If you want to succeed in life but always feel tired, say goodbye to these 8 habits

Ever feel like your success tank is perpetually on empty? You’re not alone.

We all chase dreams, but sometimes, our energy reserves get sucked dry by sneaky habits.

Forget running on fumes!

Today, we’re ditching 8 energy vampires that keep you stuck in a low-battery life. Ready to recharge and unleash your full potential? Buckle up, because a world of vibrant energy and unstoppable success awaits!

1) Your lack of sleep

I get it. We’re all guilty of skimping on sleep at times.

Back in college, I would pull all-nighters studying for exams, convinced that the extra hours awake were more valuable than sleep. And sure, I’d manage to cram in some extra information, but at what cost?

The next day, I’d be so tired that my concentration would wane. I couldn’t think straight. In fact, studies show that lack of sleep can severely impact your cognitive abilities, including your ability to make decisions and solve problems.

At the end of the day, that all-nighter didn’t make me more successful, it just made me more tired.

If you’re constantly pushing sleep aside for work or other commitments, it’s time to reevaluate. Your body needs rest to function properly and if you’re constantly running on fumes, it’s going to catch up with you eventually.

2) Your unhealthy diet

Okay, hands up if you’ve ever reached for a candy bar or a bag of chips when you’re feeling low on energy?

Guilty as charged!

I used to think that a quick sugar rush was all I needed to power through a busy afternoon. But then I’d crash. And boy, did I crash hard.

The truth is, constantly eating unhealthy food drains your energy. It might give you a quick boost but it’s not long-lasting.

Over time, I’ve learned the importance of maintaining a balanced diet. Foods rich in proteins and complex carbohydrates can give us sustained energy throughout the day.

So next time you’re tempted to reach for that candy bar, consider grabbing a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts instead. Trust me, your body will thank you for it.

3) Your sedentary lifestyle

It seems counterintuitive, right?

When you’re feeling tired, the last thing you want to do is move around. But hear me out.

Lack of physical activity can actually make you feel more tired. When you sit for long periods, your body goes into ‘rest’ mode which can lead to feelings of lethargy and sluggishness.

On the flip side, regular exercise increases blood flow and oxygen levels in the body, which can help to boost your energy levels.

A study from the University of Georgia found that sedentary people who started a regular, low-intensity exercise regimen reported a drop in their fatigue levels compared to those who did nothing.

If you’re spending most of your day sitting, it might be time to get moving. A short walk or stretch break every hour can make a big difference.

4) Your self-critical mindset

We’ve all been there. The nagging voice in our heads that constantly tells us we’re not good enough, we’re not working hard enough, we’re not achieving enough. It’s exhausting.

I know it’s easier said than done, but it’s time to let go of that self-critical mindset. You see, constant self-criticism is not only emotionally draining but can also lead to physical fatigue.

Nobody is perfect. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, our successes and failures. And that’s okay. It makes us human.

Why not do yourself a favor?

When that negative voice starts whispering in your ear, silence it with a dose of self-love and acceptance. You’re doing the best you can, and that is more than enough.

5) Your excessive screen time

I’ll be the first to admit, I’m a bit of a tech junkie. My phone is practically glued to my hand and my laptop is never far away.

But here’s the thing.

All that screen time? It’s not doing me any favors when it comes to feeling energized.

You see, the blue light emitted by screens can interfere with your sleep cycle, leading to poorer quality sleep and increased feelings of tiredness during the day.

I started noticing it myself. On the nights I was scrolling through social media or binge-watching my favorite shows right up until bedtime, I’d wake up feeling groggy and unrested.

That’s when I know I needed to change. I started implementing a ‘tech-free’ hour before bed and the difference was noticeable.

If you’re like me and your screen time is through the roof, consider setting some boundaries for yourself. Trust me, your energy levels (and your eyes!) will thank you for it.

6) Your constant multitasking

We live in a world that seems to value doing multiple things at once. The ability to juggle various tasks simultaneously is often seen as a sign of productivity.

But here’s the reality – it’s exhausting and counterproductive.

Researches show that multitasking reduces efficiency and performance because our brains can only focus on one thing at a time. When you try to do two things at once, your brain lacks the capacity to perform both tasks successfully.

7) Your dehydration

This is something I’ve been guilty of in the past. I’d get so wrapped up in my work that I’d forget to hydrate.

But did you know that even mild dehydration can cause fatigue? Our bodies are made up of about 60% water, which plays a vital role in numerous bodily functions, including maintaining energy levels.

In fact, one of the most common symptoms of dehydration is tiredness, alongside headaches and lack of concentration.

8) Your lack of downtime

In our quest for success, it’s easy to overlook the importance of downtime. We equate being busy with being productive and successful.

But constant busyness can lead to burnout and fatigue. I’ve learned this the hard way.

A few years back, I was working non-stop, thinking it would bring me closer to my goals. Instead, I ended up feeling constantly tired and burnt out.

The solution? Scheduling regular downtime into my routine. Whether it’s taking a short walk, reading a book, or simply sitting quietly for a few minutes, taking regular breaks can help recharge your batteries and increase your overall productivity.

Success is a marathon, not a sprint. Go give yourself permission to rest. It’s not only okay to take a break, it’s necessary.

Final words

There you have it! 8 habits that might be draining your energy and holding you back from being as successful as you could be.

By being aware of these and making some changes, you can boost your energy levels and set yourself up for success. It’s all about balance and taking care of yourself first.

After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Ethan Sterling

Ethan Sterling has a background in entrepreneurship, having started and managed several small businesses. His journey through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship provides him with practical insights into personal resilience, strategic thinking, and the value of persistence. Ethan’s articles offer real-world advice for those looking to grow personally and professionally.

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