People who genuinely enjoy being alone have these 9 personality traits

Everyone needs “me time,” which means taking a break from the crowds and just being on your own. 

But how do you know whether you or someone you care about has the personality of a happy loner or is just isolated from the world? 

Well, it’s easy. 

When you prefer solitude, you’re independent, loyal, and have empathy. When you’re withdrawn and isolated, you lack confidence and feel hopeless. 

We’re all unique, and if spending time alone gives you peace and makes you happy, then own it. 

All you need to know is that people who genuinely enjoy being alone have these 9 personality traits, and I’m here to break them down for you, so you can view solitude in a more positive light. 

1) They’re self-reliant

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a homebody. 

You can take care of yourself and use your own judgment to make decisions instead of relying on others for approval. Even if homebodies need support, they choose to do so alone. 

It’s not isolation or loneliness. 

The difference between being strong and independent and isolating yourself is choice. 

People who are self-reliant and enjoy seclusion find peace and contentment when they’re alone. They enjoy their time-out and being self-reliant; they’ve developed the skills they need to cope. 

Isolation, on the other hand, happens when you feel a sense of helplessness and can’t connect with people. You end up withdrawing, and it’s an unhealthy way to live. 

If you’re withdrawing from others and life in general, you’re robbing yourself of experiencing real happiness and fulfillment. 

Isolation is often linked to depression, so if you or a loved one is acting withdrawn and unable to find peace and relaxation, it’s better to reach out to someone who will help you work through these feelings. 

2) They’re emotionally resilient

For some of us, spending time with others helps us feel better about ourselves. We find company comforting and often rely on others for support and approval. 

The truth about choosing to be alone and independent is that it builds emotional strength. 

What does it all mean? 

Solitary people are described as emotionally resilient because they don’t need to impress anyone unless they want to. They learn how to overcome an obstacle or a challenge on their own, which develops important skills when managing a crisis. 

It doesn’t mean that they reject the support of friends and family. 

It’s that they are better equipped than most other people to manage stressful situations and to always be themselves. 

Is this you? 

Your ability to feel comfortable in your own skin and to live independently without becoming depressed and lonely helps you rely on your emotional strength. 

Self-love and being emotionally strong are positive traits that any loner or introvert should be proud of. 

3) They’re extremely self-aware

Are you in tune with your thoughts and emotions? You don’t put blinkers on when it comes to your true feelings, and this keeps you on the straight and narrow! 

Self-awareness is a character trait that’s typical of people who enjoy being alone

They’re comfortable being on their own, and this means taking the time to introspect. As they establish their values and standards, they aren’t afraid to deal with their emotions head-on. 

What I’m saying is that they’re fully aware of their emotions and don’t really like to show others how they truly feel. They’d rather deal with problems on their own, try to avoid conflict, and rarely lash out. 

Even when heartbroken, they find the strength to move forward. 

If you can relate, I guess you’re a bit of a self-aware loner too! 

4) They’re empathic

If you could choose between a night out with friends or a quiet evening on your own, which one would you pick? 

If you’re more of an introvert, it’s definitely going to be quiet time alone! 

But why does this matter? 

Introverted personalities are more capable of tuning into their emotions and that of other people. The more time spent alone, the more one learns to analyze and accept one’s thoughts and feelings. 

This makes them more empathic than someone who is described as extroverted. 

Empathy helps you figure out how other people feel or why they think the way they do. 

It makes you relatable. 

I consider empathy to be a golden quality. The ability to understand someone else’s emotions can go a long way to building incredibly deep and authentic connections with people. 

It helps you relate to the world and the people in it, so even if you spend days or weeks on your own, you don’t become detached from reality. 

5) They’re disciplined

If you like to be alone, you’ve got to be disciplined. 

People who seek solitude are their biggest and possibly only cheerleaders. When they need to get things done, they have to find the inner motivation to do it. 

It’s tough but true. 

When you do almost everything alone, you develop a strong sense of independence

You decide what you like, what your routine is, and how you’ll maintain a productive day without anybody’s influence on you. 

It’s as if you’ve trained yourself to be disciplined and maintain a high standard of autonomy. 

Loners are less distracted because they understand how valuable their time is, and getting things done requires discipline. 

6) They have unmatched loyalty

High-functioning loners would do absolutely anything for the people they love, and that’s admirable. 

Loyalty is one of the most common personality traits of people who don’t mind being alone. 

Many are under the misconception that you can’t be loyal if you’re independent and solitary. 

The truth? 

When you’re a bit of a loner, you still value close relationships. 

There’s a big difference between being withdrawn and losing trust in people and simply preferring to spend time alone while still maintaining healthy connections. 

I must emphasize healthy connections

When you’re independent and self-aware, you’re very selective about who you allow into your close friendship circle. 

They might only have four or five close friends, but they know that they can depend on the people they let into their lives. 

If it counts for anything, I would rather have a handful of friends I can trust than many people I can’t rely on. 

7) They’re open-minded

Respectful of others’ viewpoints and tolerant of different ideas. 

If this is you, you’re open-minded. 

Open-mindedness is an excellent trait because it makes you more receptive to learning new things. 

When you’re not limited by your beliefs, you find it easier to take risks and experience new things. It’s not that individuals who want to be alone completely avoid other people. 

They just choose when to pursue a venture that will offer value and meaning. 

This is definitely a plus for those who want to advance their career because they’re prepared to take risks. 

They can easily reflect on their day and emotions because they don’t get caught up in the “norm” or what society expects them to do. 

8) They’re intuitive

The ability to shut the external noise out and focus on your own thoughts and feelings makes it easier to think deeply and to listen to your inner voice

This inner voice is your intuition

Solitude is not about being lonely but about taking quiet time to reflect and think about ways to improve your life. 

For those with the ability to relax on their own, it is easier to tune into their intuition, which supports important decisions and helps them process the activities of their day. 

Intuition is more of a feeling that you can’t shake. It’s when you know that something is off or doesn’t make sense but can’t put your finger on what it is. 

People who spend quite a significant amount of time alone are more capable of identifying their intuition because they are so connected to their emotions and awareness. 

9) They’re kind

When you’re a solitary person, some might describe you as shy and introverted, while others consider you weird and insecure. 

At the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks. 

Those who enjoy being on their own still have tremendous compassion and are regarded as the kindest souls

They care for others, especially their close friends and family, and they don’t hesitate to help out when needed. 

Just because someone is seen as introverted doesn’t mean that they have no compassion. 

In fact, their self-awareness and ability to listen to their intuition make it easier for them to recognize the needs of others. 

Final thoughts

Introverts are probably the most misunderstood personality types. They’re seen as awkward and unable to stand up for themselves, but you only have to look at the 9 personality traits above to think otherwise. 

People who genuinely like to be alone have emotional strength, and they’re quite independent because they teach themselves to overcome challenges and look after themselves. 

Their ability to reflect on their feelings and thoughts makes them more accepting of change. 

Despite being loners, I’d say they do pretty well to live a rewarding and satisfying lifestyle. 

If your significant other is a bit of a homebody or you think of yourself as an introvert, just know that solitary people have some valuable personality traits that can certainly make life a little easier. 

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