If you recognize these 7 behaviors in someone, you might be dealing with a dark empath

Empathy is a fantastic trait, but let’s face it, not everyone uses it for good.

Ever met someone who seems super understanding and can almost feel what you’re feeling, yet something feels off?

Wondering how to spot if someone is a dark empath – someone who gets your emotions but uses that knowledge for manipulation rather than support?

After diving deep into human behavior and chatting with psychologists, I’ve put together a list of 7 behaviors that could signal you’re interacting with a dark empath.

Are you familiar with any of these red flags?

It might be time to take a closer look at those relationships.

1) They manipulate your emotions

Dark empaths are exceptionally good at reading people.

Believe it or not, they can sense your feelings and vulnerabilities with eerie precision, and they use this knowledge to their advantage.

For instance, you might find that they always know just what to say to make you feel good, but they also know how to twist the knife when they want to.

They can bring you to the heights of joy and plunge you into the depths of despair within moments.

There’s no need to say this emotional manipulation isn’t about helping you navigate your feelings.

It’s about control.

And once they’ve got you on this rollercoaster, it’s hard to get off. 

2) They’re often the life of the party

Contrary to what you might expect, dark empaths aren’t always brooding, mysterious figures lurking in the shadows.

In fact, they can often be found at the center of attention, charming everyone with their wit and charisma.

The truth is they have a knack for making people feel special and seen, which can be incredibly alluring. However, this is usually a facade to draw people in.

After all, their aim isn’t to genuinely connect with others, but rather to gather information they can use to their advantage later.

So if you notice someone who’s always in the spotlight but seems to have a hidden agenda, you could be dealing with a dark empath.

3) They’re incredibly adaptable

One of the most unsettling aspects of a dark empath is their chameleon-like ability to blend into any social environment.

Consider this. they are masters at adjusting their behavior and personality to fit whatever situation they find themselves in.

Furthermore, this adaptability allows them to navigate seamlessly through different social circles, making them seem friendly and approachable.

Nothing wrong with that right?

Unless… this is a calculated move designed to gain trust and influence over others.

And it usually is! 

4) Their eyes are revealing

How many times have you heard “Eyes are the windows to the soul”?

Well, in the case of a dark empath, this can hold particularly true.

People often report a certain intensity in their gaze that can be both captivating and unsettling.

While many of us instinctively look away or break eye contact during a conversation, dark empaths tend to hold our gaze for longer than usual.

My advice?

Pay attention, this prolonged eye contact can create a false sense of intimacy and trust, making you more susceptible to their manipulative tactics.

5) They monopolize conversations

True conversation is a give and take, but with dark empaths, it often feels like you’re just giving.

They have a way of steering every conversation back to themselves, constantly seeking validation or sympathy.

This constant emotional drain can leave you feeling exhausted after every conversation. If you find yourself in such a situation, it could be a sign of dealing with a dark empath.

Wondering how they do it?

While they make a show of being interested in your thoughts and feelings, they soon find a way to shift the focus back on them.

Don’t be mistaken, this isn’t just typical self-centered behavior. It’s a meditated move designed to keep you emotionally invested while they remain emotionally detached.

6) They’re excessively helpful

These individuals are always ready to lend a hand, often going out of their way to assist you, even when you haven’t asked for help.

When it comes to helping, dark empaths take it to another level.

You might be thinking this is a positive trait, right?

Well, it might seem so at first, but it’s often a way for them to create a sense of obligation.

You see, by making you feel indebted to them, they can manipulate the dynamics of the relationship in their favor.

Now, does your gut feeling kick in when you encounter someone who’s always too eager to help, to the point where it feels more burdensome than beneficial?

If so, your gut might be warning you about a dark empath.

7) They feed off drama

Dark empaths have a knack for turning even the calmest situations into a whirlwind of drama.

Here’s how: They often create or escalate conflicts, seemingly thriving in the chaos they’ve caused.

This isn’t because they love a good argument, but because drama is a fertile ground for their manipulations.

Having said that, this allows them to position themselves as victims, heroes, or misunderstood souls, eliciting empathy and sympathy from those around them.

In short, this love for drama isn’t just about theatrics, it has more to do with the love to control and manipulate.

Understanding the dark empath

Having an empathetic nature isn’t a bad thing.

In fact, empathy is what often drives us to connect with others on a deeper level, to offer help when it’s needed, and to strive to make the world a better place.

However, when this empathy is used as a tool for manipulation and control, it becomes a weapon in the hands of a dark empath.

Dark empaths possess the unique ability to understand and share the feelings of others, but unlike regular empaths who use this ability to foster positive connections, dark empaths use it for personal gain.

Here’s how they play the trick: They can infiltrate your emotions, making you feel understood and cared for, only to use these feelings against you.

So, it’s crucial not to mistake this emotional manipulation for genuine care.

Dark empaths are masters at playing the game of emotions, knowing exactly when to show concern and when to withdraw it.

This can leave you feeling unsure of your own feelings and constantly seeking their validation.

One thing you should remember about dark empaths is that their actions are usually calculated.

They’re not being helpful or understanding because they genuinely care about your well-being. Instead, they’re doing so because they want something from you – be it control, validation, or manipulation.

At the end of the day, this can be draining and damaging.

If you identify these behaviors in someone around you, it’s important to recognize them for what they are and consider setting boundaries or seeking professional help if necessary.

On a positive note, it’s also worth remembering that everyone has the potential for change.

In other words, not every dark empath is aware of their manipulative behaviors, and with self-awareness and therapy, they can learn healthier ways of relating to others.

Understanding dark empaths isn’t about labeling or demonizing them but about protecting yourself from emotional manipulation while promoting emotional health in your relationships.

Lucas Graham

Lucas Graham, based in Auckland, writes about the psychology behind everyday decisions and life choices. His perspective is grounded in the belief that understanding oneself is the key to better decision-making. Lucas’s articles are a mix of personal anecdotes and observations, offering readers relatable and down-to-earth advice.

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