Strictly speaking, being in a relationship isn’t a prerequisite for survival, or even to be happy.
But as a society, we tend to get swept away by idealistic ideas of romance.
Movies, TV shows, books, social media–all these mediums glorify falling in love with “the one” as if that is the sole route to genuine fulfillment in life.
But this shouldn’t be; it’s a limiting perspective, one that undermines us as humans.
There are numerous paths to feeling complete in life, but only a few of us seem to fully realize that.
In this article, I’ll take you through the strengths of people who don’t need a relationship to feel complete.
If these signs resonate with you, you’re in a good place.
Let’s get to it!
1) They’re self-sufficient
When you rely on other people to bring you happiness, this can be an unhealthy practice.
This means you’re emotionally dependent on external factors for contentment rather than deriving it from within.
At the end of the day, you have to be prepared for the worst; you have to be resilient, ready to take on the world by yourself.
Nobody is saying you have to suddenly transform into a desolate lone wolf overnight; but if you start becoming more self-sufficient, then everything else, relationship included, tends to feel like a bonus.
Independence means you will be less likely to enter a relationship out of necessity or fear of being alone.
Once you’re fully at peace with being alone, expect good things to follow.
2) They have a strong sense of identity
I know people who get so caught up in their relationships, they lose sight of who they truly are.
The relationship consumes them, effectively becoming their entire personality.
It may sound harsh but the latter approach can make you a liability in life, as the fate of your identity constantly hangs in the balance.
If the relationship fails, you’ll be lost, unable to find your bearings.
People who are comfortable being single, on the other hand, often have a well-developed idea of who they are.
They have a powerful sense of identity, something that will continue to thrive, regardless of relationship status.
3) They have rich and diversified relationships
From a media perspective, romantic love is probably the most marketable type of relationship.
But as established, if we’re not careful, we might consider this the only route to finding true happiness.
People who don’t need romantic love tend to have quite a diverse range of fulfilling relationships, with friends, family, co-workers, and so on.
They’re able to think outside the box and find happiness and companionship through alternative, often equally satisfying means.
Their social life is constantly buzzing, which keeps loneliness from creeping up.
The bottom line: Non-romantic love can be special and meaningful, even profound… if you have the right mindset.
4) They’re adventurous and open to experiences
Having a co-pilot flying through the ups and downs of life is magical.
But when they’re not consistently on the same page as you, they can bring you down.
If you have an adventurous spirit and your partner does not, for instance, this might eventually cause friction and frustration.
When you truly embrace your singlehood, you’re liberating yourself.
You’re owning your existence; you’re freeing yourself from the compromises that come with relationships.
You can then satisfy your thirst for fresh and exciting experiences with gusto, fully committing and immersing yourself, without anyone else to worry about–a mentality that will inevitably lead to personal growth and satisfaction.
I’m a big proponent of solo travel.
Experiencing a new culture for the first time and being able to have autonomy over my movements? Momentous for me.
Unfortunately, when I got into a relationship, that travel dynamic changed for me.
While I wanted to immerse myself in local cultures and leave my comfort zone, my partner would complain, voicing her preference to patronize modern cafes and consume the kind of food we could easily get back home.
While I wanted to mingle with locals and fellow travelers, my partner wanted to stay in the hotel and rest.
This fundamental difference in our respective approaches to travel caused tension between us, signaling a deeper incompatibility.
Sure, a relationship should mean compromise, but once you’re compromising too much of who you are deep down, this isn’t healthy.
The essence of your being (which for me is pursuing new adventures) shouldn’t have to suffer just to appease another person.
5) They cultivate mindfulness and presence
Being comfortable in your own company in a world that constantly is pushing you to settle down and adhere to social norms is an admirable quality.
I used to dismiss being “mindful” as some new-age pseudo-science.
The more I learned about mindfulness, the more I realized that not only is it highly effective, but it is scientifically backed too.
Being able to genuinely appreciate the present moment and find joy in the little things of life rather than constantly yearning for more are invaluable traits in today’s hypercompetitive, ever-changing world.
It’s amazing how a simple shift in perspective can give us new meaning.
And for many of us, we have the practice of mindfulness to thank for that.
6) They’re financially independent
As you may have gathered by now, pursuing relationships costs money.
And I don’t just mean paying for dinner dates.
Once you eventually settle, we’re talking about things like shared bank accounts and paying for tuition and diapers.
Inflation is out of control these days. By the looks of it. things are probably only going to get worse.
Thus, having financial independence and knowledge is as important as ever.
Having full reign of your finances without having to rely on a partner (or kids) is an asset in today’s world.
You can make choices freely without having to consult with anyone else.
Your hard-earned money goes to yourself, and whoever you choose to share it with; nobody else.
Being in full control of your life, financial and otherwise, is a special, empowering feeling.
Final words
Having said all that, relationships can still be wonderful–provided you’re with the right person.
Choosing who you want to be with is one of the most important decisions one will ever make.
So pick wisely, and don’t act on impulse. You want someone who brings out the best in you; not just a glorified roommate or dependent.
And if you choose to stay single, then more power to you.
Take it as an opportunity to develop yourself and your skills further. But remember single or dating, there are no absolutes.
You’re in control of your fate regardless. It’s time you start owning that fact.