7 subtle signs someone dislikes you (even if they act friendly to your face)

Ever heard the saying, “Actions speak louder than words?” It’s a classic for a reason.

You might think you’re great at reading people. But let’s face it, we’ve all been fooled by someone’s friendly facade, only to find out later they were anything but.

Here’s the harsh truth.

It’s not always easy to tell when someone isn’t a fan of yours, especially if they’re good at hiding it. But don’t worry—I’m here to help you spot those subtle signs that someone might not be your biggest fan, even if they’re all smiles when you’re around.

Why is this important?

Well, understanding the hidden signals can save you from a lot of unnecessary heartaches and confusion. Plus, it keeps you one step ahead in the game of social dynamics.

So, here’s to busting the misconception that a friendly face always equals a friend. Tune in for some unexpected signs that someone may not like you as much as you think they do.

Remember, knowledge is power. And the more you know about human behavior, the better prepared you are to navigate the complex world of relationships.

1) Overly polite, but lacks warmth

Ever noticed how some people can be super polite but still make you feel like you’re standing in the Arctic?

Here’s the thing about that.

Politeness is a social norm, and it’s easy to follow. But warmth? That comes from genuine feelings of liking and respect for the other person.

If someone is always cordial but never seems to show any real warmth or interest in you, it might be a subtle sign they’re not your biggest fan. They’re following the social script, but their heart isn’t in it.

Mind you, this isn’t about expecting everyone to be your best friend. But a lack of warmth from someone who’s always around you can be a red flag worth noting.

Remember, it’s not just about what they say—it’s also about how they say it.

2) They’re never the first to reach out

Ever been in a friendship where you always seem to be the one initiating contact? I have, and let me tell you, it’s draining.

There was this one time I made a new friend—or so I thought. We hit it off at a party and had a great time chatting about everything from movies to travel. But after the party, I realized something.

I was always the one sending the first text, suggesting we hang out, or even just checking in to see how they were doing. And sure, they would respond, but they never initiated the conversation.

It made me feel like I was putting in all the effort while they were just along for the ride.

Here’s what I learned from that.

If someone never reaches out first, it could be a sign they’re not as invested in the relationship as you are. It doesn’t necessarily mean they dislike you, but it’s definitely a red flag that shouldn’t be ignored.

After all, friendship is a two-way street. If you’re doing all the work, it’s time to pause and reconsider whether this is a relationship worth pursuing.

3) They seem distracted when you’re talking

Now here’s something that can sting a bit.

Imagine this: you’re in the middle of a story, or sharing something you’re passionate about, and you notice they’re not really listening. Their eyes are wandering, they’re checking their phone, or worse, they’re yawning.


It’s like a slap in the face, isn’t it?

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I mean, we all have our off days or moments when our mind wanders. But if this is a consistent pattern, it might be more than just an innocent lack of focus.

If they can’t be bothered to give you their full attention when you’re speaking, it might be a sign they don’t value your thoughts or what you have to say.

And that’s not just disrespectful—it can also indicate they just aren’t into you as a person.

So next time you catch someone constantly glancing at their watch or phone while you’re talking, take note. It could be one of those subtle signs they don’t like you as much as their smile might suggest.

4) They avoid personal conversations

Ever tried to have a heart-to-heart with someone only to have them change the topic or give vague, non-committal replies?

If someone consistently steers clear of personal conversations, it might be a sign that they don’t want to deepen the relationship.

Now, I’m not saying everyone has to spill their deepest secrets to show they like you. But sharing personal stories, thoughts, and feelings is a natural part of building a connection with someone.

If they’re always keeping things on a surface level despite your attempts to dig deeper, it could be because they’re not interested in getting to know you better.

And while it’s possible they’re just reserved or private, if this behavior is consistent, it’s worth considering that they might not be as fond of you as you thought.

5) They’re seldom happy for your victories

Did you know that genuine smiles involve not just the mouth, but the muscles around the eyes as well? It’s one of those fascinating little tidbits about human behavior.

Now, think about the last time you shared some good news with this person. Did their smile reach their eyes? Or did it seem a little forced, a little too quick to fade?

Someone who likes you will be genuinely happy for your successes and achievements. They’ll celebrate with you, cheer you on, and their happiness will be evident in their reactions.

But if they’re always downplaying your victories, giving lukewarm responses, or changing the subject quickly, it might be a sign they’re not genuinely happy for you.

That’s not just a sign of jealousy—it could also indicate they don’t like you as much as they pretend to. After all, it’s hard to be truly happy for someone you don’t like, no matter how good an actor you are.

6) They don’t include you in their plans

We’ve all been there, right? It’s the weekend, you’re scrolling through social media, and there it is—a group photo of your friends, having fun without you.

It feels lousy. Like you’re on the outside looking in.

But here’s what I want you to remember: your worth is not defined by whether or not someone includes you in their plans.

However, in the context of our discussion, if a person consistently excludes you from their social events or gatherings, it could be an indication they don’t enjoy your company as much as they let on.

Now, this doesn’t mean you should jump to conclusions at the first sign of being left out. But if it’s a consistent pattern, it could be a subtle sign they’re not as fond of you as they appear to be.

Remember, true friends make an effort to include you because they genuinely enjoy your company. You deserve to be around people who value and appreciate you for who you are.

7) They’re often dismissive of your feelings

Here’s the bottom line: any relationship—be it friendship, romance, or even a professional connection—is built on respect. And a key part of that respect is acknowledging and validating each other’s feelings.

If someone dismisses your feelings, makes light of your concerns, or consistently invalidates your emotions, it’s not just a red flag—it’s a flashing neon sign.

Someone who likes and respects you will take your feelings into account, even if they don’t fully understand them.

So if you find that someone is constantly dismissive of how you feel, it might be the clearest sign yet that they don’t like you as much as they pretend to. And honestly? You deserve better.

Final thoughts

Navigating social relationships can feel like walking through a maze blindfolded. It’s complex, tricky, and sometimes downright confusing.

If you’re seeing these signs in someone, it doesn’t automatically mean they dislike you. Remember, we all have our off days. 

But consistent patterns are worth paying attention to.

Here’s the most important thing: Don’t let this shake your self-worth.

Your value isn’t measured by how much someone else likes or dislikes you. It’s defined by how you see yourself.

So take these signs as cues, not as conclusions. Use them to inform your interactions, but don’t let them define your relationships.

And perhaps the best advice I can give? Trust your gut. More often than not, it knows what’s up even when your heart and mind are playing catch-up.

Remember, life is too short to spend time worrying about people who don’t genuinely enjoy your company. Surround yourself with those who appreciate and celebrate you for who you are.

After all, as the saying goes, “Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”

Eliza Hartley

Eliza Hartley, a London-based writer, is passionate about helping others discover the power of self-improvement. Her approach combines everyday wisdom with practical strategies, shaped by her own journey overcoming personal challenges. Eliza's articles resonate with those seeking to navigate life's complexities with grace and strength.

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