Mend The Marriage is an online course designed for couples who are struggling in their relationships. Created by Brad Browning, a divorce expert and relationship coach, the program offers valuable advice and techniques to help couples rediscover each other and reignite their passion.
The course includes a 200+ page eBook, a 4-hour audio course, a 7-part video series, worksheets, and 3 bonus eBooks. It covers topics such as intimacy, communication, anger, jealousy, and forgiveness. The program follows the ABCD method, which focuses on accepting the situation, building resilience, committing to change, and dedicating yourself to the task.
- Designed for both men and women
- Easy to read and implement
- Comprehensive package with multiple resources
- Covers various marriage issues
- More affordable than therapy
- 60-day money-back guarantee
- Some advice may be too generalized for complex issues
- Only available in digital format
Our verdict
Overall, Mend The Marriage is a valuable resource for couples who are willing to put in the effort to improve their relationships. It encourages individuals to take responsibility for their actions and offers expert advice to help them overcome their issues. If you’re committed to working on your relationship, this program may be a great option for you.
In-depth overview
With over half of marriages ending in divorce, online courses like Mend The Marriage are much needed.
Intimacy issues, adultery and a lack of communication can all eat away at trust and matrimonial bliss. These ongoing issues can cause sadness, depression, and even abuse—if they’re not dealt with correctly.
Many couples are searching for a life raft during these tumultuous times and Brad Browning’s comprehensive guide may well be it.
My marriage was going through a rough time so a friend recommended this best-selling program to me. I have read Men The Marriage in its entirety and here I tell you everything you need to know about it.
In this comprehensive Men The Marriage review, I’ll let you know what is good about the course, what I didn’t like, and how exactly it helped my marriage.
Let’s get started.
What is Mend The Marriage?
Many things can slowly infect a marriage—distance, lack of communication and sexual issues. If not dealt with correctly, these problems can metamorphosize into infidelity and disconnectedness.
Mend The Marriage is an online course specifically designed for couples who are at a loose end and searching for answers.
The entire program consists of:
- A 200+ page eBook
- 4-hour audio course
- 7-part video series
- Worksheets to assist couples going through marital difficulties
- PLUS 3 free bonus eBooks.
Within these materials divorce expert and relationship coach Brad Browning provides valuable advice for couples. He assists them to rediscover one another and ignite their passion.
His best-selling course is as much about working on one’s self as working on one’s relationship—they’re one and the same according to Browning.
This online course is a powerful tool that could save you from a bitter divorce.
Check Out Mend The Marriage Here
Who is Brad Browning?
Brad Browning is a divorce expert and relationship coach from Vancouver and he has been helping couples mend their marriages for over a decade.
Browning is the author of two best-selling relationship programs—The Ex-Factor and Mend The Marriage.
He shares his wealth of experience in his articles and books, assisting couples everywhere. His writing often appears in Your Tango, and numerous other publications.
Brad Browning is also the host of a popular YouTube show where he offers his legion of followers, tips on love and commitment.
Why did I decide to review Mend The Marriage?
I found out about Mend The Marriage via a friend. She couldn’t stop talking about it and suggested I give it a shot. The program had helped her and her husband so much that they had even renewed their vows.
I was interested in journeying through the Mend The Marriage after her trustworthy feedback of the digital program. At times it was tough because Mend The Marriage tells couples home truths—many that you may not want to hear.
I certainly didn’t want to hear them!
But if you stick with the program and complete it in its entirety you will come out the other end a better person and hopefully a better partner.
I’m human, which means I’m flawed. And admittedly it’s hard for me to take responsibility and not place eternal blame on my partner. It’s about letting go of always being right and learning to be balanced in my perspectives.
Several months after taking Brad Browning’s program, I believe my marriage is better for having done it, and it’s made me a better person to live with too. I no longer become outraged about every little thing my partner does.
Thanks to Browning’s advice, I’m focusing more on self-improvement now. I workout five days a week, I meditate and I eat clean healthy foods.
Because I feel so good mentally and physically, I am a much better wife to my husband. I am there for him emotionally and sexually.
In a nutshell, this relationship-stuff between my husband and I is really working!
I am grateful I got to put Brad Browning’s valuable relationship advice into practice. It was confronting at first and often I wanted to throw in the towel. But thankfully I stuck with it and passed the finishing line.
But I’m not the only one who is happy I completed Mend The Marriage—my husband is elated. He no longer finds himself the target of my anger or agitation.
Our days are harmonious.
What is Men The Marriage about?
Mend The Marriage was created to reverse divorce. It’s a manual for both men and women who are navigating unions that no longer work.
The online course covers sex, intimacy, anger, jealousy and so forth. It teaches couples how to recover from these symptoms that are often the result of a stagnant relationship.
The ‘ABCD method’ on which the course is built around teaches couples how to push through resentment and negative memories via four stages.
Learning how to forgive is another paramount section of the course, which Browning focuses quite intently on to aid a couple’s recovery.
Below is an introduction to the ‘ABCD method’ which is the basis of the Mend The Marriage program:
Accept the situation
As simplistic and self-explanatory as this stage sounds, one would be amazed at how many individuals are in denial about their relationships.
Browning teaches couples that acceptance is always the first stage before they will be able to move forward. This means letting go of blame and taking responsibility for your part in the breakdown of the relationship. It means looking after yourself, so you can be your best when talking to your partner (or former partner).
Build resilience
During this stage, Browning talks about healthy living, positive thinking and not beating up on yourself.
This means getting quality sleep, good nutrition and exercise.
If you are unable to look after yourself, you will have little chance of being able to ‘look after’ your relationship. People often go on angry emotional rampages during relationship breakdowns—which is the worst thing they can do.
Browning instructs couples to step back, take a deep breath and make a smarter choice.
Commit to change
This section of the program is about sticking with the positive instead of returning to negative thoughts.
It’s easy to practice healthy habits short term but these changes need to be long-term in order to receive positive benefits. So it’s a continuation of stage two.
Human are drawn to positivity. Be a positive person, get some new hobbies and be the person your ex partner wants to get back with.
Dedicating yourself to the task
This stage is about upfront honesty, not playing mind games and continuing to be your best self throughout this painful and uncomfortable time. Come clean, admit your errors and tell your partner what you want.
But once you’ve laid your cards on the table, it’s time to step away and let them come to you. You can’t enforce another to feel how you want them to feel. You have to be open to letting go if you don’t receive the desired outcome.
What does the program include?
The Mend The Marriage online course consists of a 200+ page eBook, a four-hour audio course, a 7-part video series, worksheets to assist couples PLUS 3 free bonuses. It’s what I would call fully comprehensive—there is very little missing.
The program covers the full gamut of mending your marriage.
Here is a brief outline of the 3 extra bonus eBooks which I found to be particularly helpful.
Money Matters Guide
There is nothing that ruins marriages more than financial problems.
How many arguments in a marriage are about finance? It can be so draining—both emotionally and sexually.
Brad Browning uses this guide to help couples with festering finance issues, so you don’t hate each other, so you don’t stop being intimate and so you don’t lose your sanity.
The Infidelity Survival guide
Trust and faithfulness are the bedrock of marriage, or so they say.
But let’s be honest, in a world full of options, fidelity and faithfulness are not easy for either sex. This guide is the ultimate must-read for those who find both problematic.
Browning teaches couples not to assume their other half is having an affair, as you could be dead-wrong. He also reveals that most affairs overall go undetected, so you may think you’re in a happy marriage when you actually aren’t.
Facts are indeed facts!
And finally, just because your partner cheats on you sexually, doesn’t necessarily mean that he/she doesn’t love you. Often a loss of intimacy in relationships can lead to adultery, which doesn’t have anything to do with you as a person.
Children and Divorce eBook
Divorce is really tough on kids and can affect them through adolescence and adulthood.
This thoughtful eBook takes couples through the stages of divorce and how that correlates with the emotional impact on children. Brad also talks about how parents can often play out victim scenarios.
No parent wants their divorce or temporary break-up to psychologically affect their children for life. Browning teaches couples how to avoid that tragic outcome.
Check Out Mend The Marriage Here
How much does it cost?
Mend The Marriage costs $49.95.
Included in the price is the main eBook, videos, audio and bonuses outlined above.
Now, $49.95 isn’t pocket change but I think it’s great value considering all the resources you get. And if it can help improve (or even save) your marriage, then the price will be forgotten pretty quickly.
Pros of the Mend The Marriage program
Here is what I liked most about the Mend The Marriage program.
- Unlike many relationship courses which are targeted towards women, this online course is designed for both women and men, as it should be!
- The program is easy-to-read and easy to put into practice.
- The program in its entirety includes an eBook, videos, audio and a bagful of bonuses. When I went to sign up I wasn’t expecting Brad Browning to provide so many resources to help saved my marriage. I was impressed.
- Mend the Marriage outlines every possible marriage hurdle you can think of and urges couples to become aware of their failings in the relationship.
- No need to fork out thousands of dollars to see a shrink!
- It comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. This makes it a risk-free purchase.
Although I found this program incredibly effective for my own marriage, my Mend The Marriage review wouldn’t be complete unless I touched on the things that I didn’t like as much about it.
- Some of the advice offered by Brad Browning is often generalized and laid out in simple terms. Great in theory but perhaps not in practice. Many marriages have layers of deep-seated issues. I don’t know if Browning’s advice would be helpful for more complicated marital problems.
- This online course is only available in a digital format which is really unfortunate for people who prefer to read tangible books or people who don’t have access to the internet or aren’t tech savvy.
Does Mend The Marriage Work?
Mend The Marriage will help couples who are willing to put the work in. There’s most certainly some interesting insights in this online program which could help you change damaging behaviors.
The program is also good at making individuals take responsibility for their own actions which I believe is incredibly useful for long-term relationship recovery.
Miracles certainly started to occur in my own marriage when I was journeying through the program because I was no longer playing the blame-game and identifying as a victim. Victimhood is a very dangerous narrative as Browning continuously points out.
Being a victim literally gets you nowhere.
Implementing changes within relationships and sticking to them can be hard but if you’re committed to improving your relationship for the better then Browning’s expert advice can certainly assist.
Check Out Mend The Marriage Here
Mend The Marriage review: My verdict
Thank you for reading my Mend The Marriage review.
I liked the Mend The Marriage program because it demonstrates narratives which often unfold in unsuccessful marriages. The online course examines ways to fix problems that arise in a relationship. Browning’s advice is a mighty weapon for men and women trying to mend their brokenness.
The online course may not be the same as having a one-on-one session with a counselor or a relationship psychologist but it’s still a worthy addition for any marriage that is slowly tearing apart.
If you don’t like it or it personally doesn’t work for you then the 60-day money back guarantee ensures the purchaser of the course is covered.
Obviously no book, online course or session with a psychologist can guarantee your marriage will be saved. Sometimes relationships really are irreparable and it’s intelligent to move on.
But if you do feel that there is still hope and you’re up for trying with your partner, then Mend The Marriage will be a great program for you.
Click here to grab your copy of Mend The Marriage.
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