10 signs you’re actually a courageous person (even if you don’t feel like you are)

When people think of courage, they almost always picture physical bravery first.

But courage takes many forms – like taking chances when others don’t, standing up for what you believe in, or simply doing the right thing even if it’s hard.

What’s more important than challenging yourself is your own internal measurement of courage.

We can all have adventures in our own way, even if we’re restricted by different circumstances.

So even though you don’t always feel like you are, here are some subtle signs that say you’re actually a courageous person:

1) You’re Patient Most of the Time

When things start to go wrong, many people choose the easy way out by either giving up or changing their plans.

However, it takes true courage to hold tight, believe in oneself and others, and wait patiently for things to turn around.

When you practice patience, you show your loved ones how much you truly care for them.

This encouragement can inspire them to achieve amazing feats beyond your wildest dreams.

Those who possess courage are not afraid to give others the gift of patience and the benefit of the doubt.

They recognize that being patient costs nothing and that it can make all the difference in someone’s life.

Courageous individuals strive to remain patient in every situation, knowing that those who are given time and opportunities can achieve incredible things.

2) You Acknowledge Your Feelings Using Words

Using “I feel” statements and acknowledging one’s emotions can be a daunting task for most people.

It’s challenging enough to experience negative feelings, but it’s even more challenging to articulate them accurately when someone asks if you’re okay.

To avoid emotional discomfort, many individuals resort to intellectualizing their emotions.

They describe their feelings using overly conceptual, intellectual, or metaphorical words.

For instance, they may say they’re “stressed” or “bugged” instead of “afraid” or “mad.”

However, using these words only masks their real emotions, making them less emotionally resilient in the long run.

But courageous individuals don’t shy away from their true emotions.

They always use “I feel” statements and talk about their emotions in plain language.

For them, expressing their feelings in simple words isn’t wrong or weak; it teaches them to experience their emotions for what they are.

In essence, emotional courage is about recognizing and accepting one’s true feelings without fear or judgment.

It’s about using “I feel” statements to communicate one’s emotions and being emotionally resilient in the face of adversity.

3) You Understand Other People’s Negative Feelings

When someone lacks emotional courage, they become defensive – refusing to acknowledge other people’s negative feelings.

For example, a friend might be upset with something that happened at work.

But as soon as they describe their distress, some people might try to convince them to file a formal complaint – which might only irritate them further.

Although there’s a good intention to be helpful, their action is a sign of emotional discomfort at their friend being emotional.

Courageous people understand that it’s natural to worry about the people they love and not want them to feel bad, but they also know that the most important thing is to be empathetic – listen to their woes and be supportive of them.

For courageous people, resorting to quick fixes isn’t always the answer.

Emotions aren’t problems that need to be fixed, but rather experiences to be felt and validated.

Courageous people comfort others by understanding their negative feelings, even if it means tolerating their own emotional discomfort.

4) You’re Not Afraid of Uncertainties

As humans, it’s natural for us to want assurance and security when it comes to certain things.

We crave surprises to make us feel alive every now and then, but some of us don’t know how to work towards reducing our anxieties about things we’re not completely sure of.

For normal people, chronic worry is an effective defense mechanism against life’s unpredictability.

Worrying makes them feel like they’re doing something productive when faced with the scary possibilities of the future.

But courageous people know that chronic worry doesn’t actually address uncertainties – it only keeps us busy but it ultimately gets us nowhere.

Courageous people understand that avoiding uncertainty with worry only increases their fear of the future.

They know that their doubts and qualms are inevitable, so they choose to embrace uncertainties instead, and leave things that are beyond their control to chance.

5) You Don’t Mind Taking the Unpopular Stand

Courageous individuals have the self-assurance to stand up for their beliefs, even if it goes against the majority.

Living with courage requires steadfast conviction in the face of opposition. They are fearless in speaking up for those who don’t have a voice.

For them, courageous actions create positive change in the world. They don’t compromise their values or abandon their ideas.

Instead, they embrace their unique identities and use them as a source of inspiration and power.

They have a strong moral compass that guides them through life, even when it means going against the norm.

Some may argue that taking a stand for something unconventional or controversial isn’t worth the risk.

But for courageous individuals, the potential rewards and positive impact are worth any losses or missed opportunities.

They stand by their convictions, even if it means losing people or opportunities.

Ultimately, they believe that their actions will lead to the greater good.

6) You Persevere Until the End Despite the Consequences

Courageous individuals often choose the road less traveled, even when the odds aren’t in their favor.

They may face criticism and opposition, but they press on with the determination to finish what they started, even if they don’t know what lies ahead or if there will be consequences.

For them, it’s about staying true to their values and beliefs, even in the face of adversity.

Failure doesn’t discourage them, as they view setbacks as opportunities to learn and improve for the next time.

No matter how tough things get, they double down on their efforts and persevere until they reach their goals.

For the courageous, the journey is just as important as the destination. They trust in their abilities and have faith that the path they’re on will lead them to where they’re meant to be.

7) You Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

One trait of courageous people that others often forget is that they know how to pick their battles.

They don’t mindlessly charge through adversities because it’s pointless – instead, they assess each situation well and decide how to approach it based on their beliefs and values.

Brave people have a good understanding of their skills, talents, and capabilities – some of them even unknowingly develop them through their everyday habits.

But these people also know their weaknesses like the back of their hands.

They keep working on those flaws because they know it’s something that holds them back.

But once they start knowing how to overcome their weaknesses and utilize their strengths, it becomes easier for courageous people to brave through life.

They spend their days picking huge battles wisely and conquering them one at a time.

8) You’re Willing to Admit Your Helplessness

Although we don’t like admitting it, there are situations that can leave us helpless.

There are lots of things in life that we can’t control or influence, so the best way to cope is to accept them and move on.

Exerting energy on things you can’t change affects your capability to handle the things you can control.

For example, if you’re worried too much about a task at work, you might spend more of your time and energy fretting over it than actually doing it.

Brave people acknowledge that doing good work means recognizing their helplessness and letting go of their need to control every detail.

It takes a lot of courage to do so, but it’s the first important step to becoming a better version of yourself.

9) You Enforce Boundaries and Draw the Line

Knowing the importance of setting boundaries is important, but drawing the line itself and asking people to avoid overstepping can be extremely difficult for some people.

As social creatures, humans care a lot about how other people see them – which causes them to overcompensate and accommodate other people’s needs.

But since our physical health is also tied to the health of our relationships, having the courage to set and enforce personal boundaries is crucial.

Courageous people understand that the healthiest relationships work even with boundaries, so they take care of themselves and other people by drawing the line where it should be.

Setting healthy boundaries is something I’ve learned recently that has definitely improved my life.

I used to crave approval and validation from the people around me by never saying “no” to them, but that only depleted my energy.

But when I started setting healthy boundaries and allotting time to myself, I noticed that I became healthier and happier than I have been in a long time.

10) You Practice Being Kind to Yourself

Most of us find it easier to criticize ourselves instead of being kind as we are to others.

But one of the bravest things we can do is admit that some mindsets or habits aren’t working anymore, so we need to rediscover ourselves and change them.

New things are always scary and self-criticism can cause a lot of pain and pressure.

But it’s crucial to remember that being too hard on yourself is pointless if it’s not resulting in improvements.

High achievers and type A personalities find self-compassion intimidating, but treating yourself first with kindness allows you to do the same to others.

Brave people also understand that taking care of their minds and bodies is important if they want to be fearless.

They always make time to practice their self-care routine through meditation, light exercises, or even just sleeping enough.

Courageous people know that taking care of themselves puts them in the best position to make brave decisions in every situation they face.

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Tina Fey

I'm Tina Fey, the founder of the blog Love Connection. I've extremely passionate about sharing relationship advice. I've studied psychology and have my Masters in marital, family, and relationship counseling. I hope with all my heart to help you improve your relationships, and I hope that even if one thing I write helps you, it means more to me than just about anything else in the world. Check out my blog Love Connection, and if you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Twitter

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