People who stay poised and collected even when life gets tough usually have these 7 strengths

Have you ever marveled at those individuals who seem to navigate life’s ups and downs with an enviable grace?

These people aren’t some separate species with superhuman strength or powers. Instead, they usually possess specific strengths that allow them to stay poised and collected when life gets tough.

In this article, we’ll uncover the 7 key strengths that these individuals typically have.

Let’s dive in!

1) Emotional intelligence

Let’s kick things off with what I believe is a cornerstone strength: emotional intelligence.

But what exactly is emotional intelligence?

In simple terms, it’s the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways. It includes being able to empathize with others, handle stress effectively, communicate clearly, and defuse conflict.

People with high emotional intelligence don’t let their emotions rule them. They know that emotions are fleeting and don’t necessarily reflect reality.

They handle criticism without taking it personally, remain calm in stressful situations, and can read and respond to the emotional states of others effectively.

In short, they’re masters of their own emotions and can navigate interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.

This skill is key to staying poised and collected when life throws a curveball your way. And the good news? Emotional intelligence can be improved with practice and mindfulness.

2) Resilience

Ah, resilience. This is a big one, and it’s something I’ve personally had to work on throughout my life.

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. It’s not about avoiding hard times, but rather bouncing back from them.

Let me share a quick story.

A few years back, I found myself in a career rut. I was in a job that I didn’t enjoy, feeling unfulfilled and stuck. Instead of letting this situation deflate me, I decided to see it as an opportunity for growth.

I began to seek out new roles and even went back to school to broaden my skills. It was a challenging period, full of long hours, rejections, and self-doubt. But I kept going.

And you know what? My resilience paid off. Today, I’m in a job I love and feel more fulfilled than ever.

Remember, it’s not the difficulties that define us, but how we respond to them. Resilient people view challenges as opportunities rather than threats, helping them stay collected even when life gets tough.

3) A healthy perspective on failure

This one might sting a bit, but it’s crucial.

They understand that failure is not a reflection of their worth, but a stepping stone towards success.

They don’t view failure as the end of the road, but rather, an opportunity to learn and grow. They take it on the chin, dust themselves off, and use their mistakes as a springboard for improvement.

This doesn’t mean they enjoy failing – far from it. It hurts. It’s disappointing. Sometimes it feels like a punch in the gut. But they don’t let it shatter their self-esteem or derail their progress.

Instead, they ask, “What can I learn from this? How can I improve?”

By reframing failure in this way, they’re able to bounce back quickly and remain poised even when things don’t go according to plan. It’s about resilience, yes, but also about maintaining a positive and realistic outlook in the face of adversity.

And the most beautiful part? This perspective can be cultivated. It takes practice and patience, but with time, anyone can learn to see failure not as a stumbling block but as a stepping stone to success.

4) Strong problem-solving skills

Why is this important?

Well, life is essentially a series of problems to be solved. From minor hiccups like a flat tire to major life transitions like a career change or dealing with loss, our ability to solve problems effectively plays a huge role in how we navigate these situations.

Those who stay poised in tough times are often those who can quickly identify the crux of a problem, brainstorm potential solutions, and take decisive action. They don’t get overwhelmed by the enormity of the problem; instead, they break it down into manageable parts and tackle each one systematically.

This doesn’t mean they have all the answers. Nobody does. But they’re not afraid to seek help, ask questions, or make mistakes along the way.

Problem-solving is a skill that can be honed with practice. By consciously working on this, you too can improve your ability to stay calm and collected when life throws challenges your way.

5) Ability to stay present

You might be wondering what this has to do with staying collected during tough times. Well, let me explain.

Staying present, or mindfulness, involves focusing your attention on the here and now. It’s about being fully engaged in the current moment, rather than ruminating on the past or worrying about the future.

But here’s the kicker.

Research shows that people who practice mindfulness regularly report lower levels of stress and anxiety, better emotional stability, and improved problem-solving skills. Yes, you read that right. Mindfulness can actually make you a better problem solver!

Those who stay poised in hard times often have this knack for staying present, even when things are going haywire. They don’t allow their minds to get hijacked by what-ifs or if-onlys. Instead, they focus on the situation at hand and what they can do about it right now.

The beauty of mindfulness is that it’s a skill anyone can develop. With a bit of practice and patience, you too can learn to stay present and handle life’s challenges with a bit more grace and poise.

6) Kindness towards oneself

This might sound a bit cliche, but hear me out.

Those who navigate life’s challenges with grace often have a strong sense of self-compassion. They understand that everyone – including themselves – is human, and humans make mistakes.

Instead of berating themselves for every misstep or setback, they practice kindness towards themselves. They acknowledge their feelings, validate their experiences, and remind themselves that it’s okay not to be okay sometimes.

This doesn’t mean they don’t take responsibility for their actions or try to improve. Far from it. But they do so with understanding and compassion, not self-criticism or blame.

This kind approach to oneself can make all the difference in tough times. It can help you stay grounded, maintain your self-esteem, and bounce back from adversity more quickly.

Being kind to yourself is something you can choose to do, right here and right now. You don’t need to earn it or prove yourself worthy of it. After all, you are deserving of kindness, especially from yourself.

7) A strong support system

At the heart of remaining calm and composed in challenging times is a strong support system.

Those who sail smoothly through rough waters often have people they can lean on – a tribe, if you will. This could be friends, family, mentors, or even professional support like therapists or coaches.

These individuals are there to lend an ear, offer advice, provide comfort, and sometimes just to remind us that we’re not alone in our struggles.

Having a strong support system is knowing that it’s okay to ask for help and understanding the value of shared experiences and mutual support.

Building a strong support system is an ongoing process. It involves fostering relationships, offering support to others when they need it, and being open to receiving it in return.

Having such a network can make all the difference when life gets tough. It provides reassurance, perspective, and strength – all crucial for staying poised when the going gets tough.

Your journey towards poise and resilience

If you’ve recognized some of these strengths in yourself, that’s fantastic. But if you haven’t, don’t worry. Remember, these are not inherent traits but skills that can be developed over time.

Reflect on the strengths we’ve discussed. Which ones resonate with you? Where do you see room for growth?

Start by focusing on one area at a time. Maybe it’s cultivating mindfulness or developing a healthier perspective on failure. Or perhaps it’s about being kinder to yourself or building a stronger support system.

Take small, consistent steps towards nurturing these strengths. It might be tough initially, and that’s okay. Change often is. But with each step you take, you’ll become better equipped to handle life’s challenges with grace and poise.

And when you stumble – because let’s be honest, we all do – be patient and compassionate with yourself.

Strength doesn’t come from what we can do effortlessly. It comes from overcoming the things we once thought we couldn’t.

Embrace this journey towards becoming a stronger, more resilient version of yourself. Trust me, it’s one journey that’s well worth embarking on. Not just for the tough times, but for the sense of self-assurance and poise you’ll carry through life.

Here’s to your journey towards resilience and poise.

Mia Zhang

Mia Zhang blends Eastern and Western perspectives in her approach to self-improvement. Her writing explores the intersection of cultural identity and personal growth. Mia encourages readers to embrace their unique backgrounds as a source of strength and inspiration in their life journeys.

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