People who become wiser from life experiences as they get older usually display these 7 behaviors

There’s a profound difference between simply aging and truly maturing.

That difference? Wisdom.

Wisdom isn’t about accumulating years, it’s about learning from life experiences and using those lessons to grow, adapt, and thrive.

As we age, we’re gifted with countless experiences – both good and bad.

But it’s those of us who learn, who distil wisdom from these experiences, that truly mature.

And the fascinating thing? This wisdom manifests as specific behaviors.

So, what are these behaviors that denote wisdom?

Let’s delve into the 7 key behaviors typically displayed by those who have become wiser with age.

1) Embracing change

Life is constantly changing, and it’s our resistance to change that’s challenging.

You see, as we age, it’s easy to fall into the trap of settling into a routine, becoming inflexible.

But those who truly mature, who become wiser from life experiences, have a different approach.

They embrace change.

Why? Because they’ve learned that change is inevitable.

More than that, they understand that each change is an opportunity for growth, for learning.

Remember, life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving; we get stronger and more resilient.

And a key part of that resilience is being open to and accepting of change.

So if you find someone who welcomes change with open arms, who sees the lessons in every shift of circumstance, you’re likely looking at someone who’s grown wiser with their years.

And remember, it’s not about blind acceptance – it’s about understanding that change is part of life, and learning to adapt and grow from it.

2) Learning from mistakes

Mistakes are not setbacks but stepping stones to wisdom.

Let me share a personal anecdote here.

When I was younger, I used to be terrified of making mistakes. I’d beat myself up over every little error, every misstep.

It took a toll on my confidence and my ability to grow.

But as I grew older, and hopefully wiser, I began to understand that mistakes were not the enemy. In fact, they were the best teachers.

I remember once, I botched a major presentation at work. I was mortified.

But instead of wallowing in my failure, I took a step back and analyzed what went wrong.

It was a tough pill to swallow, but it made me realize the areas I needed to improve in.

And guess what? The next time I had to present, I did so with more confidence and skill than ever before.

Those who mature with age understand this deeply.

They do not run from their mistakes or let them define their self-worth.

Instead, they see them as opportunities for learning and self-improvement.

They own their mistakes, learn from them, and use them as stepping stones to become better versions of themselves.

So if you come across someone who treats their failures as lessons rather than setbacks, you’re probably looking at someone who’s gained wisdom from their life experiences.

3) Prioritizing mental well-being

Here’s an intriguing perspective. In 2017, the World Health Organization reported that depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide.

Yet, it’s often overlooked and not given the same attention as physical health.

However, those who have grown wiser with age have learned the importance of mental well-being.

They prioritize self-care, understand the value of a healthy mind, and recognize the impact it has on overall quality of life.

They’ve learned that mental health isn’t just about dealing with serious mental illnesses.

It’s also about preserving mental wellness, managing stress, staying mentally alert, and maintaining a positive outlook.

This wisdom often comes from an understanding that our minds are just as important as our bodies.

And nurturing mental well-being helps us to navigate life’s ups and downs more effectively and with greater resilience.

So if you see someone taking steps to ensure their mental health is in check – taking time for relaxation, seeking help when needed, or even just engaging in activities that bring joy – you’re likely looking at someone who’s gained wisdom from their life experiences.

4) Valuing experiences over material possessions

As the saying goes, “The best things in life aren’t things.”

Those who have grown wiser with age often recognize the truth in this statement.

They recognize that material possessions don’t bring long-term happiness.

Instead, they value experiences and relationships more.

Why? Because they’ve learned that experiences create memories, and memories last a lifetime.

They’ve learned that experiences shape us, change us, and contribute to our personal growth in ways that material possessions can’t.

They’ve also discovered that relationships are a key source of happiness.

The bonds we forge, the love we give and receive, the support we offer and get – these are the things that truly enrich our lives.

When you meet someone who prioritizes experiences over material possessions, who cherishes relationships over riches, you’re likely looking at someone who’s grown wiser with their life experiences.

5) Practicing gratitude

Some years ago, I hit a rough patch.

My life seemed to be a series of unfortunate events – from career setbacks to personal losses.

It felt like I was stuck in a never-ending loop of negativity.

Then, I stumbled upon the idea of practicing gratitude.

At first, it seemed almost trivial. How could simply being thankful change anything? But I decided to give it a try.

Every day, I started noting down three things I was grateful for.

Some days, it was difficult to even come up with one. But as time went on, I began noticing a shift in my perspective.

Instead of focusing on the negatives, I started seeing the positives.

The things that were going right, the blessings that were still present in my life. And slowly but surely, my outlook improved.

Those who mature with age often practice gratitude regularly.

They’ve learned that focusing on the positives can dramatically improve their outlook on life.

It helps them to appreciate what they have, instead of constantly longing for what they don’t.

So when you see someone making an effort to be thankful for the little things in life, chances are, you’re looking at someone who’s grown wiser with age.

6) Being comfortable with solitude

The hustle and bustle of life often make us feel like we always need to be surrounded by people, constantly engaged in activities.

But here’s a truth – being alone doesn’t necessarily mean being lonely.

Those who have grown wiser with age often come to cherish their moments of solitude.

They’ve learned that spending time alone can be incredibly enriching.

It’s a chance to reflect, to explore their thoughts, to understand themselves better.

They’ve realized that solitude allows them to reconnect with themselves, away from external influences.

It gives them the opportunity to refresh their minds, recharge their energies, and return to their lives with a renewed sense of purpose.

If you encounter someone who values and utilizes their alone time for self-growth and reflection, you’re probably in the presence of someone who’s grown wiser from their life experiences.

7) Demonstrating empathy

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Those who have grown wiser with age have often learned the invaluable lesson of empathy.

They’ve realized that understanding and sharing the feelings of others is not a weakness, but a strength.

They’ve learned to put themselves in other people’s shoes, to approach situations with an open mind and an open heart.

They understand that each person they meet is fighting their own battles, and kindness can make a world of difference.

Empathy allows us to connect with others on a deeper level, to form more meaningful relationships. It helps us become more compassionate, more understanding, and ultimately, better human beings.

So if you meet someone who demonstrates sincere empathy towards others, you’re likely looking at someone who’s grown wiser from their life experiences.

And that, dear reader, is a beautiful thing.

Final thoughts: The journey to wisdom

Delving into the depths of wisdom is akin to exploring a vast ocean, where the waves are experiences, and every drop, a lesson.

Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

This journey of self-discovery, fueled by life experiences, leads to profound understanding and growth.

These 7 behaviors are hallmarks of individuals who have mastered the art of learning from their experiences.

They have embraced change, learned from their mistakes, prioritized their mental well-being, and valued experiences over material possessions.

They have practiced gratitude, found comfort in solitude, and demonstrated empathy.

But remember, this isn’t an exhaustive list nor a fixed formula.

Wisdom is as diverse as the human experience itself.

It’s a unique blend that varies from person to person, molded by their unique life experiences.

So as you navigate through your own journey, bear these behaviors in mind.

Reflect on them, learn from them, and see how they resonate with your own experiences.

For in the end, wisdom isn’t just about growing old; it’s about growing and evolving as a person. And that’s a journey worth embarking on.

Eliza Hartley

Eliza Hartley, a London-based writer, is passionate about helping others discover the power of self-improvement. Her approach combines everyday wisdom with practical strategies, shaped by her own journey overcoming personal challenges. Eliza's articles resonate with those seeking to navigate life's complexities with grace and strength.

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