12 phrases that make you sound confident and in control (in any situation)

The second some people open their mouths, you immediately know that they’re very self-confident.

These people make great leaders because they reassure the less-confident people around them. Even in dire situations, they let others know that they’ve got things under control.

So, how do they exude such an obvious and recognizable air of confidence?

These people use phrases that are clear, poised, and self-assured. They also speak their minds and don’t hedge their words like many of us sort of do sometimes, I think.

At the same time, they avoid words and phrases that make them seem to lack confidence. They don’t second-guess themselves or intentionally soften or blur their meanings.

You know, things like “I just thought I might…” or “Does that make sense?”

Finally, they use certain phrases that really reassure others. Whether they use them intentionally or just because they’re naturally confident is hard to say.

But what’s great is that you can use the same 12 phrases that make you sound confident and in control (in any situation) to inspire confidence from the people around you.

1) “Let me handle it.”

This phrase stands out as one of the most self-assured around.

By volunteering to sort out a situation, the speaker is letting you know that a) they feel like they can definitely take care of it and b) they actually want to.

It sounds like they’re so confident that they believe they’re the best person for the job, even when it’s an unsavory one.

2) “Got it.”

This simple affirmative is really confidence-inspiring.

Whether receiving instructions or listening to an explanation, these two little words reek of confidence. They’re short, sweet, and to the point, leaving no room for ambiguity or confusion.

The person who says them confirms they understand, and they do it in such an efficient, assertive way that there’s no room for doubt. You know they’ve got it and can trust them to have everything under control.

3) “I have a solution.”

When problems arise, and there’s something wrong in your neighborhood, who’re you gonna call?

If the issue is a ghost in your apartment building, Ghostbusters. But for other situations, you probably want to rely on the most confident, self-assured person around, right?

And what could possibly inspire more confidence when people don’t know what to do than someone who has a solution?

This is a phrase that you can use when you know what to do, and you want other people to trust you and follow your lead. As long as you say it and really believe it, it works!

4) “I don’t know…”

If you’ve been taught that confident people don’t ever admit when they don’t know something, you’ve got things mixed up.

In fact, it takes a lot of confidence indeed to admit an omission of knowledge when people expect you to know. When faced with this situation, most people will try to fudge their way through.

But a confident person knows that they can’t possibly know everything. However, they’ll almost always follow up an “I don’t know” with a confidence-inspiring “I’ll find out.”

5) “I respectfully disagree.”

It depends on who you’re talking to, but sometimes voicing your disagreement really takes an incredible amount of courage.

After all, you may have some reason to contradict something that your boss is saying or offer an alternative view to a coworker. These can all be tricky situations.

A great way to do it that sounds very self-assured is to use this phrase. It’s simple but elegant and conveys respect for others, that’s incredibly important to placate them. 

It also shows you’re confident enough in your ideas to put them forward, even in the face of disagreement.

6) “I won’t…”

There are some things that you simply can’t do. You might not have the time, ability, or inclination to do them.

But when you say “I can’t,” it can sometimes show weakness. A slight change to “I won’t” can make a big difference.

So tell people that you won’t take on the extra work they’re asking you to do when you want to refuse it. And say “I won’t be able to attend the party” if you have other plans.

There’s something about this phrase that sounds a whole lot more definitive and forthright.

7) “I’m sorry.”

These two simple words carry an incredible amount of weight.

So many people think that it’s a sign of weakness or defeat to utter them, however.

But nothing could be farther from the truth.

Making a real, heartfelt apology is a way to humble yourself and admit wrongdoing. Through this deed, you’re showing that you have the confidence to take responsibility for your actions regardless of the consequences.

But, of course, it has to be genuine.

Unless you’re Canadian, you shouldn’t be tossing the word sorry around all over the place.

Using these words only when you have to make a genuine apology will add more weight to them, and that will make people appreciate your sincerity that much more.

8) “Let me know if you have any questions.”

If someone uses this statement after giving a presentation or an explanation, it really conveys confidence.

Let’s compare it with “Does that make sense?” or “I hope that wasn’t too confusing.”

These two phrases are pretty poor by comparison. They both show that a person doesn’t feel confident about the clarity and logic of what they’ve just said. They can also make it sound like the audience’s intelligence might be the problem.

Oh dear.

So, actively taking questions does away with both of these negative points. It makes you sound like you believe in what you just said and that you respect your audience and expect them to come up with pertinent questions for you.

9) “That won’t work for me.”

One of the great things that confident people do is that they set, reinforce, and communicate their boundaries. They let others know what they will and won’t do, what they can and can’t accept.

So the next time someone proposes that you do something that you’re uncomfortable with or imposes on you, try out this great phrase.

Now, you could say, “I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” instead, but that sounds quite wishy-washy by comparison.

“That won’t work for me” lets you know that you’re in charge of your own life. You make the choices and call the shots, and you’re not going to be pushed or pressured in a direction you don’t want to go. 

10) “I deserve…”

Very few people have the self-assurance to stand up and demand what they need.

From a young age, we’re all taught to share, work together, and be harmonious. But there are times when you really have to look out for yourself and demand that others treat you with respect.

A big part of this is knowing what you deserve in life and being able to say it out loud.

That’s confidence, alright!

Whether that means you’re demanding equality in the workplace or respect in your relationship, a confident person won’t settle for anything less than what they deserve.

11) “Tell me more.”

When a person is confident, they don’t feel the need to butt heads with other people or talk over them to try to push their own ideas into the spotlight.

Instead, they have great faith in their ideas, so they don’t feel threatened when others voice theirs.

In fact, if they’re truly confident, they’ll welcome the opportunity to hear other people out and see if they can learn anything new.

“Tell me more” is a clear invitation for a person to explain themself further. By phrasing this request for information as an imperative, it also makes the speaker seem like they’re in control of the situation and flow of information.

12) “I appreciate you.”

This is one more phrase that sounds really confident

It’s more than a thank you. It lets people know they’re important and also has a slight air of authority.

When used well, it can make people feel truly valued.

That’s powerful stuff! 

How to let others know you’re confident

Showing others that you’re confident and in control takes more than just words.

If you’re going to talk the talk, you need to walk the walk as well.

Your body language plays a big part in this. Standing upright, looking people in the eye, and limiting nervous movements or fidgeting can help to calm others and show you’re in control of yourself.

Your tone of voice also helps. Keeping an even tone, a moderate pace, and a lower pitch to your voice just sounds confident and helps people respond better to what you say.

And of course, showing that you can take responsibility for both your successes and your mistakes inspires the confidence of others.

Combining these behaviors with our 12 phrases that make you sound confident and in control in any situation will let others know that you’re a person they can believe in.

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