People with true class always avoid these 7 social faux pas

We’ve all been there: sitting at a dinner party or mingling at an event when someone does something so cringe-worthy, we can’t help but think, “Yikes, that’s awkward!” 

But have you ever noticed that some people just seem to glide through social situations with the grace of a ballet dancer, never stepping on toes? What’s their secret? 

As I pondered this, I noticed that these individuals with true class seem to have a sixth sense for avoiding social landmines. 

So, what are these faux pas they so expertly dodge? Here are the 7 social blunders people with true class always avoid.

1) Interrupting others

Imagine you’re at a social gathering, and you’re engrossed in a fascinating conversation with someone. Just as you’re making a key point, someone else jumps in and takes over the discussion. Annoying, isn’t it? 

I have a friend who, though he’s an awesome person, does this to me all the time. I love listening to his stories, but it does feel frustrating that I can never get out everything I want to say. 

And I know he doesn’t do it with ill intentions — heck, he probably doesn’t even realize it. But the truth is, it’s disrespectful to other people’s time and ideas. 

People with true class recognize the importance of giving each person their moment to shine in a conversation. 

They listen attentively, allowing the other person to fully express themselves before responding. 

The best tip to do this is to wait an extra second after you think the person is done speaking. Allow them to fully close their mouth and put their attention on you before you go ahead. 

It avoids those awkward moments when both of you start your sentence at the same time, and lets the conversation feel truly relaxed. 

2) Constantly checking your phone

We’ve all been in conversations where the other person is more engrossed in their phone than in what’s happening around them. And let’s be honest, it feels terrible. 

It’s like saying, “You’re not as important as whatever’s happening on my screen.” 

I remember sharing a dinner with someone who actually fully switched their phone off at the start. It struck me because it was so rare. The unspoken message was, “I’m here with you, not with my device.”

People with true class understand that the world inside their phone can wait, especially during social engagements

Whether it’s a casual coffee chat or a business meeting, they give their full attention to those they’re with. 

It’s a sign of respect, a demonstration of priorities, and an opportunity to be fully present in the moment.

And if something truly urgent does come up, classy individuals have the decency to excuse themselves briefly or make it clear why they need to attend to their phone. 

They understand that how they handle their technology speaks volumes about how they handle their relationships.

3) Talking about money

Ever been in a conversation where someone casually complains about how “outrageously expensive” their recent vacation was, or how they “simply can’t find a decent handbag under $500”?

Or maybe they lament how they “can’t afford” certain luxuries, making you suddenly self-conscious about your own choices? 

These comments, often thrown into conversations casually, can make the atmosphere a tad uncomfortable. 

People with true class are aware of the subtleties. They avoid veiled boasts about being well-off or dropping brand names into conversations unless it’s genuinely relevant. 

They also steer clear of making others uncomfortable by complaining about not being able to afford certain things. 

True class means understanding that people have different financial situations and respecting that disparity without drawing attention to it.

It’s not just about being sensitive to the economic diversity around you; it’s about recognizing that everyone is on their own financial journey. 

By steering conversations away from these delicate topics, you’re creating a more inclusive, comfortable environment for everyone involved. 

4) Saying please or thank you without meaning it

Everyone has learned to say “please” and “thank you” — but how often are they said without any genuine sentiment behind them? 

People with true class understand the difference. You’ve likely encountered it yourself: someone mutters a quick “thanks” without even making eye contact, or tosses out a hurried “please” while scrolling through their phone. The words are there, but the heart isn’t.

In a fast-paced world, it’s easy to let these small courtesies become mere formalities, something we say out of habit rather than real gratitude or respect. 

Yet, these moments are opportunities for meaningful interaction, however brief. People with true class don’t just go through the motions; they make those words count.

When they say “please,” it’s an authentic request, not a scripted line. When they say “thank you,” they pause to look you in the eye, acknowledging the effort you’ve made, however small. 

It’s not just about saying the right words; it’s about restoring weight to words that have become deceptively light.

Remember, these phrases are more than social niceties; they’re small yet significant indicators of character. 

Saying them with genuine respect and gratitude elevates not just your social interactions, but your relationships in general. And that is a true mark of class.

5) Making everything about you

True class is about understanding that social interactions are a two-way street. 

I recall a dinner party where someone kept monopolizing the conversation, relating every topic — even ones as far-reaching as global politics — to their own life experiences. 

I was actually quite impressed at how they always managed to find a personal connection. But really, it was draining for everyone listening. 

Contrast that with another guest who was genuinely interested in what others had to say, who asked questions and listened intently, making everyone feel valued.

People with true class practice the art of “conversational generosity.” They know when to share and when to listen. 

Making every story or conversation about you sends a clear message to those around you: that you believe your experiences, opinions, and thoughts are more important than anyone else’s.

This is more than just a social faux pas; it’s a character flaw that seeps into every interaction you have. If you’re always the hero (or the victim) of every story you tell, you’re not just boring your listeners, you’re showing a lack of empathy and understanding.

6) Overstaying your welcome

You know the feeling. You’re at a friend’s gathering, the evening is winding down, and it’s clear the hosts are ready to start their cleanup. Yet, there’s always that one person who doesn’t catch the hint. 

I’ve been both the host and the guest in this scenario, and let me tell you, knowing when to make your exit is a hallmark of true class. 

It isn’t just courteous; it shows you’re attuned to the needs and feelings of others. 

It’s not about cutting your fun short, but about showing respect for your hosts and the effort they put into creating a welcoming space. 

Overstaying your welcome not only puts your hosts in an uncomfortable position but also suggests you’re focused solely on your own experience. 

It’s a small but telling detail, and avoiding this faux pas marks you as someone with genuine class.

7) Gossiping

We all know how tempting it is to indulge in a juicy piece of gossip. It can make for thrilling conversation and a quick way to feel like you’re in the “inner circle.” 

But let’s be honest, gossip is a cheap thrill, and people with true class steer clear of it.

A few years ago, I was at a casual get-together where someone started gossiping about a mutual friend who wasn’t present. It was shocking how the energy of the room changed. 

What was a light, fun atmosphere suddenly felt heavy and uncomfortable. 

Individuals with real class recognize that gossip not only hurts the person being talked about but also diminishes the integrity of everyone participating in the conversation. 

So when faced with gossip, a person with class might gracefully change the subject or exit the conversation altogether. 

This shows that you respect others, value your relationships, and maintain a level of decorum that sets you apart. 

Truly classy people know that if you don’t have something nice to say, it’s better to say nothing at all.

Become the classiest person in the room

There you have it — the 7 social faux pas that people with true class always avoid. 

I hope this has made one thing clear: class isn’t about how you dress, what you own, or even how you speak. 

It’s about how you treat people, how you navigate social situations, and ultimately, how you respect yourself and others.

Want to be the classiest person in the room? Start by steering clear of these social mistakes. 

Practice active listening, be genuinely polite, show interest in others, and know when it’s time to exit a situation gracefully. 

You’ll not only elevate your own reputation, but you’ll also inspire those around you to be better.

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Tina Fey

I'm Tina Fey, the founder of the blog Love Connection. I've extremely passionate about sharing relationship advice. I've studied psychology and have my Masters in marital, family, and relationship counseling. I hope with all my heart to help you improve your relationships, and I hope that even if one thing I write helps you, it means more to me than just about anything else in the world. Check out my blog Love Connection, and if you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Twitter

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