7 things naturally beautiful women do that set them apart from the rest, according to psychology

For many years, I’ve been intrigued by what sets naturally beautiful women apart.

You’ve likely noted them too: radiating confidence, effortless charm and an undeniable aura.

And a way of living that seems to draw people towards them like a magnet.

My name is Lachlan Brown, the founder of Hack Spirit, and a passionate enthusiast of psychology. A few years back, I found myself always observing these naturally beautiful women and wondering, “What’s their secret?”

I was an average guy, fascinated by the allure these women had. It was more than just physical beauty. There was something different about them, something that made them stand out.

And then I stumbled upon it – psychology. It was through this lens that I began to see these patterns, these 7 things they do differently.

Let’s get started.

1) Embrace authenticity

It’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to be someone else – someone we think is more attractive, more successful, or more popular. But these women have taught me that true beauty comes from being unapologetically you.

Authenticity means embracing your strengths and your weaknesses, your successes and your failures. It means being open and honest, not just with others but with yourself.

These women don’t waste their time trying to fit into someone else’s mold. They understand that each one of us is unique, and they celebrate that uniqueness in themselves and in others.

This doesn’t mean they are flawless. Like everyone else, they have their own set of imperfections and insecurities. But instead of hiding them, they accept them as part of who they are.

If you want to stand out from the rest, start by being true to yourself. Embrace your authenticity. It’s the most beautiful thing you can wear.

2) Practice positivity

Now, I’m not talking about blind optimism or ignoring life’s challenges. I’m talking about a fundamental belief that life, despite its ups and downs, is good.

In my own life, I’ve seen how a positive mindset can greatly impact the way others perceive me. When I started consciously focusing on the positive aspects of my life, people started to see me differently – more radiant, more attractive.

And this isn’t just my personal experience. Renowned psychologist Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, in her research on positivity, states that “Positivity opens us”. She explains that positive emotions help us to see more possibilities and broaden our perspective.

These naturally beautiful women understand this concept. They know that life isn’t always easy. They face struggles and setbacks like everyone else. But they also know that how they react to these challenges largely determines their experience of life.

They choose to see the good in people and situations. They focus on solutions rather than problems. They cultivate gratitude for what they have rather than focusing on what they lack.

And this positivity isn’t just infectious—it’s attractive. 

3) Cultivate resilience

The ability to bounce back from adversity, to keep going when things get tough, is incredibly attractive.

I remember a time when I faced a significant setback in my career. I was devastated, and for a while, I let that failure define me. But then I realized that the most successful people, the ones I admired, had all faced failures too. What set them apart was their ability to bounce back.

These women have taught me that it’s not about never falling down—it’s about getting up every time we do. They face failures and setbacks with grace and determination, seeing them not as insurmountable obstacles but as opportunities for growth and learning.

They take care of their mental health, knowing that it’s just as important as physical health. They seek help when they need it, and they’re not afraid to talk about their struggles.

Resilience is a trait that can be learned and cultivated. And trust me, it’s worth the effort. 

4) Prioritize self-care

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from naturally beautiful women, it’s the importance of self-care. They understand that to look good on the outside, you have to feel good on the inside.

In my own life, I found that when I started prioritizing self-care—eating healthy, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep—my confidence skyrocketed. And people noticed.

Science backs this up too. A study published in the Journal of Health Psychology found that individuals who practiced regular self-care reported higher levels of self-esteem and less psychological distress.

These women make their mental and physical health a priority. They understand that taking care of themselves is not selfish—it’s necessary.

They make time for activities they enjoy, for relaxation, for exercise. They eat foods that nourish their bodies. They make sure they get enough sleep.

And it shows. They radiate health and well-being. It’s a kind of beauty that no amount of makeup can replicate.

5) Nurture meaningful relationships

One thing I’ve observed about naturally beautiful women is the importance they place on their relationships. They understand that it’s not about the quantity but the quality of their connections.

I’ve found this to be true in my own life as well. When I started focusing on nurturing my relationships, on really being there for my friends and family, I felt happier and more fulfilled. And these positive emotions reflected on my overall demeanor, making me more attractive to others.

These women make a conscious effort to cultivate deep, meaningful relationships. They’re genuinely interested in others, they listen more than they talk, and they make people feel valued and appreciated.

They understand that while looks can attract people, it’s your personality and how you treat others that make people want to stick around.

6) Embrace continuous learning

I remember a time in my life when I felt stuck. I was in a job that didn’t challenge me, and I felt like I was just going through the motions. But then I started reading more, learning new skills, pushing myself out of my comfort zone—and it made all the difference.

Not only did it make me more interesting, but it also boosted my self-confidence. I felt like I was growing, evolving, becoming a better version of myself.

Famous psychologist Carol Dweck talks about the importance of having a “growth mindset“—the belief that we can develop our abilities through dedication and hard work.

She says, “In a growth mindset, challenges are exciting rather than threatening. So rather than thinking, oh, I’m going to reveal my weaknesses, you say, wow, here’s a chance to grow.”

These women embody this growth mindset. They’re not afraid of challenges or failures—they see them as opportunities for growth.

7) They’re not afraid to be alone

The final trait might surprise you. Naturally beautiful women are not afraid to be alone. In fact, they embrace it.

There was a time when I feared being alone, thinking it meant I was unlovable or undesirable. But then I realized that enjoying my own company didn’t mean I was lonely—it meant I was comfortable with myself.

These women understand that solitude can be empowering. It gives them time to reflect, to recharge, to get in touch with their own needs and desires. They don’t need constant company to validate their worth—they find it within themselves.

And this self-assuredness, this comfort in their own skin, is incredibly attractive.

Counterintuitive as it might seem, spending time alone can make you more attractive to others. It shows that you’re independent, self-reliant, and confident—traits that are universally appealing.


Embracing these seven traits can significantly enhance your natural beauty. But remember, the journey to becoming more attractive starts from within. It’s about self-growth, self-love, and authenticity.

Here’s my final piece of advice: Don’t strive to be attractive for others. Do it for yourself. Because when you love and accept yourself, others will too.

Start small—pick one trait from the list and focus on cultivating it. Once you’ve mastered it, move on to the next. You’ll be amazed at how these small changes can transform not just how others perceive you, but how you perceive yourself.

Remember, true beauty comes from within. So shine bright, be bold, and be unapologetically you.

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Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.

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