8 signs you’re a more profound thinker than most people around you

Thinking deeply is something that comes naturally to those who just do it.

It’s a trait often associated with introverts or highly sensitive people (also known as HSPs).

And it’s not something we think about as being “unique”. Until we realize that not everyone has the same thoughts or tendencies as we do.

It’s like watching a movie and making a comment – but no one understands how you got that message from what was said or how you figured out the plot twist.

That’s a little what life is like when you’re a deep thinker. And being a deep thinker is actually a rare trait to have.

Think you might be a more profound thinker than most people around you? Here are the 8 classic signs.

1) Movies and TV shows impact you deeply

Most people can watch movies or binge TV shows – and then completely get on with their days.

But when you’re a deep thinker, what you watch stays with you way after the credits roll.

The crueler or more violent the story is, the worse it’ll be for you. It may keep you up at night or even wake you up at night.

Or it may just run over and over in your head for weeks, months, and sometimes even years afterward (when it pops into your mind, at least).

Because of this, you’re pretty careful about what you consume. Watching the news is only something you’ll do when you have the brain capacity for it.

And certain movies or TV shows are just a no-go for you (for me, it’s Gray’s Anatomy). Because all they’ll do is play on your mind while you ruminate the details to work everything out!

2) You’re always having “ah-ha!” moments

When you’re a deep thinker, you’re constantly thinking back to interactions you’ve had in the past.

Sometimes it’s things that didn’t make sense to you. While other times, it’s just normal conversations that didn’t really have any significance.

And when you’ve been mulling something over for a while, eventually you’ll figure it out.

You could just be walking along the street or falling asleep at night – and you’ll be like, “Ah-ha! So that’s what that was all about!”.

I did this recently. I was chatting to a guy on a dating app years ago. He made a joke about something, and I didn’t get it. When I asked him about it, he ghosted me.

It was a totally insignificant interaction. But every now and then, the joke would pop into my head and I’d try to figure out what he meant.

It was years later that something clicked. I was walking to Starbucks and the joke popped into my head again – and I totally got it!

If I hadn’t been in a relationship, I might have even messaged the guy to be like, “I finally get it now!”. But of course, that would’ve been very strange.

Because not everyone is as introspective or thinks that deeply about things.

3) You journal regularly

When you’re a deep thinker, you don’t just rely on your memory or your brain to work things out for you.

Journaling is a routine thing for you – and not because it’s the new “craze” or because someone told you to do it.

It’s something you find deeply relaxing and therapeutic.

For you, journaling is a way to process your thoughts, feelings, plans, ideas, and even your actions (past and present).

4) People often say you’re an overthinker

Naturally, when you’re a deep thinker, you tend to overthink things. Because you think about things so deeply, people who know you describe you as an overthinker.

You’re always hearing friends say, “You’re overthinking it” or “You’re thinking too much about it again!”.

Sure, sometimes you probably are overthinking it. But sometimes you aren’t.

Because there are benefits to being an “overthinker” – something that many people (who aren’t profound thinkers like you) don’t understand.

Like how analytical, observant, understanding, and empathetic it makes you.

But the trick is knowing where and when to stop. Overthinking can quickly become unhealthy rather than helpful.

Something that helped me stop overthinking was the tools I learned from the shaman, Rudá Landé.

Rather than tell you how you should think, Rudá puts the focus solely on you. Essentially, he puts you back in the driver’s seat of your overthinking mind.

Click here to watch the free video and start regaining control of your deep-thinking mind.

5) You have a love-hate relationship with being spontaneous

Because you’re a deep thinker, you’re the friend who always likes to have a plan.

If someone starts organizing an event in the group chat, you’re the first to hit back with more messages to plan out the details.

For you, spontaneous plans can be great and exciting. But because you can’t help but think about things, they can also be a little anxiety-inducing for you.

Because what time will you be meeting? What will you pack? What clothes are you going to need? How will you get there? Where will you park? Who else will be going? What impact will it have on everyone else around you?

Etc., etc., etc.

It’s a lot for your brain to think about (and find the answers to) in a short space of time.

So while you’re not against the idea of your partner messaging you to meet them in the city last minute – or your friend’s booking a weekend away in two days’ time – it’s just something you have a love-hate relationship with.

6) You struggle under pressure

Similar to the above point, because you like to think things through, being under pressure can rattle you to your core.

It’s something you struggle with, and while you can work under pressure, you certainly don’t work well in it.

For you, the ideal way to live is with enough time to sort everything out in your head.

When timing is tight, you feel like you have to rush through things. And it makes you feel like you’ve missed something (or are about to) and that something will go wrong.

7) You need alone time to function properly

When you’re a deep thinker, alone time isn’t just something you enjoy when having a bath on a Sunday evening.

It’s a necessity. You have to have alone time if you want to get through each day without going insane.

Because your brain is so active and wired to think, think, think – being around other people all the time can lead to overstimulation.

You like to work through everything and have quiet time to mull over your day. When you can’t do that, you don’t feel like you’ve experienced things properly.

You know that feeling you get when you leave the house and feel like you’ve forgotten something, but don’t know what?

That’s how you feel when you’ve gone several days without any alone time.

When you’re more of a thinker than most people you know, you’re probably an introvert, too. Which means you gain energy from being alone, rather than with others.

8) You get labeled “shy” or “quiet” sometimes

When you’re a deep thinker, chances are you’re never the loudest person in the room.

In a group of people or at a dinner party, rarely will you be the person making all the conversation, cracking jokes, or shouting over people to get your story heard.

Instead, you’ll be listening and observing most of the time.

Sure, you’ll contribute sometimes and engage in various side-by-side chats with the people around you.

But people chattering gives you a lot to digest and think about. So people may often label you as “shy” or “quiet” – even though you’re actually just thinking before you speak!

Final thoughts

There’s nothing wrong with being a person who thinks deeply about things.

When you have a tendency to look inward, you’re often a more empathetic person (leading to better relationships) and a better critical thinker.

You’re also more likely to find true contentment and “success” in life – as you’re always engaging in self-reflection to uncover your true purpose.

But, at the same time, there are some downsides. Being so different from everyone else can make you feel lonely and misunderstood.

Having to think about everything so carefully before doing it – even when speaking in a group setting – can mean you miss out on saying anything at all.

Plus, there’s a fine line between thinking deeply and overthinking – and it’s one you can struggle with – often teetering on the edge.

What truly helped me on my path to understanding my mind was something I learned from the shaman, Rudá Landé.

With over 30 years of experience in the field, he’s seen and experienced it all – a fact that’s very clear to me in his masterclass on freeing your mind.

Unlike many other gurus preaching their own views on how you should live your life, his practices focus on finding empowerment from within.

Click here to watch the free video and regain control of your overthinking mind.

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