10 subtle signs a woman genuinely looks forward to spending time with you, according to psychology

Dating isn’t easy! Few people are totally, 100% upfront about how they’re feeling, especially in the early days.

Most people don’t even realize they’re doing this. They’re simply working out how they feel and aren’t at the point of sharing it with you yet.

While others intentionally don’t open up too much too early to protect themselves in the event you might not like them back…

Yet if a woman wants to see you again and she’s actually looking forward to spending time with you, there will be subtle signs. She might not say it outright, but her behavior can do all the talking!

Let’s take a look at the 10 subtle signs she’s looking forward to seeing you.

1) She makes time for you, even when she’s busy

We can always find time for the things we truly want to do. And, of course, time for people we can’t wait to see! Everyone gets busy in life sometimes and there are always fully booked weekends or jam-packed workdays that leave you unable to text or schedule time to meet up.

But even when you’re busy, you’ll still manage to make some time for the things you really want to do and people you really want to see. When you’re dating someone, it’s no different!

She might be busy during the workday, but she’ll make time for you in the evenings. Or she might be busy this weekend, but next week, she’s all yours! Either way, when a woman actually wants to see you and looks forward to it, she’ll make time.

2) She always answers your calls and texts

OK, OK, some people just don’t like phone calls – especially when they’re interested in you romantically!

But even so, when a woman genuinely likes you, she’s going to put any nerves about phone calls aside and talk to you. Even if she doesn’t answer your calls, she’ll definitely message you as soon as she can.

You’ll also never catch her ghosting your texts. If she actually wants to see you again, she’s always going to reply to you – and promptly! In fact, she’ll probably even look forward to your messages and replies…

3) She asks when she’s seeing you again

At the end of the date or even during the date, she’ll either 1) ask when she’s seeing you again, 2) drop hints about wanting to see you again, or 3) agree to another date with you – and on an actual date in the calendar.

If she doesn’t do any of the first two, don’t assume she isn’t excited to see you again! Some women might be a little more reserved on this, preferring to wait for you to ask her out again (so she can respond with an immediate YES).

4) She tells you things she’d like to do with you

When you’re out together or even just texting, she’ll “drop hints” about things she’d like to do with you. She might not realize she’s dropping hints, of course. But she is!

The reason she’s talking this way, saying things like, “We should go there together!” or “I’d love to do that with you one day”, is because she’s thinking about spending time with you. And – you guessed it – she’s actually looking forward to it!

When you don’t want to see someone again, or even enjoy their company, you aren’t going to say things like this. You aren’t even going to be thinking about it!

5) She offers to reschedule when she can’t make a date

Say you invite her out on Tuesday. She can’t make Tuesday. At least, that’s what she tells you. Some people say they can’t make it when actually, they don’t want to.

They’re just avoiding telling the truth because 1) they don’t like confrontation, 2) they don’t want to upset you by being honest, or 3) they’re scared of making the wrong choice by declining.

But when a woman is genuinely looking forward to seeing you again, she won’t say, “Sorry, can’t Tuesday!” without another word. She’ll say she can’t make it and offer another day she CAN do, like Monday, Wednesday, or Friday…

Basically, she won’t decline and leave you wondering if you should offer another day or even if you should ever ask again…

6) She says she’s looking forward to it

I know what you’re thinking. She might just be acting polite by saying, “Can’t wait!” or “Looking forward to it” when you next schedule a date. And sure, she might be.

But this probably isn’t the case. Chances are, if she says she’s looking forward to seeing you, she’s probably looking forward to seeing you. She might not be jumping around her bedroom in excitement over it…But she probably feels good about the fact that you have plans again.

Otherwise, she probably won’t say it. There’s no need! She could instead say, “See you then!” or “Sounds great”.

7) She engages in two-way conversations

I’m sure we’ve all experienced a one-way conversation before. We ask a question, the other person answers it. We ask another, they answer it. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat…

It might happen over text or in person, but either way, it happens! Unfortunately, conversations like this aren’t really a good sign.

Experts say conversations like these usually stem from 1) a complete lack of self-awareness, 2) self-involved behavior, and 3) a general lack of interest in the conversation…

Of course, it could be a simple case of negligence or self-centeredness for why the conversations are one-sided on your dates or texts. But it could also be from a lack of interest in what the other person has to say.

When a woman is genuinely interested in your company and actually looks forward to seeing you again, she isn’t going to do things like this – not out of negligence or a lack of interest!

She’ll be fully present in your conversations and things will flow like a tennis match, with back and forth questions throughout….

8) She’s consistent in her communication

This is an important one! When a woman genuinely looks forward to seeing you again – and even simply enjoys your company – she isn’t going to disappear off the face of the Earth every couple of days.

You won’t be messaging one day and then not hear from her for a week or two before she finally responds. No way!

When a woman is genuinely excited about spending time with you, she’ll be consistent in how often she talks to you. That doesn’t mean she’ll message you 24/7 or call you all the time.

It just means she’s there, chatting to you from one day to the next. If she’s busy or at work, you’ll know she’s busy and she’ll message when she can. You won’t be sat wondering where she is or even if you’ll ever hear from her again…

9) She messages you first

In the first couple of weeks or even months, some women are hesitant about messaging first. They’d prefer to let the guy show their interest, rather than put everything on the line and message them first.

That doesn’t mean she isn’t excited to see you again. It might just mean she wants you to take the lead!

That being said, she might message you first – and fairly often – when she’s excited to see you again. If she’s awake before you, she might reach out.

Or if she wants to ask you something, she might call you to ask it. If she wants to see you again, she might outright ask when you’re next free!

This is definitely a sign that she’s interested in talking to you and probably excited about chatting with you, too. Otherwise, why would she bother…?

10) She says she’s thinking about you

She might drop into conversation that she was thinking about something you said earlier in the week. Or she might just tell you that she’s wondering what you’re up to or how your big meeting went at work…

Basically, she’s thinking about you – and she lets you know it! When she’s nonchalant about seeing you again, rather than excited, she probably won’t be thinking about your upcoming date all that much.

She probably won’t really be thinking about you that much, either, let alone the things you’ve said before.

This could just be because it’s too soon for her to know if she’s into you just yet. Or because she’s holding back to protect herself. So, maybe don’t use this one as the deciding factor alone for whether she’s excited to see you again!

Final thoughts

These are absolutely signs that she wants to spend time with you and is genuinely looking forward to it!

But if you don’t notice these signs, maybe don’t panic just yet. We said earlier that some people hold back, especially when they’re unsure about how you feel.

So if you really want to know how she feels, maybe just ask? Or tell her how you feel and see what she offers in response! What’s the worst that can happen, after all?

Amy Reed

Amy Reed is a content writer from London working with international brands. As an empath, she loves sharing her life insights to help others. When she’s not writing, she enjoys a simple life of reading, gardening, and making a fuss over her two cats.

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