People who talk more than they listen often possess these 9 personality traits (according to psychology

Picture this: you’re attending a pleasant function, socializing with a big group.

All of a sudden, a hurricane of a person crashes your chat and starts to talk over everyone at max volume, seemingly oblivious to interrupting the flow of the conversation.

Or, maybe you’re the one who always runs their mouth, with little regard for what anyone else might have to say.

Why do some people like to listen to themselves speak?

Science has the answers.

Turns out, people who talk more than they listen often possess these 9 personality traits (according to psychology).

Some are more positive than others.

1) Extraversion

Extroverts are known for their outgoing and sociable nature, so there’s no wonder they feel comfortable being the center of attention.

But while they generally have excellent communication abilities and are skilled at engaging others in conversation, they also tend to talk instead of listen.

According to psychology, extroverts talk more because they need others to think and function optimally.

In conversations, they feel compelled to keep the dialogue flowing by contributing their thoughts and ideas, sometimes at the expense of active listening.

Additionally, they process information externally. Otherwise put, they think as they speak.

This can result in a stream-of-consciousness style of communication where they vocalize their thoughts without pausing to absorb what others have to say.

It can be overwhelming to those around, but it makes them the soul of the party.

If this describes you, self-awareness and mindfulness can enable you to cultivate more balanced communication habits – as long as that’s something you’re interested in.

But if you enjoy the limelight and your relationships are thriving, keep doing you.

2) Confidence

People who talk more than they listen are frequently more confident than their silent peers.

It could be because they have a strong belief in their knowledge.

When they speak, they do so with conviction, trusting that their perspective is valuable and that they elevate the interaction.

This belief in their expertise can drive them to dominate conversations, as they feel compelled to share their insights with others.

You won’t hear them say “umm” and they don’t script their talks, according to psychologists.

They simply feel at ease whenever they engage with others.

3) Assertiveness

Assertiveness is another trait common among those who talk more than they listen.

Assertive people don’t hesitate to voice their thoughts, even if they differ from others in the conversation.

This desire to be heard leads them to speak up more frequently and assert their opinions, dominating the conversation.

Plus, assertive folks might initiate discussions on topics that interest them and guide the direction of the conversation according to their preferences.

They trust their capacity to convey their ideas persuasively, so they never back down from a fun chat or even a tense debate.

Their proactive approach to communication is awe-inspiring at times, especially in a professional context.

When it comes to intimate convos, though, too much assertiveness can ruin a good thing.

Something to keep in mind.  

4) Need for validation

Some people talk more than they listen because they have a deep need for validation.

They may not even realize this is the underlying cause of their word vomit.

According to psychology, we sometimes expect things from our listeners we’re not aware of, which affects the way we communicate.

In conversations, people who require validation talk excessively in an attempt to garner recognition for their ideas or achievements.

Talking more than they listen allows them to keep the attention squarely on them, satisfying their need for validation.

While craving approval is human, relying exclusively on external sources to fill the void isn’t particularly productive.

If that sounds like something you do, you should work on that.

5) Impatience

On occasion, people talk more than they listen due to sheer impatience.

Impatient individuals have a strong desire for instant gratification.

In conversations, they prioritize their need to express themselves quickly rather than taking the time to listen attentively to others.

In short, this hunger for immediate satisfaction drives them to speak more and listen less.

They also find it hard to wait for their turn to speak, so they’re prone to interrupt others to get the conversation ball running quickly.

And if that impatience is coupled with a short attention span, it’s difficult for them to focus on what others are saying for extended periods.

For them, getting distracted while others talk is a common occurrence.

6) Impulsivity

On a similar note, another reason people talk more than they listen is impulsivity.

According to psychology, oversharing is a symptom of impulsive behavior.

If you’re impulsive, there’s a good chance you speak before fully processing your thoughts.

In conversations, impulsive individuals may blurt out responses without taking the time to consider the implications of their words.

Their rashness leads them to dominate conversations, as they prioritize expressing themselves in the moment over formulating a more comprehensive response or actively listening to others.

This can mean they occasionally offend others or come across as insensitive.

Keen to avoid that?

Exercise some self-control and let the person you’re chatting with finish their thought before jumping in.

Practice makes perfect.

7) Enthusiasm

As an introvert, the only time I talk more than I listen is when I’m unbelievably excited about something.

That can be an upcoming event I look forward to, a movie I love deeply, or any issue I have a strong opinion on.

Granted, I usually do this solely when I’m among close friends, but my babbling doesn’t go unnoticed. Probably because it’s rare.

When someone is excited about a topic, their passion is palpable.

They feel a strong emotional connection to the subject matter, which drives them to share their insights with others.

Passionate folks can be easily recognized by their animated speech and heightened energy level.

Don’t diminish their joy. 

Let it infect you.

8) Low empathy

Moving to the more negative personality traits associated with excessive talking, those with low empathy struggle to truly connect with others’ perspectives, which makes them talk more than they listen.

According to psychology, people who lack empathy have a difficult time actively listening.

In conversations, they are more inclined to talk about themselves rather than prioritize what someone else has to say.

Moreover, they are less attuned to non-verbal cues and may not fully grasp the emotional context of a conversation.

As a result, they don’t realize when it’s time they listen, not speak.

Empathy is essential for building rapport.

When someone’s communication style lacks reciprocity, fostering meaningful connections doesn’t come naturally to them.

Or, they may be self-absorbed and indifferent to the needs of others.

That brings us to the last point on the list.

9) Narcissism

Compulsive talking can be a symptom of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, according to psychology.

Individuals with NPD have an insatiable need for attention, as well as an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

They believe that what they have to say is more valuable than what others may contribute, so they are keen to demonstrate their expertise.

For a narcissist, a conversation is an opportunity to showcase their awesomeness, not an opportunity to connect.

Their compulsive talking can be maddening, as plenty of people who had to deal with narcissists point out.  

Still, narcissists can change their talkative ways, especially with assistance from a mental health professional.

They just need to be willing to work on themselves.

Bottom line

There’s nothing wrong with getting your point across or dominating conversations.

However, make sure you allow others to chip in as well.

And if a loved one tries to open up to you, give them the opportunity to steer the conversation.

Working on your active listening skills boosts your emotional intelligence and deepens your relationships.

It will tremendously benefit you in the long run.

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