If you possess these 13 traits, you’re a naturally empathetic person

Empathy is more important than ever in this ever-divisive world. And while it’s obvious that some people are more empathetic than others, it’s also true that you can learn to be more empathetic.

To find out if you’re naturally empathetic, see if you possess the following traits.  

1) Kindness and compassion

We can’t talk about empathy without talking about kindness and compassion. Kindness means you’re being friendly, generous, and considerate towards others. Empathetic people naturally display kindness in their interactions with people.

Compassion goes hand in hand with empathy, and we often describe it as empathy in action. When you’re compassionate, you deeply understand others’ suffering or struggles, coupled with a genuine desire to help them.

If you have had this urge since you were young, then you’re a naturally empathetic person

But these traits can be nurtured and developed in everyone, which is also very important. 

2) Helping others

As I already mentioned, empathetic people demonstrate a strong desire and inclination to help those in need. In fact, they experience great satisfaction from helping others. 

Empathetic people actively engage with their communities, offer emotional comfort and support, and prioritize the needs of others. 

But they also do much more than that. They empower those they help, advocate for justice, and engage in acts of kindness and volunteering. 

But above all, empathy is a long-term commitment. Empathetic people make a positive impact on the lives of others through their compassion and understanding.

Think about that for a moment.

3) Empathy for nature and animals

Empathy isn’t limited to humans. As we know, many people have deep empathy and concern for nature, animals, and the environment. 

They even feel emotional connections to animals and are genuinely affected by environmental issues.

Having empathy for nature and animals is a beautiful aspect of being a naturally empathetic person. It reflects the capability to extend compassion beyond human interactions. But also to appreciate the interconnectedness of all living things.

I would count myself in this camp, too. Being a vegetarian for almost 15 years, I’ve always felt a stronger connection to animals than people. 

But feeling a strong bond with the natural world is getting more and more heartbreaking because the world is literally burning around us. 

4) Empathy for fictional characters

Some people experience strong emotions and empathy even towards fictional characters in books, movies, or TV shows. They become deeply invested in the characters’ experiences and feel their emotions intensely.

They can vividly imagine the experiences of these characters and feel their emotions as if they were real.

There are some drawbacks to this. For example, people get overly invested in fictional worlds or characters to the point of obsession. 

It can also limit social interaction with real people, leading to a preference for fictional relationships over real-life connections.

5) Sensitivity

We know how empathetic people are sensitive to the emotions and moods of those around them. But did you know they can pick up on subtle cues and non-verbal expressions and respond accordingly?

For example, they often have strong intuition. They can quickly grasp the emotional subtleties of a situation or the unspoken feelings of people they interact with.

But for me, the most interesting thing about them is how they’re attuned to non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, gestures, and posture. This means they can decipher unspoken emotions and feelings through body language.

While sensitivity is an asset, it also means that empathetic people can be more susceptible to emotional overload, especially in emotionally charged situations. 

6) Giving without expecting

Do you offer support and kindness without expecting anything in return? Do your acts of kindness come from a genuine desire to help others?

If so, you might be a naturally empathetic person

You see, this trait is closely related to altruism, which is an unselfish concern for the well-being of others. 

Empathetic people have a strong sense of altruism, and their actions reflect a genuine desire to make a positive difference in someone’s life.

7) Putting yourself in others’ shoes

One of the main characteristics of empathy is being able to imagine yourself in another person’s situation. 

For empathetic people, seeing things from another’s perspective is easy, allowing them to better understand their emotions and experiences.

It often surprises me how many people can’t look at a situation or a person from a different perspective. For some, putting themselves in other people’s shoes is impossible. Others are simply unwilling. 

8) Active listening

I can say the same for active listening. Some people simply haven’t been taught active listening skills and how important they are. Others are self-centered and more focused on themselves and their own thoughts.

On the other hand, empathetic people actively engage in conversations, paying full attention to what others are saying. 

They refrain from interrupting and genuinely show interest in understanding the person’s thoughts and feelings.

But they also have the following respectable trait. 

9) Non-judgmental attitude

Most of us are far too quick to judge others. Even if we don’t say it out loud, we think about it. 

Empathetic people avoid passing quick judgments about other people’s experiences, choices, or feelings. They believe each person’s journey is unique and avoid making hasty conclusions.

To have that kind of attitude requires being open-minded and receptive to different perspectives. 

Empathetic people approach conversations with a willingness to listen and learn, even when faced with opinions that conflict with their own.

10) Acceptance of differences

Hand-in-hand with not judging others goes acceptance of their differences. 

Empathy involves accepting and appreciating people from diverse backgrounds and experiences, and empathetic people are open-minded and non-discriminatory.

Instead of feeling threatened by differences, they value diversity as a source of richness and strength in society. They see diversity as an opportunity for learning and growth.

Can you genuinely say that about yourself? I hope so. 

11) Vulnerability

Most of us bend over backward not to be vulnerable in any and all situations. But empathy requires some level of vulnerability

Empathetic people open up emotionally and are honest about their own struggles, creating an environment where others feel comfortable doing the same.

That’s incredibly important in a world where people only present their perfect selves to others. 

But when you share your vulnerabilities, you show that you’re human and imperfect, making it easier for others to relate to you.

I see more and more people embracing this on social media, which makes me very happy.  

12) Forgiveness

Let me ask you something. Do you always “forgive and forget?” Or do you hold grudges?

Forgiveness is a good way to release yourself from the burden of holding grudges and negative emotions. By forgiving, you free yourself and others from emotional baggage.

Naturally empathetic people are often more forgiving and understanding of other people’s mistakes and shortcomings. They know that everyone is human and that we all make mistakes sometimes.

They also look beyond someone’s hurtful actions to understand the pain or circumstances that have led to those actions. 

But most importantly, their understanding encourages compassion and forgiveness.

13) Conflict resolution

Conflict is a natural part of human interaction. You can’t go through life without any conflict, can you? I’m sure even the Buddhist monks who take a vow of silence sometimes step on someone’s toes. 

That’s why even naturally empathetic people come into conflict. For example, when they get fined for feeding the homeless

But in general, empathic people are skilled at resolving conflicts by trying to understand the perspectives of all people involved. 

They strive for peaceful resolutions and are more willing to apologize when they’ve made mistakes during the conflict.

Final thoughts

Don’t worry if you don’t have many of these traits. There’s always room for improvement, even for naturally empathic people

By making a conscious effort to understand and connect with others, you, too, can become a more empathetic and compassionate person

Adrian Volenik

Adrian has years of experience in the field of personal development and building wealth. Both physical and spiritual. He has a deep understanding of the human mind and a passion for helping people enhance their lives. Adrian loves to share practical tips and insights that can help readers achieve their personal and professional goals. He has lived in several European countries and has now settled in Portugal with his family. When he’s not writing, he enjoys going to the beach, hiking, drinking sangria, and spending time with his wife and son.

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