8 phrases self-centered people use to make everything about them

There’s a fine line between self-care and self-centeredness.

The line is crossed when someone constantly turns the conversation back to themselves, often disregarding others’ feelings and experiences.

Self-centered individuals have a knack for making everything about them. And they frequently use certain phrases, which can be a tell-tale sign of their me-first mindset.

So, here are some phrases to look out for that suggest someone might be more focused on themselves than on you or the people around them.

1) “Enough about you, let’s talk about me…”

We’ve all been in conversations where it feels like a tennis match, with the focus volleying back and forth.

But when it comes to self-centered individuals, they’re often holding onto the ball a bit too tightly.

These folks have a unique ability to redirect any topic of conversation back to themselves. It could be a discussion about your recent vacation, a book you just read, or even the weather.

But somehow, it always ends up circling back to them and their experiences.

This phrase – or its many variations – is a classic tool used by self-centered people.

They may not say it verbatim, but their words and actions will reflect this sentiment.

It’s not that they’re uninterested in others entirely.

Rather, they have an overwhelming need to relate every piece of information back to their own life.

If you notice someone consistently turning the conversation spotlight onto themselves, chances are you’re dealing with someone a bit more self-centered than usual.

2) “I never get any help…”

This one hits close to home for me. I had a friend in college who always seemed to be in the middle of a crisis.

Whether it was a tough course, a difficult roommate, or just bad luck, he was perpetually in need of assistance.

The phrase he often used was, “I never get any help”. It was an exaggeration, of course. We all offered help, advice, and support on many occasions.

But it always seemed that in his mind, he was facing life’s challenges all alone.

In retrospect, this was his way of drawing attention back to himself and his problems.

It wasn’t necessarily malicious or intentional, but it was a clear symptom of his self-centered perspective.

If you run into someone who constantly feels they’re not getting enough support – despite evidence to the contrary – they might be more focused on their own experiences than those around them.

3) “I knew that would happen…”

This phrase is commonly used by self-centered individuals who have a tendency to believe they know better than others, even when it comes to unpredictable events or outcomes.

It’s a form of ‘hindsight bias’, a psychological phenomenon where people believe they predicted an outcome that could not have been foreseen.

These individuals use this claim of foresight to assert their superiority or intelligence.

They position themselves as the all-knowing oracle, often disregarding the insights or input of others.

The irony is, research indicates that hindsight bias can actually prevent learning and growth because it discourages individuals from analyzing why they might have been wrong in the first place.

So the next time you hear someone say “I knew that would happen”, remember, they might be showing more than just a self-centered streak.

4) “No one understands me…”

Ever heard someone say this in a conversation?

This phrase is a classic tell-tale sign of a self-centered individual.

They often feel that their experiences, emotions, and struggles are unique and incomparable to others.

While it’s true that everyone’s life experiences are unique to some extent, this mindset tends to isolate the person and puts them at the center of their own universe.

This can make it difficult for them to empathize with others or see things from a different perspective.

Moreover, it’s a powerful tool for drawing attention and sympathy towards themselves.

If you notice someone repeatedly using this phrase, it might indicate a self-centered personality.

5) “I don’t need anyone…”

This phrase can often tug at the heartstrings.

It’s a defense mechanism used by self-centered people to keep others at arm’s length while also drawing attention to themselves.

By asserting that they don’t need anyone, they’re attempting to build an image of self-sufficiency and independence.

However, beneath the surface, it’s often a cry for attention and reassurance.

We all need community and connection.

This is a fundamental part of being human.

So when someone repeatedly asserts their lack of need for others, it might be a sign that they’re more focused on themselves and their own needs than on forming mutual relationships.

6) “I never make mistakes…”

A few years ago, I had a coworker who seemed to live by this phrase.

No matter the situation, she was always right, and admitting to a mistake was seemingly beyond her.

This constant need for perfection and refusal to acknowledge errors can be a strong sign of self-centeredness.

It’s a way of maintaining control and asserting superiority, even when the evidence suggests otherwise.

In reality, we all make mistakes. It’s part of being human and it’s how we learn and grow.

But for someone wrapped up in their own world, acknowledging a mistake can feel like an attack on their identity.

So, if someone never seems to admit their errors or apologize, they might be more self-centered than they appear.

7) “I deserve better…”

This phrase can be a double-edged sword.

On one hand, knowing your worth and not settling for less is an important aspect of self-respect.

However, when used excessively and without merit, it can be a sign of a self-centered mindset.

People who frequently use this phrase often have an inflated sense of entitlement.

They believe they deserve more than others, simply because they are who they are.

This perspective puts them at the center of their own world.

It disregards the needs and feelings of others, and it can lead to unrealistic expectations and demands.

8) “You just don’t get it…”

This phrase is possibly the most telling of all when identifying a self-centered individual.

It’s a way of dismissing another person’s perspective and asserting their own as superior or more important.

In a healthy conversation, differences in opinion or understanding are respected and discussed.

But for someone who’s self-centered, any view that doesn’t align with their own is often disregarded.

This phrase implies a lack of empathy and understanding for others. It places the speaker in a position of dominance, reinforcing their self-focus.

If you notice this phrase being used frequently, it’s a strong indicator that the person you’re dealing with may be more concerned with themselves than with understanding or respecting others.

A deeper look: It’s often about validation

Peeling back the layers of human behavior, we find a core drive that motivates much of our actions – the need for validation.

This quest for affirmation and recognition is deeply ingrained in our psyche.

After all, we’re social creatures who thrive on connection and mutual understanding.

For self-centered individuals, this need for validation is amplified.

They often rely on constant attention and affirmation to maintain a positive self-image.

The phrases they use, as we’ve identified, are tools to redirect focus onto themselves and their experiences.

It’s not about condemning or judging these individuals, but rather understanding their behavior.

It’s about recognizing these phrases for what they are – a call for attention and affirmation.

However, true validation comes from within. It’s about inner confidence and self-assuredness, not external recognition.

So as you navigate your interactions with others, keep these phrases in mind.

They could provide valuable insight into the motivations and emotions of the people around you.

And perhaps most importantly, remember the power and grace of empathy – it has the capacity to transform our relationships and conversations, fostering deeper understanding and connection.

Ava Sinclair

Ava Sinclair is a former competitive athlete who transitioned into the world of wellness and mindfulness. Her journey through the highs and lows of competitive sports has given her a unique perspective on resilience and mental toughness. Ava’s writing reflects her belief in the power of small, daily habits to create lasting change.

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