15 signs you’re doing well in life even if you don’t think so

Life has this knack of kicking you when you’re already down; sometimes it even likes to follow that up by running you over with an eight-wheeler.

We’ve all been through periods of our life that just felt like it was the end of the world, beyond the brink of what we could emotionally and mentally withstand.

But these failures and knockdowns are a part of life, even if we don’t want to accept that.

It was Winston Churchill who said, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”

Because in the ashes of every setback and failure lie the seeds that will sprout new opportunities and paths.

Sometimes it can just be a little hard to see the bright side of terrible situations.

Here are 15 signs that you are doing well in life even if you don’t think so:

1) You’re Not Hungry

Food is one of those things that we take for granted, that we forget that many people around the world are starving.

The next time you sit down for a nice meal, take the time to savor every bite.

Enjoy it and find the happiness in the simplicity of a delicious meal, everything from the first bite to the last.

2) You Have a Passion to Improve

Even if you don’t believe it, it’s true. How do we know? Because you are sad and down.

The reason why you are so down is that you believe that you haven’t achieved what you wanted to achieve.

This means that you want to be better, and you have a desire to get back out there. It may not be now, but someday soon you will be even better than you once were.

3) You Are Still Alive to Learn

Defeats and failures suck. They can sap all the life and energy out of you and keep you out of the game for months, and sometimes years, if you let your grief thrive.

But remember this: whatever happened to you, it wasn’t bad enough to kill you.

And that means you can change. You can learn from this experience, and move forward.

Continue to build off of that experience and create a better version of yourself that this time has the power to succeed.

4) You Are Free to Choose

When you’re feeling down and out, it’s important to keep in mind that you have the freedom to sit back and let defeat overwhelm you for the rest of your life, or the freedom to deny it that satisfaction and get back up and start again.

So what will it be?

5) You Have Clean Water

It’s such a basic necessity, such a simple component of life; so much so that we can’t understate the utter importance of this.

As unthinkable as it may be, clean water is not a universal freedom that everyone can say they have.

Be happy that you have clean water whenever you want, and that you can focus your mind on things other than where your next drink will come from.

6) Your Happiness Is Your Own

No one can deny you your own happiness.

Every thought, word, and action that comes from you is yours to dictate, and you can choose to focus on being happy.

All it takes is your own willpower and desire to be happy; nothing is stopping you from finding that old smile.

7) You Can Forgive

Imagine if we lived in a society where we weren’t allowed to forgive.

Where we couldn’t absolve people of the pain of regret, and where the mistakes that we make could last a lifetime.

Forgiveness is one of the best things we can do, because we can release people from pain by simply saying, “It’s okay.” Relish in your ability to do so.

8) You Can Find Friends All Around the World

As much as they say that we have become more anti-social because of the Internet, it may actually be the other way around, if you play your cards right.

The Internet is the greatest tool for making friends that humanity has ever had; with just a few clicks, you can make friends from all around the world.

Not only can you experience friendship like never before, but you can enjoy other cultures in a way that has never been possible.

9) You Have Clothes

Feeling down, depressed, and dejected? Put on your favorite shirt, or jacket, or dress, or hat.

Make the most of your wardrobe, and be happy that you have more options than you could ever need.

Style yourself in the way you deserve to be styled.

10) Your Dream Is Your Own

Not only do you have a dream, but you have a dream that came from you.

That’s one thing no one will ever be able to take away from you: what you want for yourself.

This dream, if used properly, can be your carrot on a stick, always motivating you to work and be better and feed the fire in your heart.

Make the most of your dream, and make your dream come to life.

11) You Know What Love Is

Whether you currently have a partner or not, realize this: you have experienced love.

The most human sensation that our mind allows us, love is what drives so much what we do.

Music, books, careers, wars—so much of this is driven by love.

And you have felt it, and even if you never feel it again, you know what love is. You have been a part of love.

12) Knowledge At the Tip of Your Fingers

Before the 21st century, knowledge wasn’t a right; it was a privilege.

Only those who could go to school had access to knowledge beyond their own skills and crafts.

But today, everything you could ever possibly want to know is available at the tip of your fingers.

From astronomy to cooking to history to languages, everything is available on your computer. Let’s hope you aren’t using all your time on cat videos.

13) You’ve Got A Bed To Sleep In

In an interview on NPR once, they talked to a teenage Haitian mother who discussed how difficult it was raising children who were constantly asking when they would go to school like every other kid in the neighborhood, or why they had nothing to eat.

But the saddest part of the interview was this: she said that as they slept at night, they slept on nothing but a dirt floor.

And you? You’ve got a bed. It may not be the biggest or the widest—or it might be—but it’s yours, and it will ensure that you can start tomorrow with a well-rested state of mind.

14) You Have or You’ve Had a Job

Whether you have a job or you just lost one, it’s still a great situation. It means you have a skill, a talent, something that adds value to the community around you.

If you lost your job, don’t stress out over it—there’s no reason why you can’t get another.

15) You Believe In A Greater Purpose

You may have spent the last few days, weeks, or months, drowning in a pool of self-pity and sadness.

But step back and think about what you used to feel, your motivations prior to this knockdown.

Here’s the truth: you believed in something greater than yourself.

Whether it was God or your family or your dreams or your community, you lived for a reason other than just to put food on your table and satisfy your needs.

Guess what? That greater purpose is still there. Waiting for you to get out of your slump and get back on track. So it’s time to start moving. Time to start being you again.

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Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.

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