People who keep their phones on silent share these 7 personality traits

In an interconnected world, regularly keeping your phone on silent is meaningful. 

Essentially, we have high-speed computers in our pockets that are accessible anytime and anywhere.

It’s therefore so easy to give in to our whims and urges–of wanting to scroll through updates on social media, wanting to check our emails, wanting to mindlessly watch reels, etc. 

So when you actively choose to keep your phone on silent, this seemingly little act of defiance says a lot about your character. 

In this article, I’ll take you through some of the personality traits of people who frequently keep their phones on silent. 

If they sound familiar, then give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. You’re in an elite circle.

Let’s jump in!

1) Introversion 

While there is little debate that smartphones can make our lives easier, they can also overwhelm us at times. 

This is especially true for introverts–the constant bombardment of notifications texts, and calls can be so disruptive at times, that it can have adverse effects on their mental health. 

Introverts would rather interact with others on their own terms–anything outside of these circumstances can be anxiety-inducing and unpleasant.  

2) Strong focus

Real talk: People with heightened focus and drive tend to have their priorities in order. 

While many of us might procrastinate by incessantly scrolling through social media, the focused person will nip that habit in the bud fairly quickly. 

They recognize the addictive properties of the modern-day smartphone, so they take active steps to minimize distractions and the risk of getting hooked. 

One of the ways they do so is by keeping their phones on silent. 

They know that to get the best results they need to value concentration and commitment, not excess phone use. 

Being perpetually exposed to vapid, endless stimuli of the internet is ultimately counterproductive. 

Think of some of the best, most successful innovators in the world–chances are, when they’re in the zone, they keep their devices on silent mode. 

So if you want to join this class of achievers one day, putting your phone aside when it’s time to get to work is an ideal practice to start with. 

3) Mindfulness 

The other day my girlfriend remarked to me about how her attention span has regressed over the years, largely because of her tendency to spend hours a day browsing Twitter. 

This is hardly a surprise. There is after all scientifically proven link between poor attention spans/mental focus and phone use. 

Hence, my girlfriend’s case is not an isolated one. 

I’ll go as far as to say that millions of lives throughout the globe have been negatively affected by excessive smartphone use. 

So to combat our human proclivity for quick fixes and instant gratification, cultivating mindfulness is a wise move. 

Mindful people are generally aware of their surroundings and the people around them, therefore regularly making the extra effort to be present and more attentive–qualities that are increasingly rare in this digital-dominant world. 

4) Consideration for others

I walked by a restaurant the other day. I noticed a group of six or seven diners at one table–and every one of them was on their phones. 

The sight was both amusing and somewhat concerning, perhaps even dystopian. 

Being on our phone is so easy, it becomes soul-sucking, and it’s so deeply embedded into our lives and routines, that we don’t even notice when something’s off. 

So, when you’re with a friend, family member, or colleague, and they choose to put their phone on silent, giving you the courtesy of their full attention, this is actually quite an impressive gesture in this day and age–also a testament to their consideration and inherent respectfulness as individuals. 

Imagine you’re on a Bumble date or meeting a potential business connection. 

As you speak, they’re constantly on their phone, answering in a delayed fashion, maybe even having to request you repeat yourself. 

This will almost certainly turn you off. 

So if you yourself have this tendency, you might have to work overtime to overcome it. 

But when you do, you can surely expect your relationships and connections with others to improve significantly. 

5) Self-sufficiency 

Some of us might feel a sort of withdrawal effect when we’re away from our phones for an extended period of time. 

But the person who is self-sufficient rarely feels such a void. 

This often means they don’t feel the need to be perpetually reachable–maybe even enjoying the fact that they may not be instantly accessible for durations of time. 

When they get a notification, they don’t feel the need to be immediately responsive. 

They’re independent and liberated, and can see past this status quo of human activity; meaning they are not dependent on their phone for fulfillment and satiation. 

6) Calmness 

When you’re laidback and easygoing, you’re not often stressed or anxious about superficial things–such as the idea of missing a call or a notification. 

So you have no issues putting your phone on silent, remaining calm, and not getting frantic about what you could be missing. 

I know people who can admirably leave their phone away from them for hours at a time–using the latter time to spend with family and friends, or getting in tune with nature, or what have you. 

Long story short, once you redirect the time that you spend on your phone toward other pursuits, expect a far more well-balanced life. 

7) Tech-savviness 

I messaged a friend on Instagram after 10 p.m. the other night and was met with the following response: “Your friend wasn’t notified about this message because they’re in quiet mode is on.” 

This was a revelation to me. As an Instagram veteran, I had no idea that this feature existed. 

But I’m not particularly tech-savvy either. Tech-savvy folks tend to be on top of these things. 

They know that most respectable apps, from Slack to Facebook to Snapchat, have specific notification preferences that can be utilized, if need be. 

So, after a certain hour, if you want to give your mind a break (as you should) from the hysteria of the smartphone world, adjusting your app settings will certainly help you accomplish that. 

Final words

This isn’t 1998. These days, the act of putting away your phone isn’t just putting away your phone. There are grander implications to this simple act. 

For instance, I’ve seen myriad relationships salvaged because both parties agreed to be conscious about their phone usage. 

When you have the strength to put your phone on silent, not becoming overly preoccupied with it, you’re effectively communicating an inner strength with the rest of the world. 

So, if you tend to use your phone a bit too much; take this as a cue to start moderating yourself.

Believe it or not, the digital world doesn’t still accurately portray the real world. 

And once you shift to silent mode, a whole new reality will open up to you.

Clifton Kopp

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