If your mother avoids these 8 behaviors, she’s a genuinely supportive parent

Parenting isn’t just about providing for your child’s physical needs—it’s about creating an environment where they feel valued, loved, and supported as they grow.

A truly supportive parent knows that certain behaviors, even if unintentional, can hinder a child’s confidence and emotional well-being.

Instead, they focus on fostering trust, encouragement, and independence.

If your mother avoids these eight behaviors, it’s a strong sign that she’s a genuinely supportive parent.

From respecting boundaries to nurturing your individuality, these actions highlight what it means to provide unconditional love and a safe space to thrive:

1) She doesn’t invalidate your feelings

Emotions, they’re a wild ride; one minute you’re up, the next you’re down—and when they hit, there’s no escape so you just have to ride it out and hope for the best.

Here’s the thing about moms: A genuinely supportive one doesn’t dismiss your feelings.

Nope, she doesn’t tell you to “get over it” or “stop being so sensitive”—instead, she acknowledges your emotions, validates them, and offers comfort.

Even when she might not fully understand why you’re feeling the way you do, she still respects that those feelings are real for you.

2) She doesn’t compare you to others

Comparison, it’s a dangerous game.

You know, growing up, I had this friend: Smart, athletic, popular—she was the whole package—and there were times when I couldn’t help but feel a tad bit envious.

One day, after yet another failed math test, I went home feeling downright miserable.

I let it all out to my mom, expecting the usual “why can’t you be more like…”—but it never came!

Instead of comparing me to my friend—or anyone else for that matter—my mom simply said, “It’s okay. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Math might not be your thing, but you’re an amazing writer. That’s something to be proud of…”

It was in that moment I realized that a truly supportive parent doesn’t compare because they know that each child is unique, with their own set of talents and abilities.

And if your mom never plays the comparison game?

Well, you’ve hit the parental jackpot right there!

3) She doesn’t impose her own dreams on you

Most parents admit to having unfulfilled dreams and aspirations, so it’s not uncommon for those dreams to be subtly (or not so subtly) passed on to their children.

A genuinely supportive mom, though, she doesn’t do that.

Instead of expecting you to fulfill her unrealized dreams, she encourages you to pursue your own passions.

She understands that your life is your own, not an extension of hers.

Whether you want to be a world-renowned chef, a tech genius, or a stay-at-home parent, a truly supportive mom will back you up 100%.

You mother knows that it’s not about her—it’s about you finding your own path and sense of fulfillment.

4) She doesn’t use guilt as a weapon

Guilt, it’s a powerful tool.

Used correctly, it can help us recognize when we’ve done wrong and motivate us to make amends—but, in the wrong hands, it can be a weapon of manipulation.

A genuinely supportive mom, however, doesn’t wield guilt as a weapon.

She doesn’t say things like, “After all I’ve done for you…” or “I gave up so much for you…”.

Instead, she communicates openly and honestly about her feelings and needs without making you feel like you owe her for the sacrifices she’s made.

At the end of the day, a truly supportive parent understands that raising a child is their responsibility, not a favor they’re doing that deserves payback.

5) She doesn’t disregard your privacy

Privacy, it’s a big deal.

I remember when I was a teenager, my room was my sanctuary: It was the one place where I could truly be myself, without fear of judgment or intrusion.

My mom, bless her heart, respected that.

She never snooped around my room when I was out, or read my diary—even when it was left open on my desk—because she understood the importance of personal space, and she respected mine.

A genuinely supportive mother knows that everyone needs a little privacy—kids included!

She understands that it’s not about hiding things from her, but about having a safe space to process thoughts and feelings.

6) She doesn’t always rush to your rescue

Sounds odd, right? But hear me out.

Life’s tough—we all stumble, fall, and make mistakes—and while it’s tempting for parents to swoop in and fix everything, a truly supportive mom resists that urge.

Instead of shielding you from every little hardship, she lets you experience the natural consequences of your actions.

She knows that these challenges, as tough as they may be, are crucial for your growth and development.

This is because she cares enough to let you learn and grow.

7) She doesn’t belittle your achievements

Nothing stings quite like having your accomplishments dismissed.

A genuinely supportive mom, however, she doesn’t do that.

Whether it’s acing a test, scoring a goal, or simply making your bed for the first time—she recognizes and celebrates your victories.

No achievement is too small for her to be proud of; she understands that every accomplishment, no matter how minor it might seem, is a step towards growth and self-improvement.

8) She doesn’t condition her love

At the heart of it all, the most genuinely supportive thing a mom can do is to love you unconditionally.

It’s about knowing that no matter what, your mom is there for you, loving you for who you are—faults and all.

Unconditional love, it’s the biggest sign of a truly supportive parent.

Wrapping up

If you’ve made it this far, you’ve likely realized that a genuinely supportive parent isn’t defined by grand gestures or expensive gifts.

Instead, it’s about respect, understanding, unconditional love, recognizing your individuality, and fostering your growth—even when it’s tough.

A parent who avoids these eight behaviors are a beacon of love and guidance in a world that can often be confusing and harsh.

As Fred Rogers once said, “Parents are like shuttles on a loom. They join the threads of the past with threads of the future and leave their own bright patterns as they go.”

Take a moment to reflect on that; perhaps, if you’re fortunate enough, take a moment to appreciate the bright patterns your own mother has woven into your life!

Eliza Hartley

Eliza Hartley, a London-based writer, is passionate about helping others discover the power of self-improvement. Her approach combines everyday wisdom with practical strategies, shaped by her own journey overcoming personal challenges. Eliza's articles resonate with those seeking to navigate life's complexities with grace and strength.

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