Love. It’s a beautiful, complex emotion that can leave us feeling on top of the world, or questioning every little thing.
As Tina Fey, the founder of Love Connection blog and a relationship expert, I’ve dedicated my life to understanding this delicate emotion.
Decoding love, especially when it comes to figuring out if a woman is genuinely falling for you, can be a tricky task.
It’s not just about the big grand gestures, but often the smallest actions and words that speak the loudest.
This is why I’ve put together a list of 8 telling signs that a woman is truly falling in love with you.
These signals, based on my years of experience and research, can help you navigate this rollercoaster journey.
So sit back, relax and let’s delve into these signs that could very well mean she’s falling head over heels for you.
1) She prioritizes time with you
We all know that time is a precious commodity, and how a person chooses to spend it speaks volumes about their priorities.
If a woman is consistently making time for you, even when her schedule is packed, it’s a strong indication of her feelings.
Choosing to spend her free moments with you, especially when she could be doing a million other things, shows that she values your company above others.
This doesn’t just mean she’s free on the weekends.
It could be as simple as taking a few minutes out of her day to check in with you, or choosing to meet up for lunch during a busy workday.
Love isn’t always about grand gestures. Sometimes, it’s in the everyday choices we make.
If she’s choosing to spend her time with you, chances are, she’s falling for you.
But as always, it’s important to communicate openly about your feelings to avoid any misunderstandings.
2) She values your opinion
I often say to my readers, when you love someone, their opinions matter to you. This is even more true when a woman is falling in love.
She may ask for your thoughts on everything from which dress she should wear to more serious life decisions.
This is her way of subtly telling you that your opinion matters to her and that she respects your judgment.
In the wise words of Audrey Hepburn, “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.”
When a woman values your opinion, she’s holding onto your thoughts, reflecting a deepening emotional connection.
Of course, this doesn’t mean she’ll always agree with you – a good relationship allows for differing opinions.
But the fact that she wants to know what you think is a surefire sign that she’s falling for you.
3) She’s open and honest with you
One of the most beautiful aspects of love is the vulnerability it brings.
If she’s sharing her deepest thoughts, fears, and dreams with you, it’s a clear sign she’s falling for you.
Honesty forms the bedrock of any healthy relationship.
It shows trust and openness, which are essential elements in love.
In my book, Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship, I delve deeply into the importance of honest communication in building strong, independent relationships.
If she’s being open and truthful with you, it means she’s comfortable enough to let you in on her innermost thoughts and feelings.
It’s a clear sign that she’s falling in love with you. And when that happens, it opens up a world of possibilities for a relationship that is strong, healthy, and codependency-free.
4) She’s comfortable with disagreements
This might sound counterintuitive, but hear me out. If a woman is genuinely falling for you, she won’t shy away from disagreements or conflicts.
In fact, it’s just the opposite. She will be comfortable expressing her thoughts and standing her ground, even if it means disagreeing with you.
This shows she’s confident in your relationship and believes it can withstand the occasional storm.
When we’re in love, we don’t just agree with everything our partner says or does to keep the peace. We challenge each other and grow from those disagreements.
It’s through these conflicts that we understand each other better and deepen our connection.
Next time you find yourself in a disagreement with her, remember, it could be a sign that she is genuinely falling in love with you.
Love is not about always being on the same page, but about respecting each other’s opinions and growing together.
5) She includes you in her future plans
One of the most heartwarming signs I’ve seen in my years as a relationship expert is when a woman includes you in her future plans.
It’s a clear indication that she sees a long-term future with you, and it’s one of the strongest signs of genuine love.
I remember when I first started dating my husband. We were discussing our dreams one day, and I realized I was naturally including him in all my future plans.
It was then that I understood I was truly falling for him.
If she’s talking about places she wants to visit with you, or subtly asking about your long-term career plans or family goals, chances are, she sees you as a part of her future.
This kind of forward-thinking is a beautiful sign that she is genuinely falling in love with you.
6) She shows you her flaws
Let’s be real; nobody’s perfect. We all have our quirks, flaws, and insecurities. But when a woman is falling in love, she’ll let you see them.
This raw honesty can be scary. It’s opening up to potential criticism and rejection.
But if she’s willing to show you her less-than-perfect side, it means she trusts you enough to be her authentic self around you.
She’s not trying to put up a facade or impress you with a polished version of herself. Instead, she’s saying, “This is me, flaws and all.”
And that kind of vulnerability is a powerful sign of love.
Love isn’t about finding a perfect person.
It’s about seeing an imperfect person perfectly. If she’s showing you her flaws, she’s likely falling in love with you.
7) She supports your passions
When a woman is falling in love, she doesn’t just fall for you; she falls for your passions too.
Seeing your eyes light up when you talk about what you love brings her joy, and she’ll support you in pursuing those passions.
In my relationship, I’ve always admired my husband’s love for painting.
Although I can barely sketch a stick figure myself, his passion has taught me to appreciate the beauty of art in a whole new way.
As the iconic Marilyn Monroe once said, “The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.”
When she supports your passions, not only is she thrilled by your happiness, but she’s showing you that she’s genuinely in love.
If she’s encouraging you to pursue what you love and showing interest in your hobbies, this is a clear sign that she’s falling for you.
8) She’s there in your low moments
Life isn’t always sunshine and roses. There are rough patches, low moments, and times when we feel like the world is against us. And it’s in these times that true love shines the brightest.
If a woman is there for you during your low moments, not just the highs, it’s a raw and honest sign of love.
She’s not just there for the fun times or the romantic dates but also for the hard, messy parts of life.
She’ll comfort you when you’re down, listen when you’re frustrated, and stand by your side when everything else seems to be falling apart.
This kind of unwavering support is a clear sign she’s genuinely falling in love with you.
True love is about weathering the storms together.
If she’s there with you through thick and thin, it’s a powerful sign that she’s falling deeply in love with you.
Love is a journey, not a destination. It’s about understanding, patience, and most importantly, it’s about recognizing the signs.
These are just a few indicators that a woman is genuinely falling in love with you.
But remember, every person and every relationship is unique.
What’s important is to keep your heart open and communicate openly with each other.
For more insights into love, relationships, and overcoming codependency, I invite you to check out my book Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship.
It’s a deep dive into building stronger, healthier relationships based on mutual respect and trust.
Here’s to love, understanding, and recognizing the signs when that special woman is genuinely falling for you.
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