8 phrases only narcissistic people use, according to psychology

Is it me or does it feel like narcissists are the hot topic of conversation everywhere right now?

With so much attention currently on narcissism, you may begin to think that everyone you encounter has narcissistic tendencies,.

However, true narcissists share a bunch of traits that can subtly show up in the words they speak.

They might use certain phrases that ruffle your feathers. Or they might always manage to make the conversation about themselves or consistently disregard the feelings of others.

If you want to know whether you really do have a narcissist in your life, look out for these 8 phrases that only narcissistic people use.

1) “I don’t need anybody’s help”

Anyone who has interacted with a narcissist may have heard this phrase, or something similar, multiple times.

Narcissists often assert their independence and self-reliance as a way of maintaining their perceived superiority.

For example, if you offer assistance to a narcissist with a task they’re struggling with, they might respond with, “I don’t need anybody’s help.”

This phrase isn’t just a declaration of their self-sufficiency, it’s also a part of a larger strategy to assert control and dominance.

By saying this, they aim to convey that they’re above needing assistance from others. It’s also a technique to isolate themselves and keep others at arm’s length, thereby maintaining their self-created image of superiority.

The phrase is wielded as a weapon, designed to make you feel unnecessary or insignificant in their life.

This not only fuels their narcissistic ego but also creates an environment where their self-image remains unchallenged.

2) “You’re too sensitive”

This is a phrase that many narcissists use to undermine the feelings or concerns of others.

When confronted about their behavior or actions, they might deflect the issue by saying, “You’re too sensitive.”

Instead of acknowledging their own behavior, they shift the focus onto the other person’s reaction.

This can make you doubt your own feelings and experiences, and it may even make you question whether your response was indeed an overreaction.

However, this phrase is a strategic move by the narcissist to avoid responsibility and maintain their perceived superiority. It serves as a shield to protect their ego and divert attention away from their own actions.

Recognizing this phrase for what it is – a diversion tactic – can help you maintain your perspective and not internalize the criticism that wasn’t warranted in the first place.

3) “No one understands me like you do”

Narcissists often use this phrase as a way to create a unique bond with their target.

By saying, “No one understands me like you do,” they are attempting to make the person feel special, that they have a connection that no one else does.

This is actually a technique known as ‘love bombing‘, where the narcissist showers their target with affection and attention to win them over.

Once the person is hooked, they can then use this perceived bond to manipulate and control them.

So it’s important to remember that this phrase is often not a genuine reflection of deep emotional connection.

Instead, it’s a carefully crafted tool designed to draw you in and keep you emotionally invested in the relationship, providing the narcissist with the attention and validation they crave.

4) “I’m always the bad guy”

You’ve likely heard this phrase before; it’s a common one among narcissists. “I’m always the bad guy” is often voiced when they feel criticized or called out.

Remember, it can be tough to hear this, especially if you care about the person. You might even feel the urge to comfort them or reassure them that they’re not the ‘bad guy’.

But it’s important to recognize this phrase for what it is – a mechanism for deflecting blame and avoiding responsibility.

It’s okay to empathize with their feelings, but don’t let this sway you from addressing issues at hand.

Your feelings matter too, and it’s vital to maintain an open dialogue about any concerns or issues in your relationship. 

5) “I’m not perfect”

This phrase might sound familiar, as it’s something many of us have likely said at one point or another.

When used by a narcissist, though, “I’m not perfect” often serves a different purpose.

Let’s say you’ve voiced a concern or expressed disappointment about something they’ve done.

Instead of addressing the issue, they might respond with, “Well, I’m not perfect.” This can make you feel as though you’re being unfair or asking too much of them.

It’s normal to have expectations in any relationship, whether they’re about respect, kindness, or reliability. So when you hear this phrase, know that it’s okay to express your feelings and stand up for what you believe is right in your relationship.

6) “You’re just jealous”

Picture this: You’ve mentioned to a friend that they’ve been monopolizing conversations lately, not leaving much room for others to speak. Instead of acknowledging this, they respond with, “You’re just jealous.”

This phrase is a favorite among narcissists when they feel threatened or criticized.

It allows them to turn the tables and put the focus back on you, implying that your feelings or observations are merely a result of envy.

Recognizing this deflection tactic can help you maintain your perspective and not allow their manipulation to stir self-doubt. 

7) “You’ll never find someone like me”

This phrase is often used by narcissists as a power play, a tool to undermine your self-confidence and make you feel dependent on them. “You’ll never find someone like me,” they might say, implying that they are unique and irreplaceable.

Let’s be clear here: everyone is unique, and every relationship we build throughout our life has its own distinctive flavor.

But the idea that you won’t be able to find happiness, fulfillment, or love without them is simply not true.

The point is to remember your worth. You deserve respect and love in all your relationships, and you certainly have the ability to find someone who treats you with the kindness and consideration you deserve. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

8) “I’m just being honest”

The phrase “I’m just being honest” is often wielded by narcissists as a shield to justify unkind or hurtful comments.

They might say something harsh or critical, then follow it up with, “I’m just being honest,” as if honesty excuses the hurt they’ve caused.

Honesty is crucial in any relationship, but so is kindness and respect. One should not be used as a cover for the other. If someone uses their ‘honesty’ to belittle or hurt you, that’s not about truth—it’s about control.

Wrapping it up

Understanding the phrases commonly used by narcissists can help you navigate your work and personal interactions more effectively.

By recognizing these verbal cues, you can protect your own emotional well-being and maintain healthier boundaries. 

Isabella Chase

Isabella Chase, a New York City native, writes about the complexities of modern life and relationships. Her articles draw from her experiences navigating the vibrant and diverse social landscape of the city. Isabella’s insights are about finding harmony in the chaos and building strong, authentic connections in a fast-paced world.

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