise above the hate and focus on things that fulfill them.

This is one of my favorite traits of my childhood best friend: He is polite to everyone and gets to know everyone he meets.

A waiter serves us, and he asks about what’s the best part of working at that restaurant.

A stranger sits beside us at the park, and they end up talking about their hobbies.

His office mate has a bad day, he leaves a thank-you note.

He is the epitome of kindness. I could only aspire to even be half the person that he is.

7) You’re Mindful and Deliberate

Our desires move us in one direction, while our values pull us the other way.

As a sophisticated person, you should know the difference between short-term whims and long-term values and goals.

You practice the art of delayed gratification as much as you can with all your life, love, and career choices.

For example, you’re kind enough to yourself to have a cheat day every week, but you don’t give in to your cravings and temptations on other days.

You’re aware that simple sugars and carbs satisfy you at the moment. Then you remind yourself that too much of anything can lead to serious repercussions.

8) You Are Open-Minded

You’re not afraid to say “I don’t know” or “I’m not well-versed in the topic, could you tell me more about it?” Not being enlightened doesn’t take a hit on your ego.

Instead, you’re more inclined to learn, ask substantial questions, and see things from different perspectives.

Did you know open-mindedness is correlated with intelligence?

Smart, sophisticated people don’t close themselves to new ideas and opportunities and are always open to other possible solutions.

This makes them more tolerant of varying views and beliefs.

9) You Are Confident

I’m a big believer in the saying, “Sometimes all you need is for someone to believe in you – even if that means yourself.”

A sophisticated person carries themselves with poise and grace because they know that they can bring so much to the table.

They’re comfortable in their own skin. They remain calm and composed despite difficult situations, and they are also receptive to feedback.

The bottom line is this:

Confidence should also be evident on the outside.

In terms of body language, if you’re aiming to become sophisticated, don’t forget to stand tall and hold your head up high. Smile. Make eye contact. Have a firm handshake. Project your voice.

And, of course, fake it ‘til you make it. Keep in mind that self-confidence is self-made.

10) You Are Self-Aware

We are naturally wired to look for attachment, connection, and validation.

Human beings are social creatures, after all.

And given the rise of the internet and social media, we start to base how enjoyable our life is based on the number of views our Instagram stories get.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with seeking validation.

But if you’re seeking approval to the point you aren’t living in the moment and it’s affecting you personally – your mood, relationships, self-esteem – it’s time to take a step back.

You need to learn how to breathe, enjoy the view, and comfortably sit in silence with no phone in hand.

11) You Are Genuine and Sincere

Sincerity seems like a luxury these days.

With a lot of our interactions happening online and behind online profiles, it’s easier to say mean things and pretend to be someone you’re not.

That’s why if you find someone genuine with themselves and honest with you, keep them.

They’re hard to come around.

Another characteristic of sophisticated people is that they give sincere compliments without a second thought. They don’t admire in silence.

They also keep their promises and don’t play around with people’s emotions.

12) You Set an Example

While a lot can be said about sophisticated people, it’s generally agreed upon that they set a standard, a good example for others to emulate.

They walk the talk. This means that aside from expressing themselves through words, they are able to lead through behavior and values.

You’ve probably heard of the quote, “You don’t need to be the smartest person in the room. You should be the most hardworking.”

So one last thing you need to ask yourself is “Do you put in the work to become better in different aspects of your life?”

If the answer is a resounding yes, I just know that you’ll reap the fruits of your hard work real soon.

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Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.

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