9 signs you have more self-discipline than the average person, according to psychology

There are many traits that set successful individuals apart from others. One of is these is self-discipline.

Self-discipline refers to the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome weaknesses. It’s about pursuing what’s right despite temptations to abandon it.

People with high levels of self-discipline tend to be more focused, productive, and satisfied in their lives.

But how can you determine if you possess this trait?

Well, psychology offers some insightful clues. Here are nine signs that suggest you have more self-discipline than the average person.

1) You have clear goals

Having clear, well-defined goals is a hallmark of self-discipline. It isn’t just about setting lofty ambitions, but about knowing the steps needed to reach them.

If you find yourself setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, this is a sure sign of self-discipline.

More importantly, you don’t just set these goals; you commit to them and follow through.

For instance, you may decide to lose weight.

Instead of just making a vague promise to “get fit”, you might set a goal to lose 10 pounds in 3 months by exercising for 30 minutes every day and reducing your sugar intake.

Moreover, even when facing setbacks, you adjust your plans and continue pushing forward rather than giving up.

This determination and focus on your goals signifies that you have more self-discipline than the average person.

2) You practice delayed gratification

Another sign of self-discipline is the ability to delay gratification.

This means resisting the temptation of an immediate reward in favor of a more valuable or significant reward that requires time and effort.

For example, you might have a craving for a slice of cake, but you know that indulging won’t align with your goal of healthy eating.

So, you resist the temptation now to enjoy the long-term benefit of better health.

Similarly, instead of spending your hard-earned money on an impulse purchase, you might decide to save it for something more substantial, like a house deposit or a dream holiday.

This ability to stay focused on the long-term outcome, even when faced with immediate temptations, shows a high level of self-discipline.

3) You’re not always busy

In our fast-paced society, being constantly busy is often seen as a badge of honor.

But if you find yourself having periods of downtime and deliberately carving out time for rest, this can actually be a sign of self-discipline.

Self-disciplined individuals understand the importance of balance and the fact that constant busyness doesn’t equate to productivity.

They know that rest is vital for recharging and maintaining focus, and they have the discipline to step back, slow down and take breaks when necessary.

So, if you’re someone who values and makes time for relaxation and rejuvenation – be it through a leisurely walk or simply enjoying a quiet cup of coffee – this is another sign of your self-discipline.

4) You face failures head-on

Let’s be honest, failure is a part of life. But how you react to it can be a significant indicator of your self-discipline.

If you’re someone who doesn’t shy away from failures, but instead, views them as learning opportunities, this shows a high degree of self-discipline.

Facing failure head-on means:

It’s about understanding that every failure brings you one step closer to success.

So if you can look failure in the eye, dust yourself off, learn from it, and then proceed with even more determination – that’s a surefire sign of self-discipline.

5) You take care of your physical health

Being self-disciplined isn’t just about mental or career-related achievements; it also extends to how you treat your body.

If you prioritize regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep, this is a sign of self-discipline.

It means that you understand the importance of your physical health and are committed to taking care of it.

It’s not about striving for a “perfect” physique or obsessing over every calorie. Instead, it’s about treating your body with respect and kindness, giving it the nourishment and rest it needs, and staying active for overall well-being.

So, if you’re making conscious efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle despite the challenges of daily life, that’s another sign of your self-discipline.

6) You maintain a consistent routine

To many, keeping a routine might seem mundane or even boring. But maintaining a consistent daily or weekly routine is actually a strong indicator of self-discipline.

Whether it’s waking up at the same time every day, having a set workout schedule, or allotting specific hours for work and relaxation, keeping a routine helps:

We all have days where we’d rather hit the snooze button or skip our workout. Yet, if you find yourself sticking to your routine despite these tempters, you’re demonstrating a high level of self-discipline.

So if you’re someone who thrives on routine and structure, take it as a sign that you’re more self-disciplined than most.

7) You can laugh at yourself

Believe it or not, being able to laugh at yourself is a sign of self-discipline.

It shows that you have the ability to not take yourself too seriously and can handle situations with a sense of humor.

Let’s say you trip over a curb. Instead of feeling embarrassed or getting upset, you laugh it off.

This ability to find humor in your own missteps not only shows emotional resilience and self-discipline.

After all, it takes a disciplined mind to control how you react to unexpected situations and to choose laughter over embarrassment or frustration.

So, if you’re someone who can chuckle at your own blunders, give yourself a pat on the back for your self-discipline!

8) You’re not easily swayed by opinions

This one might sting a bit, but it’s important.

If you’re someone who constantly seeks approval or changes your stance based on others’ opinions, you might want to rethink.

On the other hand, if you stand firm in your beliefs and decisions, despite what others may think or say, this is a sign of self-discipline.

It means you have the courage to be true to yourself and your values, and you’re not easily swayed by the crowd.

You understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and while it’s okay to listen and consider different perspectives, you don’t let them dictate your actions.

So if you can resist the pressure to conform and stay true to your course, that’s a clear sign of self-discipline.

9) You practice self-control

Above all, the most crucial sign of self-discipline is the ability to practice self-control. This is the fundamental aspect that ties together all other signs of self-discipline.

Whether it’s resisting unhealthy food, controlling your temper, curbing impulsive spending, or staying focused on your tasks despite distractions, practicing self-control is the epitome of self-discipline.

It’s about making conscious choices that align with your goals and values, even when it’s difficult.

It’s deciding to do what you know is right and beneficial in the long run instead of what is easy or immediately gratifying.

So if you’re someone who consistently practices self-control in various aspects of life, give yourself a round of applause. You are more self-disciplined than the average person!

Wrapping up

If you’ve recognized these signs in your behavior, congratulations! You possess more self-discipline than the average person.

Self-discipline is a key driver for success in work, relationships, health, and life in general.

However, it’s essential to remember that self-discipline doesn’t mean being hard on yourself or denying yourself joy and relaxation. 

So keep honing your self-discipline skills, but also remember to give yourself moments of rest and reward. After all, maintaining balance is another sign of self-discipline.

Mia Zhang

Mia Zhang blends Eastern and Western perspectives in her approach to self-improvement. Her writing explores the intersection of cultural identity and personal growth. Mia encourages readers to embrace their unique backgrounds as a source of strength and inspiration in their life journeys.

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