Text Chemistry Review (2023): Is It Worth It? My Verdict

How do you develop “chemistry” when you text a guy?

It’s a problem that stumps a lot of women.

Texting is crucial in all stages of a relationship it helps keep things flirty, interesting, and fun.

Text Chemistry, by best-selling author and relationship coach Amy North, teaches women how to keep men interested in them via text messages.

In my epic Text Chemistry review, you’ll learn everything you need to know about the program, including whether it’s worth it for you.

What does a 32-year old man who writes about dating and relationships for a living think about Text Chemistry?

Read on to find out.

Note: There are a few different versions of Text Chemistry out there. To be clear, this link takes you to the official one. It’s the version I read and am reviewing here.

What is Text Chemistry?

Text Chemistry is a popular dating program designed by dating and relationship coach, Amy North.

The program consists of a main eBook, a 13-video series, as well as 3 bonus eBooks.

I think the 13-video series is a particularly good addition to the program. They provide a summary of the information in the main book but in a way that really reinforces the main points.

Overall, Text Chemistry is designed to capture a man’s attention and make him want more of you. Amy North does this by teaching you how to create ‘sexual chemistry’ through the text messages you send your guy.

The simple truth is that many women (and men) don’t know how to communicate in the digital world when it comes to flirting and dating.

We often feel paralyzed, stuck and shy. We don’t have the self-esteem or confidence to text the opposite sex successfully.

Text Chemistry completely changes the game for so many women.

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Who is Text Chemistry for?

Text Chemistry can help women who want to communicate better with men. In saying that, I think it’s most suitable for women who want to:

  • Flirt with a guy with the intention of turning him into your boyfriend
  • Make sure your boyfriend sees you as funny, interesting, and a “keeper.”
  • Turn things around with a boyfriend (or husband) who seems to be pulling away and losing interest
  • Rekindle things with an ex and get him chasing you again.

The women who won’t benefit as much from Text Chemistry are those who are in a happy relationship.

If things are already fun and exciting, the texts you’ll learn from Amy North probably may be fun to use on him, but they won’t be essential.

Why I’m writing this review

You may be wondering, why is a guy writing a review of Text Chemistry?

I don’t think there’s anything wrong in reading a dating program designed for the opposite sex. I’ve always been interested in how women think and operate.

My website Hack Spirit has also become one of the leading relationships and practical self-improvement blogs on the internet. I need to offer my readers diverse perspectives on these things.

I believe that Text Chemistry contains some powerful techniques for women who are trying to survive out in the dating jungle.

And for any man reading the book, it brings up some incredibly valid points about the ‘inner workings’ of our gender.

Who is Amy North?

Amy North (pictured above) is a Canadian dating coach based in Vancouver. She is also a popular YouTuber and best-selling author.

Her mission in life is to help women “keep” the man of their dreams which isn’t always easy to achieve.

Amy’s online dating programs Text Chemistry and The Devotion System have sold approximately 100,000 copies worldwide.

She holds a degree in social psychology and offers one-on-one sessions in dating and breakup coaching to her ever-growing clientele.

Last time I checked her YouTube channel had over 540k subscribers and 140 videos offering practical advice.

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What you get with Text Chemistry

Text Chemistry is based on the early research Amy North conducted when she was studying psychology at university. Then she honed this research in her career as a dating coach where she saw first-hand how couples would text each other.

To get to the heart of what Text Chemistry is all about, I have a question for you:

How good are you at grabbing a man’s attention?

With so many distractions in the modern world, and other women around, it’s not easy to get a man’s attention.

Because this is what Text Chemistry is all about.

Amy North wants to help you capture a man’s attention. So that he’s thinking about you and only you.

Text Chemistry will help you do this through what Amy calls “attention hooks”.

These attention hooks are the same triggers that Hollywood screenwriters use to draw audiences into their movies and keep them watching the entire show.

Have you ever been so hooked on a TV show you couldn’t stop watching?

Something at the end of each episode made you click “Watch Next Episode” again and again. Almost as if you couldn’t help yourself.

Amy North has taken these exact Hollywood techniques and adapted them for texting men.

Text messages with attention hooks are so powerful because they tap directly into the focus system of a man’s brain. Without even realizing it, he’ll start thinking about you and paying attention to you. Even if he’s miles away or you haven’t spoken in a while.

Amy provides you with situational-appropriate texts so that you can deploy them in any stage of your relationship from the flirty stage at the beginning to keeping your long-term relationship exciting.

A closer look at the text messages

Here’s why Text Chemistry becomes such a practical guide.

Amy North reveals the exact text messages to send to your guy that are almost guaranteed to get an instantaneous response.

She also instructs women on the ‘hows’ and ‘whens’ to use these text messages in every situation you can encounter with a guy.

So no matter your relationship status, Text Chemistry gives you all the texts you need to succeed with your guy, including when to use them.

Some of the texting scenarios covered in the book include:

  • What to send when men ignore your texts
  • When you’ve broken up with your ex and you want him back
  • If you’re feeling that the relationship has become boring and stagnant
  • When you want be be seductive and pull an “Anastasia Steele” on your OWN Christian Grey
  • When you’re after commitment and want him to lock you down
  • If you’re currently apart from your partner and you want to send him text messages to make him crave your presence
  • Seemingly silly text messages that will make him want you
  • Communicating with a guy on the phone, including shaping the conversation so that he’s always interested in talking to you.
  • When you’re concerned that your boyfriend, fiance or husband will cheat on you, abandon you or grow bored of you.

Have you ever received a text message from a guy and wondered what the hell he is on about?

Amy North also provides a cheat sheet for decoding what a man is on about when you receive a confusing text so you don’t need to bang your head against a wall.

What about the bonuses?

The Text Chemistry package includes the main eBook guide and 13 videos. Additionally, there are also 3 bonus eBooks that are absolutely free.

Here’s a brief overview of these bonus books:

The Phone Game eBook

You know when you talk to a guy on the phone and you can tell he is literally hanging on every word you say? Amy North’s first bonus eBook takes a look into the science behind what men can’t resist when it comes to talking with a woman.

Why Men Leave eBook

Have you ever wondered why men leave really beautiful women? And walk out of perfectly decent relationships?

The truth may surprise you.

This eBook will educate you on the real reasons men bail and how you can prevent it happening to you in the near future. Women need to arm themselves psychologically to keep their partners always interested in them.

Quality Men on Tinder eBook

Wait a second…what? There are ‘quality’ men on Tinder?

Yes, you did read that correctly.

In this fascinating little eBook, Amy North teaches women how to set up their Tinder profile (including photo and bio) to ONLY attract the best men out there.

No more having to deal with douchebags. For single women, this eBook may be the most helpful added bonus of the lot.

How much does Text Chemistry cost?

Text Chemistry costs $49.95.

This isn’t pocket change. However, I can understand the price tag considering how much work Amy North has put into this program. You effectively get 4 eBooks and a 13-part video series.

Most importantly, you get everything you need to text your guy with confidence throughout any stage of a relationship.

<<Click Here to Visit the Official Text Chemistry Website>>

What I liked about Text Chemistry

This will work

As a guy I know how good the psychology behind these text messages are. The texts are clever (and at times cheeky) and they would work extremely well on me.

Amy is an expert in male psychology and the text messages she reveals show this.

Given that we’re all spending more time at home because of coronavirus, text messaging is more important than ever.

If you need to lift your texting game, I think Text Chemistry will help you do this.

Gain confidence

Information is power. It’s an old cliche, but I think appropriate for a dating guide such as this one.

Text Chemistry is comprehensive and very practical Amy North provides you the exact texts you need and the context in which to use them. Therefore, you’ll be armed with all you need to successfully capture a guy’s attention.

Many women find it difficult to maintain a man’s attention over text. Men can struggle with women too, but generally men are easier to distract. We tend to like shiny new objects and, yes, shiny new women too.

Here, you won’t come across as ‘clingy’ or ‘needy’. You’ll come across as confident and playful and you’ll demand respect from him.

I actually haven’t come across a dating guide as practical as this one.

Value for money

Text Chemistry costs $49.95.

Given that you effectively get 4 eBooks and a 13-part video series, I think this is good value for money.

Money back guarantee

Within 60 days with this product if the man in your life isn’t responding to you like he should, then you can get a FULL refund.

No questions asked. No hoops to jump through. Just send Amy North an email at her contact page.

What I didn’t like about it

My Text Chemistry review wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t reveal the things that weren’t so good about this dating guide.

The language

Text Chemistry ticks a lot of boxes but one con I want to highlight is the style of the language.

The writing feels quite sugary which may not appeal to every woman. I understand that Amy tries to make everything fun as well as informative (as any dating book should be), but I still felt the language used could’ve been a bit more down to earth.

Is a bit of manipulation okay?

There’s no doubt in my mind that Amy North’s texts will work on most men.

I guess that’s the whole point. To put “a win” on the board for the girls and I totally get that.

But looking at the other side of the coin and attempting to be completely objective. Is there a less calculated way to draw men to you?

It seems we’ve reached a point where interactions between the genders have to be somewhat premeditated.

Not really a rant. Just an observation.

eBook only (no hardcovers)

This program is entirely digital and downloadable, so if you don’t have access to the internet or prefer to read physical books, this program will be unavailable to you. This means a small percentage of would-be buyers will miss out.

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What are the alternatives to Text Chemistry?

Text Chemistry is a popular program, but there are some alternatives you might want to consider before deciding on it.

Here are 3 of them:

His Secret Obsession vs. Text Chemistry

His Secret Obsession was written by James Bauer, a best-selling author and relationship coach. It focuses on tapping into certain biological instincts in men, specifically the hero instinct.

Although tapping into a man’s hero instinct doesn’t happen overnight, it can be a very effective way to draw him closer to you and make him commit fully to you.

His Secret Obsession has 17 chapters and costs $47.

Text Chemistry is more targeted towards building and nourishing your relationship through text messaging. So, if you feel this will be more practical to you at this point in your relationship, I’d say go for it.

One option would be to start with His Secret Obsession first and then follow it up with Text Chemistry. Establishing good chemistry is important, and as Sun Tzu said, if “you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”

For more details, read my complete His Secret Obsession review here.

The Devotion System vs. Text Chemistry

Of course, we can’t talk about Text Chemistry without Amy North’s other relationship program, The Devotion System.

The Devotion System comes in 3 parts:

  • The first part helps you overcome your self-doubts and emotional baggage you may be lugging around from your past relationships.
  • The second part dives into what men really want from women.
  • The third part has specific tips and techniques to guarantee his love and devotion.

When you purchase the program at $48.25, you don’t only get the main eBook. You also get 3 more bonus ones, a 3-part adaptive quiz system, and a 13-part video training series.

Self-reflection is always good, and you want to prepare yourself for the man of your dreams before anything else. That’s what The Devotion System can do for you.

Read my complete review on The Devotion System here if you want to take a closer look.

Make Him Worship You vs. Text Chemistry

Relationship and sexual psychology expert, Michael Fiore, designed the 6-module program called Make Him Worship You.

Make Him Worship You talks about how men, in general, are misunderstood because of the pressures to play certain roles in the eyes of society. 

It only $37, and includes worksheets and tutorials that you can work with throughout the program.

Make Him Worship You was written by a man from the male perspective, and therefore gives you a really good insight on how men are perceived compared to how they really are (and what makes them tick).   

Check out my Make Him Worship You review here.

Are there any free alternatives to buying this program?

While Text Chemistry contains all the information (and specific text messages) you need to win over your man, at $49.95 it’s not exactly cheap.

Are there any free alternatives that stack up well against Text Chemistry?

Yes and no.

Amy North actually has an advice section on her website and a YouTube channel where she dispenses some really valuable advice.

Psychology Today is a popular website that offers curated content written by medical practitioners on how people generally think and behave. Check out their dedicated section on relationships here. 

Of course, my own website Hack Spirit also has tons of useful content, including this article on what men want to here in a text and this one on the signs a guy likes you through text.

However, for the simple convenience of having everything you need to know about texting a guy in the one program, it’s hard to find any free resources like Text Chemistry.

FAQs about Text Chemistry

Here are the main questions being asked online about Text Chemistry and these are my answers to them.

Does Text chemistry work?

Yes, Text Chemistry is the real deal. Thousands of women have bought the book and the feedback is overwhelmingly positive. After reading the book myself I know that the material is insightful and very practical. It will help you generate chemistry with your guy over text.

How much does Text Chemistry cost?

Text Chemistry is a one-time payment of $49.95. No hidden extras or suspicious charges to your credit card. Included is 4 eBooks and a 13-part video series.

Can you have chemistry over text?

Of course. And you have to have chemistry over text. We’re all spending more time at home now because of the lockdown and texting is the only way to keep a romance alive. You have to be fun, flirty and, most of all, generate chemistry when you text.

What is the e glow text?

Would you like your man’s brain to be hardwired to only you? Then the e glow text can help. This text will help you “hardwire” your man's brains to adore you no matter how difficult things are between the two of you.

What is the tantalizing seduction text?

Wanna pull an “Anastasia Steele” on your OWN Christian Grey? Then use this text on him and very soon he will be sexually fantasizing about your body.

Is Text Chemistry a scam?

No. Text Chemistry is a book by respected relationship coach Amy North. It is the culmination of years of study and her real-world experience as a coach. The book has helped countless women with their relationships.

Final verdict: Is Text Chemistry worth it?

As a guy, I’m really glad I had the opportunity to explore this dating program by Amy North.

A lot of valuable insights can be derived from it — for both sexes.

I only ever recommend books that tick two boxes for me:

  • It needs to teach me new things.
  • And it needs to be VERY practical. There’s no point in gathering a new perspective on something if you can’t apply it to everyday life.

Text Chemistry delivers for women on both fronts.

I learned a lot about relationship psychology and I believe women will be much better equipped to text their guy and keep him interested after reading this book.

I feel that Amy North has a great understanding of how men work, and she essentially wants to give women the right tools to tackle dating confidently.

With the help of Text Chemistry, women will be able to do this.

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Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.

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