If you really want to start living your best life, say goodbye to these 6 behaviors

As you’re probably aware, your days on this planet are finite, so it’s probably a good idea to start making them count. 

But the thing is that to live your best life, you generally have to put the work in, like anything else. 

So if you feel your life has been a little too predictable and monotonous, consider it time to start changing things up. 

And if you don’t know where to start, I’m here to help. 

Let’s kick things off by going through the behaviors you need to let go of… the behaviors that collectively hinder your chances of success. 

Once you make the transition, a whole new world will open up to you. I guarantee it. 

Let’s get to it!

1) Tolerating toxic relationships

This is a big one. 

Remember, you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with. 

There are eight billion or so people in the world, choose the ones you let into your life carefully. 

So start raising the bar.

The fact is, there are countless toxic people out there. 

Now they aren’t necessarily bad people, but sometimes the world has a way of hardening people, inducing toxic personalities and traits. 

Life is too short to have to constantly tiptoe around the people who are supposed to love and care about you. 

You deserve better. 

Once you start letting go of negative people, be it that bad romantic relationship, friendship, or work colleague, it’ll feel like a tremendous weight lifted off your shoulders. 

You’ll feel lighter, and more motivated to get things done in life. 

Besides, bottling up feelings can lead to stress and unhappiness. 

Allow yourself to feel and process emotions in healthy ways.

So if you haven’t already, start cutting your losses and moving on from toxic people. 

Instead, prioritize healthy, supportive relationships, and never look back. You got this. 

2) Avoiding difficult conversations

Many people are unwilling to partake in difficult conversations

You see, difficult conversations are, by definition, uncomfortable, hence many people will put them off indefinitely, despite knowing something is wrong, allowing an unhealthy status quo to perpetuate. 

I know people who stayed in unhappy and unfulfilling relationships only because they essentially refused to talk about it, unwilling to have to deal with the unpleasant reality. 

Imagine being seriously ill and vaguely knowing it, but rather than see a doctor and get checked out and treated, you let things be, hoping the situation fixes itself. 

Facing difficult circumstances is a part of life, if you want good things to happen, if you want to fix a bad situation. 

Meanwhile, running from uncomfortable discussions often prolongs problems. 

So start facing your problems head-on, instead of being passive–and expect resolution and growth to follow. 

3) Hoarding unnecessary possessions

The more cluttered your environment is, the more susceptible you’ll be to things like stress and anxiety. 

Unfortunately, we live in a material world, where many will turn to excess consumerism and hoarding to, well, feel better about themselves. 

The term “retail therapy” exists for a reason. 

Left unchecked, this addiction to buying stuff can manifest in chronic physical and mental clutter. 

Your home and workplace (especially your home) should be considered sacred spaces, and you should treat them accordingly. 

If they’re filled with random junk and knick-knacks collecting dust, this will have a subconscious effect on your mood and motivation. 

Remember what Marie Kondo said, get rid of the things that don’t genuinely bring you joy. 

Declutter your space, declutter your mind, and expect your contentment levels to soar.  

4) Ignoring your physical health

Your habits define you–and how healthy you are in life. 

You already know what to do to get healthy more or less, so start getting in gear.

Start a fitness routine. 

If you dislike the gym, find something that appeals to you like a sport, yoga, or even regular brisk walks through the neighborhood. 

Stop making excuses. Eat properly.

Prioritize a nutritious and balanced diet. 

Stop ordering junk food from Uber Eats, and stop gorging yourself with chicken tenders and Dairy Queen. 

Don’t smoke or drink to excess. 

Sure, allow yourself the occasional indulgence, but don’t make it a way of life. 

Prioritizing daily movement and healthy habits will affect your overall well-being, both physical and mental… so take this as a cue to begin making the necessary changes. 

5) Waiting for the “perfect” time or person

I have a friend who is a diehard romantic… something that has become a bit problematic for her. 

Her whole life, she’s waited for the perfect man to come along: handsome, tall, funny, smart, well-off, incredibly kind, and so on. 

She grew up on Disney fairy tales, and her love life (or lack thereof) has mostly reflected this. 

As she painstakingly sees all her girlfriends get married or engaged, she remains single, holding out hope that her Prince Charming will come along soon, rejecting many good men in the process. 

By waiting for the ideal circumstances to come along, she’s depriving herself of happiness. 

Not good. 

If only she accepted men for their flaws, rather than striving for some nonexistent ideal, she’d be in a far better, and more content, position. 

Forget the perfect moment, stop overthinking, and let go by taking action and putting more faith in your gut. 

6) Focusing on short-term gratification

You should be wary of anything in life that comes too easy. 

That get-rich-quick scheme on Instagram? 

That multilevel marketing email you received last week? 

Or the one from a random venture capitalist offering you seven digits in exchange for a business idea? 

All of these things may initially sound alluring on the surface, but if you take a slightly closer look, they’re all probably scams of some variety. 

When it comes to easy money, relationships, or even quick fixes like alcohol or drugs, always stay on your guard. 

Short-term gratification and chasing quick wins will ultimately hinder your chances of long-term success. 

Put the time and effort into all that you do.

Invest in long-term goals that truly matter to you.

Don’t look for the easy way out. 

Nothing of value in life will come easy and if they claim to, then do thorough due diligence before moving forward.

Ethan Sterling

Ethan Sterling has a background in entrepreneurship, having started and managed several small businesses. His journey through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship provides him with practical insights into personal resilience, strategic thinking, and the value of persistence. Ethan’s articles offer real-world advice for those looking to grow personally and professionally.

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