People who struggle to see their goals through often make these 6 simple mistakes

Achieving your goals requires more than good intentions.

Everyone can sit down and dream about their ideal life, but only diligent folks can make their vision a reality.

If you have trouble with the latter, it’s time you got out of your own way.

People who struggle to see their goals through often make these 6 simple mistakes.

Don’t be one of them.

1) They set unattainable goals

Here are a few examples of how *not* to set goals for yourself:

  • I want to lose an unbelievable amount of weight in the next two weeks.
  • I want to become a billionaire overnight.
  • I want to get married by the end of the year, even though I’m not seeing anyone at the moment.
  • I want to write a bestselling novel in the next month.
  • I want to master this complex and impressive skill by this time tomorrow.

What do all these objectives have in common?

They are unrealistic.

You can lose exactly as much weight as you want, but you can’t do it in a healthy manner if you set a ridiculous deadline.

You might also be able to become a billionaire, but you’ll probably have to work hard for a long time to earn such a staggering (and, truth be told, unnecessary) amount of money.

By setting unattainable goals, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

You’ll inevitably be unsuccessful, which will discourage you from trying again.

Instead, focus on SMART goals – ones that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

This will increase your chances of success.

2) They don’t plan

You have a goal.

Now what?

Simple: figure out how to achieve it.

People who struggle to see their goals through often do so because they wing it.

They fail to sit down and create a blueprint that highlights all the steps they need to take in order to reach their finish line.

This makes it more likely for them to get distracted along the way.  

Let’s say you want to lose weight.

The process is straightforward: you must burn more calories than you consume.

You can do so by being in a calorie deficit. Exercise also burns calories, so you might want to add some of that into the mix as well.

But improvising will only take you so far.

If you’re serious about reaching your objective, come up with a meal and exercise plan.

Decide when you’re going grocery shopping, and remove unhealthy foods from your household.

Get a fitness tracker to monitor your calories. Or, invest in a personal trainer who can support you along the way.

You’re only able to see progress if you stay on top of yourself.

3) They focus on motivation rather than discipline

Speaking of staying on top of yourself, relying solely on motivation to reach your goals is an unwise strategy.

Motivation comes and goes.

It’s nowhere to be found when we need it most.

It can be influenced by factors like mood, energy levels, external circumstances, and even how sunny it is outside.

Depending on motivation means risking inconsistency.

People who see their goals through know better. They focus on discipline.

Discipline is about developing habits and routines that lead to consistent action, regardless of whether you feel motivated or not.

While motivation fluctuates, discipline ensures that you continue to make progress toward your goal even when you don’t feel like it.

Let’s say you want to write that elusive bestselling novel.

You have an idea, and you’re extremely motivated to kick things off.

So much so that you manage to dedicate a few solid hours to your book for a couple of days.

But then, you reach a scene you’re not sure how to write. 

You get annoyed with yourself.

You don’t know how to continue, so you abandon the project and dread getting back to it.

While the idea of writing a book is motivating, the reality of sitting down each day and facing the blank page can make you want to crawl out of your skin.

Take it from someone who writes for a living – showing up is half of the battle.

When you can’t locate your motivation, the sheer act of sitting in front of your keyboard and typing a few words can be enough to get the creative juices flowing.

But you have to commit to this habit to reap the rewards.

4) They don’t ask for help

I saw a social media post the other day from a guy who claimed to have built a successful business while raising six kids.

He was inviting followers to click on a link where he revealed exactly how he did it.

I didn’t have to click to know the answer.

It was obvious.

He had a wife.

People like to say that we all have the same hours in the day as Beyoncé, but that isn’t exactly true.  

Beyoncé probably doesn’t have to go to the store and cook dinner and do laundry and commute to work and book her own appointments and take care of boring admin tasks.

I would guess she has assistants and cleaners, so she has significantly more time to devote to creative projects.

Stop comparing yourself to Beyoncé and ask for help when things get too overwhelming.

Maybe your partner can pick up the slack as you keep your eye on the prize.

If you can afford it, outsource menial tasks like cleaning and laundry.

Perhaps a friend can keep you accountable in your journey of self-improvement.

People who struggle to see their goals through are too stubborn to admit they can’t do it all.

We’re merely human. 

5) They get discouraged rather than adapt

People who never manage to manifest their dreams often give up on the first major obstacle.

They lack resilience.

Instead of looking at setbacks as opportunities to learn, they see them as confirmation their goals were too difficult in the first place.

They place too much emphasis on the desired outcome rather than the process of achieving it.

When progress is slow or they encounter a bump in the road, they become discouraged by the gap between where they are and where they want to be.  

Instead of tweaking their approach, they abandon the race altogether.

Stay flexible to avoid following the same pattern.

When you stumble, brainstorm ways to dust yourself off and try again.

A fixed mindset is frequently the only thing standing between you and your best life.

Your potential isn’t set in stone.

The sooner you realize that, the more ambitious you’ll become.

6) They neglect self-care

When you obsess over a goal, you’re prone to develop tunnel vision.

Your attention is narrowly directed toward your objective, so you begin to overlook self-care.

Rest. Proper nutrition. Hobbies. Activities that bring you joy.

I was laid off from a job early last year and became worried I wouldn’t be able to make ends meet.

I began to focus all my energy on work.

Applying to gigs. Doing test assignments. Overdelivering to impress.

For a long time, I lived and breathed work.

I stopped socializing as much, I stayed in more, my diet became crap, and I spent most days hunched over my desk, trips to the bathroom my only form of exercise.

By the end of the year, I was mentally exhausted.

I was fortunate to find work I was passionate about, so my bonkers work ethic paid off.

But I was also in the worst shape of my life, and my creative battery was almost depleted.

Forced to face reality, I had to take an extra-long vacation to recover.

Even worse, I continue to feel the repercussions of those long months, so I have to be extra kind to myself as I work to regain my vitality.

People who struggle to see their goals through often fail because they burn out before they reach the finish line.

Life isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon.

Take care of yourself as you advance toward the next mile marker.

Final thoughts

Setting goals is crucial for growth.

They give you a sense of direction and inspire you to become a better version of yourself.

Don’t let a few simple mistakes derail your progress. 

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