When someone is constantly late, you might think they’re careless. If they’re quiet, you might assume they’re shy. But, the truth is, life can be tough and people often react in surprising ways.
Trust me, it’s not always easy to spot. The human psyche is a labyrinth, and understanding it can be a real challenge. Yet, some signs are universal.
Those really struggling in life often unknowingly exhibit these 8 behaviors. And I’m here to bring them to light.
1) Constant self-deprecation
Have you ever met someone who constantly puts themselves down, making light of their abilities, achievements, or worth? It’s hard to listen to, right?
But here’s the thing – often, this isn’t just a harmless quirk. It’s a sign of an internal struggle. A reflection of someone wrestling with self-esteem issues, feelings of inadequacy, or perhaps battling with depression.
People who are really struggling in life often have a habit of belittling themselves without even realizing it. They think they’re just being modest or making a joke. But in reality, it’s a cry for help that goes unnoticed.
2) Withdrawal from social activities
I remember a friend of mine, let’s call him Jake. We used to hang out all the time, grabbing a coffee, catching a movie, or just hanging out at each other’s houses. He was always the life of the party.
But then, things started to change. Jake began to decline invitations, making excuses about being busy or not feeling well. Initially, we thought he was just going through a phase or was swamped with work.
Then I realized he wasn’t just avoiding our group – he was withdrawing from all social activities.
This was so unlike the Jake I knew. He was struggling with some personal issues and it took him distancing himself for me to see it. The once lively and enthusiastic friend was now isolating himself from everyone.
3) Changes in sleep patterns
When we’re stressed or anxious, our sleep can become disrupted, leading to insomnia or even oversleeping. It’s our body’s way of responding to the turmoil inside us.
People who are struggling often find themselves lying awake at night, their minds racing with worries and fears. Or they might be sleeping too much, using it as an escape from their problems.
It’s not just about feeling tired or groggy during the day. A change in sleep patterns can be a major red flag that someone is dealing with some pretty heavy stuff.
4) Neglecting personal care
People in the midst of life struggles often find it hard to keep up with daily routines. This includes personal care.
You might notice they’re not as well-groomed as they used to be or their clothes aren’t as neat. Their living space might become cluttered or their diet might take a turn for the worse.
It’s not laziness or carelessness. It’s a reflection of their internal chaos and struggle. The energy it takes to deal with their emotional issues leaves them with little left for basic self-care.
5) Excessive worrying
I’ve always been a bit of a worrier myself. You know, the kind of person who thinks about every possible outcome before making a decision. But there’s a difference between being cautious and being consumed by worry.
People who are really struggling in life often have a habit of excessive worrying. They overthink everything, constantly fretting about what could go wrong, even when there’s no concrete reason to worry.
I’ve seen it in friends and family members, and it’s heartbreaking. The worry can be so overwhelming that it paralyzes them, preventing them from enjoying the present or planning for the future.
6) Overcompensating with positivity
You’d think that someone struggling would always seem down or sad, right? But sometimes, it’s the exact opposite.
People often put on a front of relentless positivity when they’re battling inner demons. They laugh a little too loud, smile a little too much, and are always the first to crack a joke.
It’s a defense mechanism. They’re trying to convince themselves and everyone else that they’re okay.
7) Increased irritability
We all have bad days where we’re more prone to snapping or getting annoyed. But when someone is consistently irritable, it could be a sign of deeper issues.
Struggling individuals often find their patience wearing thin. Small inconveniences that they would usually brush off suddenly become unbearable. They might snap at loved ones, get frustrated easily, or seem generally on edge.
It’s not them being rude or inconsiderate. It’s a manifestation of the turmoil they’re experiencing. Their internal struggle spills over, affecting their interactions with others.
8) Loss of interest in hobbies
When life gets tough, people often lose interest in things they once loved. Be it painting, reading, hiking, or any other hobby that used to light up their eyes – it all seems gray and uninteresting.
This loss of passion is a clear signal that they’re dealing with something heavy. Their struggles are so overwhelming that they suck the joy out of everything else.
Understanding is the first step
When someone is struggling, they often feel alone in their fight. They’re battling their inner demons and at the same time, trying to maintain a normal facade to the world. It’s exhausting and isolating.
But you can make a difference. Just by being aware of these signs and reacting with empathy you can offer them a lifeline. You can help them feel seen and understood, which is often the first step towards healing.
So let’s be there for each other, let’s support one another through the tough times. After all, we’re all just trying to navigate this chaotic journey called life. And it’s always easier when we don’t have to do it alone.