There are some people who are incredibly likable. You exchange a few sentences, and you’re already enthralled by them.
They have that je ne sais quoi that makes them stick out like a sore thumb from the rest of the people.
But they’re also able to do one other thing that’s fantastic: They bring out the best in others.
And how exactly do they do that, you ask? Well, you’ll need to keep on reading!
1) They share personal stories
Stories move the world. They sell products, entertain and engage, teach lessons, promote empathy, document history, inspire creativity, and educate.
People who are highly likable use relatable personal anecdotes to connect with others and illustrate points in their conversations.
Because of that, talking to them is memorable, and you keep coming back for more.
Likable people also aren’t afraid to share their own challenges and vulnerabilities to create a deeper level of trust and empathy in whoever they talk to.
2) They’re positive
If you want to be highly likable, you need to have certain traits. One of the crucial ones is definitely positivity.
Likable people have an infectious optimism that inspires others to see the silver lining in challenging situations.
Maintaining a positive outlook isn’t about ignoring problems but about focusing on solutions and opportunities.
I had a coworker who had infectious positivity. I’ve never met someone quite like him before or after.
His enthusiasm and energy were contagious, and he could turn even the gloomiest of days into something more cheerful.
He also had one of the most incredible smiles.
As we know, a smile is a universal sign of warmth and friendliness. A genuine smile signals to others you’re approachable and you have a positive attitude.
It comes as no surprise that it makes others feel comfortable in your presence. As does the following:
3) They have a great sense of humor
I’ve never met a likable person who didn’t have a great sense of humor. It doesn’t matter if they’re sarcastic, ironic, self-deprecating, etc.
A well-placed joke or a sense of humor lightens the mood and creates a more relaxed atmosphere.
Likable people use humor to connect with others, diffuse tension, break the ice, and make interactions enjoyable.
This skill is best seen at social gatherings of any kind where you can see people who are good storytellers or have a great sense of humor who are surrounded by a group of people.
They share funny travel stories, witty observations about the event, or amusing comments about common experiences, sparking laughter and conversations.
It’s no wonder they get invited to so many events and parties.
4) They’re empathetic
Okay, so positivity and humor are quite obvious traits of highly likable people. But there’s another trait that’s high up there, too. It’s empathy.
It goes beyond sympathy. It means you can recognize and share someone else’s emotions.
Likable people are skilled at putting themselves in other people’s shoes, and it brings out the best in others. They validate their feelings, give emotional support when needed, and so much more.
That makes them enjoyable to be around because they have so much compassion. But unlike other people, they’re unpretentious.
They also genuinely love doing this next thing. It’s their second nature.
5) They give compliments
Most compliments are incredibly generic. Like saying someone you like their hair.
But sincere compliments are specific and heartfelt. Likable people don’t just offer generic praise. They take the time to notice and acknowledge the unique qualities, efforts, or achievements of people around them.
Needless to say, this boosts people’s self-esteem. And when someone does that to you, of course, you’re going to love them and enjoy their company.
Especially if they’re also good at something most people suck at. Like remembering people’s names.
6) They remember names
This is (one of my) Achilles heel. I know how important it is to remember the names when meeting new people, and I typically try to remember the name of the person I just met.
But you know what, I forget their name most of the time, even though I tried every technique imaginable to not let it slip out of my brain.
But why is it so important anyway? Remembering and using someone’s name in conversation creates a personal connection.
It shows you value and respect the person, improving the quality of your exchanges.
Likable people know this better than anyone. But for most of them, it’s effortless in any case.
Their brain is hardwired differently, and they don’t have to even make a conscious effort to remember your name.
Simply put, a likable person is a people person. This means they also do this:
7) They help without expectations
So, likable people are positive, have a great sense of humor, give out sincere compliments, and remember people’s names.
But they also offer help or support without expecting anything in return. They’re driven by a genuine desire to see others succeed, promoting a culture of cooperation and goodwill.
It’s incredible to have a colleague, friend, or family member who’s like that. They push you to be better and to bring your A-game at all times because you don’t want to disappoint them.
But whereas we have a one-size-fits-all personality, they know how important it is to adjust theirs to other people.
8) They adapt to different personalities
They adapt their communication style to connect with people of diverse personalities and backgrounds.
That’s relatively easy to do when you pay close attention to what others are saying. And let’s face it, many people lack this important ability because they have shortened attention spans.
But, as I was saying, actively listening and paying attention helps them understand people’s perspectives and values.
Whether it’s with a reserved introvert or an outgoing extrovert, likable people make connections that feel comfortable and genuine.
9) They lead by example
Above all else, likable people walk the walk. They’re an example for others and how they should behave.
Imagine you have a friend or a coworker who is really liked by everyone. They don’t just talk about how things should be done. They actually do those things themselves.
For example, if they see something needs to be done, they go and do it. They don’t just say, “You should do this,” or “You should work harder.”
They work hard themselves.
So, when they lead by example, it means they set a good example for others by doing the right things themselves.
When people see them doing these good things, they’re more likely to follow their lead and do those good things, too.
That’s why people like and respect them.
10) They celebrate other people’s wins
Instead of feeling envious, endearing people also genuinely celebrate the achievements and successes of their friends, colleagues, and acquaintances.
But unlike most people, they acknowledge and celebrate even small victories and milestones.
I don’t have to tell you how much it helps in creating a positive atmosphere of progress and achievement.
Final thoughts
Do you think you’re a likable person? Do you bring out the best in people around you? If not, what’s stopping you?
Could you take a page out of the book of likable people and try doing the things they regularly do and adopting habits that make them so pleasant?
Simply being more self-aware of how you act around others and implementing a couple of ideas from this article will give you a likability boost for sure.