8 manipulative things fake people do – that genuine people don’t

Navigating through life is tough, especially when you’re surrounded by people who are not what they seem.

I’ve been there, trying to decode their actions, their words.

They seem nice, they seem friendly, but something doesn’t quite add up.

Let’s talk about the 8 manipulative things fake people do – things that genuine people don’t.

It’s time to shine a light on these behaviors and help you navigate through the fog of deception.

This might sting a bit, but it’s necessary to know the truth.

1) They use flattery excessively

Flattery feels good, no doubt. Who doesn’t like being praised or complimented?

But when it’s used excessively and seems insincere, it can be a tool for manipulation.

Fake people often resort to excessive compliments.

They know it’s a quick and easy way to win your favor.

They’ll praise your work, your appearance, your ideas, even when it doesn’t seem necessary.

But remember, genuine people compliment too.

The difference is that their praises are sincere and well-timed.

They won’t shower you with compliments just to get something in return.

Excessive flattery is a red flag.

If you notice someone doing this frequently, take a step back.

It might be a sign that they’re not as genuine as they appear to be.

2) They’re always the victim

I’ve noticed something about fake people – they always seem to be the victim.

No matter what happens, they always paint themselves as the one who’s been wronged.

I had a friend once who never took responsibility for anything.

It was always someone else’s fault, or the circumstances were always against them.

It was exhausting to always hear about how they were the victim, especially when I could see the situation from a different perspective.

True, everyone has rough days.

Genuine people will have their share of misfortunes too, but they own up to their mistakes and acknowledge their role in a situation.

They don’t constantly play the victim card to gain sympathy or manipulate others.

3) They’re not consistent with their actions

I once had a colleague who was all smiles and friendliness one day, then cold and distant the next. It was like dealing with two completely different people.

He’d promise to help with a project one day, and then conveniently forget about it the next.

I never knew where I stood with him because he was never consistent.

Genuine people are consistent. They mean what they say and stick to their promises.

They don’t change their behavior based on the situation or to manipulate others.

4) They gossip a lot

According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, people who gossip tend to have high levels of aggression and anxiety.

Now, think about that one person in your life who always seems to have the latest scoop on everyone else.

Gossiping is a common trait among fake people. They thrive on the drama it creates and use it to manipulate others’ opinions.

They might even use sensitive information against you if it serves their purpose.

Genuine people, on the other hand, don’t engage in gossip.

They respect confidentiality and understand that spreading rumors can be harmful.

5) They’re always trying to one-up you

Have you ever shared a story or an achievement, only to have someone immediately jump in with their own, often more impressive tale?

That’s a classic one-upmanship move, and it’s a common trait among manipulative people.

Fake people often feel the need to appear superior.

If you’ve done something, they’ve done it better. If you’ve been somewhere, they’ve been somewhere more exotic.

It’s all about keeping the focus on them and making themselves look better.

Genuine people don’t feel the need to compete in this way.

They’re happy for your successes and don’t use them as a springboard for their own self-promotion.

6) They lack empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.

It’s a crucial aspect of any genuine relationship. But fake people often lack this trait.

They can’t truly empathize with others because they’re too focused on their own needs and wants.

They may feign concern or sympathy when it suits them, but it’s usually a means to an end rather than genuine compassion.

This lack of empathy can manifest in many ways – from trivializing your problems, to not being there for you in times of need, to outright ignoring your feelings.

Genuine people are genuinely care about others and their experiences.

7) They’re rarely straightforward

Ever noticed how some people are always beating around the bush, never quite saying what they mean? That’s a classic trait of fake people.

They’ll often avoid being straightforward, using vague or ambiguous language instead.

They do this to manipulate the situation, to avoid taking responsibility, or to maintain a certain image.

I’ve had experiences where I’ve asked direct questions and received evasive answers.

It’s frustrating and it’s a clear sign that something’s not right.

Genuine people say what they mean and mean what they say.

They don’t use ambiguity as a tool to manipulate others.

8) They’re only there in good times

In life, there are fair-weather friends and then there are those who stick with you through thick and thin. Fake people often fall into the first category.

They’re around when things are going well, when the sun is shining and the going is easy.

But the moment things get tough, they’re nowhere to be found.

They’re not interested in sharing the difficult times or helping you carry your burdens.

They just want to enjoy the benefits of being associated with you.

Genuine people are there for you regardless of the circumstances.

They stand by your side in good times and bad because they truly care about you.


Understanding and recognizing the signs of manipulation is the first step towards protecting yourself from fake people.

If these points resonated with you, it might be time to reevaluate some of your relationships.

But keep this in mind – nobody’s perfect. We all have flaws and can slip into some of these behaviors from time to time.

The key lies in recognizing these patterns and making a conscious effort to change.

Realize that it’s okay to set boundaries and prioritize your own needs.

You don’t have to tolerate manipulative behaviors or stay in any relationship that drains your energy.

The goal is not to foster mistrust or paranoia, but to promote healthier interactions and relationships. After all, genuine connections are based on respect, empathy, and authenticity.

So take a moment to reflect.

Ask yourself if there are people in your life who consistently exhibit these behaviors.

And remember, it’s okay to distance yourself from those who do not contribute positively to your life.

In the words of Maya Angelou, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Trust your instincts, value your well-being, and surround yourself with those who uplift you, not those who bring you down.

Ava Sinclair

Ava Sinclair is a former competitive athlete who transitioned into the world of wellness and mindfulness. Her journey through the highs and lows of competitive sports has given her a unique perspective on resilience and mental toughness. Ava’s writing reflects her belief in the power of small, daily habits to create lasting change.

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