Want to upgrade to You 2.0?
That makes the two of us. No, scratch that. That makes ALL of us.
Whether we admit it or not, we’re all working on becoming the best versions of ourselves.
But let me ask you, how do you define a better you? Is it having a healthier body? Is it advancing in your career? Is it having more meaningful relationships? Or is it perhaps a larger net worth?
Only you can answer that question. Better is subjective, so what I’m improving now may be totally different from yours, and the same goes for the rest of the world.
But then again, there’s a common denominator: Succeeding in becoming a better person requires tiny daily changes. I can give you 101 ways to be a better person, but I’ll narrow it down to 9 actionable steps we all can do every day.
Check out these 9 little tricks to be a better person every day:
1. Reboot.
Have you noticed that most tech support advice starts with “hold the power down for 10 seconds”?
Apparently, waiting for 10 seconds works by ensuring that your device’s electric storage is fully drained. It also resets the device settings, including anything that might have caused the trouble in the first place.
So let’s apply that to our everyday lives:
When we start our day with a reboot, we wipe out all the excess negative energy stored from the previous day. Rebooting as we wake up allows us to delete yesterday’s mistakes or setbacks that prevented us from achieving our better selves.
When we reboot, we start our day with a clean slate. A fresh start that boosts our motivation to work towards achieving our goals. A new beginning that will open our eyes to new opportunities we might have missed.
2. Practice mirror work.
What is mirror work?
It is an affirmation and reflection method popularised by Louise Hay, founder of the self-improvement empire, Hay House.
It’s done by facing the mirror and talking to your reflection like your own cheerleader. This technique is rooted in the idea that repeating positive affirmations boosts self-confidence and strengthens your trust in yourself and life.
And when you have a deeper love for yourself and life, you will have a better mindset and a stronger motivation to keep doing your best in every endeavor.
Of course, it’s not always rainbows and unicorns. Life can and will throw us curve balls, and when this happens, you can use mirror work to reflect on how things went wrong and what you can do better next time.
Go ahead, grab a mirror, and try it now.
3. Eat well.
Once you finish mirror work, it’s time to nourish your physical body.
Don’t worry, I won’t go into what you should and should not be eating because food that’s good for me may not necessarily be good for you.
Let me give you an example:
Generally, heavy-training athletes require double the amount of protein compared to less active individuals. On the other hand, people with kidney disease should limit their protein intake to avoid further kidney damage.
So what do I mean by eating well, then? One of two things.
The first is to know what your body needs and nourish it. It’s that simple and it will instantly make your physical health better. Avoid overeating often, but also don’t starve yourself.
Secondly, practice mindful eating, or taking the time to focus on your eating experience, noting your body’s reactions and feelings as you consume each portion of your meal.
According to Harvard experts, mindful eating improves psychological well-being and increases body satisfaction. Therefore, a better you!
4. Work on a small habit.
In addition to mindful eating, you can also start a new or practice an existing tiny habit each day.
Why start small and not go for the big ones? Of course, you’re more than welcome to tackle big habits but small ones are generally more effective because of a few reasons:
- They’re sustainable and easier to manage.
- They’re less intimidating.
- They gather momentum. (Succeeding on a small habit motivates you to tackle more changes for the better).
When making small habits, start by figuring out what you want. Ask yourself, what makes you a better person today? Once you’ve answered that question, you can work on a related habit.
For example, your current definition of becoming your best version is becoming more present for your family. A small habit you can take on is unplugging yourself from technology. Start by keeping your phone or computer locked up for at least an hour each day (and then gradually work up until you can go gadget free for a longer time).
If you’re working on how to become your best version physically, a small habit you can start with is to do five minutes of active movement each day. Again, I won’t tell you that you should go to the gym, do yoga, or run 5 km a day. The trick to being a better person every day is always to do something that works for you. So pick an activity you like and can consistently do for five minutes daily.
Remember, start with your why. Because habits aligned with the things you really want are the easiest to form
5. Learn something new for the day.
“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” – Albert Einstein.
Uncle Einstein said it himself – learning is a lifelong process. No matter how old you are and where you are in life, learning is sure to be an effective way to be a better person every day.
In this modern age, learning is very much accessible. Tons of documentaries or podcasts allow you to learn new ideas, cultures, and more. There’s an online course for almost anything, from a new skill or a new hobby.
I remember when I was a kid, learning about something meant having to carry heavy encyclopedias and sifting through their pages! But kids (and adults) today have it easy. Thanks to the internet, a wealth of information is easily and instantly accessible with just a few clicks on your gadget.
But then again, don’t discount the value of learning offline and beyond books. Talk to the people around you, learn from your experiences, and learn from your travels. Learn from your mistakes. It doesn’t matter how you do it. Just learn.
6. Set aside a non-negotiable “me time” every day.
You do a lot for everyone every day. So make it a point to do something just for your benefit – something that inspires and excites you.
Examples of me time that can be implemented daily are a warm bath, watching your favorite TV show, a quick nap, a nice cup of tea alone, playing on your Xbox, or a quick walk around the block.
I know a lot of us don’t have the luxury of “free time,” and if you’re a mum like me, alone time probably sounds like a thing of fiction. But hey, if there’s a will, there’s a way.
The key is to make time. It doesn’t have to be long as long as it’s solely for doing something that brings back the life in you. Something that motivates you to push harder. Even five minutes a day dedicated just to yourself works wonders.
7. Conduct quick self-audits.
This trick to becoming a better person every day is best done at the end of the day (or the end of the week if you prefer to do it weekly). It’s not something you must do, but it’s a nice process to have in place, especially when you’re working on a better you.
Remember the performance reviews at work? Or your teacher’s assessments of your school work? Doing a self-audit is similar to these. The idea is to review your day (or week) and take note of what you have and have not done.
How do you succeed in becoming a better person through this method? It gives you a chance to reflect. It allows you to give yourself a pat on the back for the things you did well and, at the same time, point out what you could have improved on.
8. Move on.
Your self-audit will likely point out any faults or mistakes you’ve done for the day, but don’t give yourself a hard time for these. Accept that they happened, work on a plan for how you could do better for the next day, and move on from it. Just like this paragraph, make it short and sweet. Move forward and don’t dwell on it.
9. Rest. Rest. Rest.
Even machines have downtimes for enhanced performance. And so should you.
Stop when you feel exhausted. Don’t push yourself too much. If it means having to take an early lunch break, do it. If it means leaving the dishes for tomorrow, do it. If it means writing the last paragraph of your essay later, that’s okay; leave it for now. It may sound counterproductive, but you don’t want to burn yourself out. So listen to your body when it’s signaling that you’re tired – rest!
Of course, let’s remember the ultimate form of rest – sleep. Get enough of it.
Treat rest as your ally and not your enemy in your quest to become your better self. Rest is not being lazy; rest is one of the keys to becoming a better person every day.
On a final note:
When figuring out how to become a better you every day, work on you, for you. Because, again – better is subjective. We’re all at different phases in our lives and working on different things for ourselves. Don’t compare yourself to others. Your only competition is yourself.
And, of course, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Whether it be 0.01%, 1%, or 99% of a change, as long as you’re moving the goalpost farther each day, you are on track to becoming a better you!