If you have these 11 daily habits, you probably lack a purpose in life

I truly believe that having a purpose helps you go through life in a way that’s more efficient, fulfilling, and better for you.

When I think of the period of my life when I hadn’t yet fleshed out my life’s purpose, I remember exactly how I felt – uneasy, lazy, and incredibly disgruntled. 

I would go to work only to come home and spend my time watching TV on my couch. I wasn’t a weekend warrior, didn’t have many close friends, and even though I didn’t spend much money, I had none. 

I also had many bad habits. These habits reflected a lack of purpose in my life. So, if you want to dig yourself out of a similar hole, here are the daily habits you should avoid. 

1) Mindlessly scrolling through social media for hours

You knew this would be on this list, right? It’s easy to get lost in the endless scroll, checking out what everyone else is up to. 

However, spending excessive time on social media suggests a lack of direction on your part. You’re basically watching other people do exciting and less exciting things and live their lives. 

Instead of mindlessly scrolling, consider making time to pursue your own hobbies, connect with real-life friends, or even explore new opportunities.

Go for a weekend trip out of town, start learning a new language, and meet new people.  

But first, you have to stop doing this: 

2) Procrastinating important tasks instead of tackling them

Oh man, I hate this word. Not only have I procrastinated many, many times in the past, but I still do it for some things.

But, I now recognize that procrastination often stems from a lack of motivation or clear goals

Instead of putting off important tasks, I try to break them into smaller, manageable steps. 

This can make the workload seem less daunting and help you stay focused on achieving your objectives.

So instead of “I need to start a YouTube channel,” I break things down into small tasks, such as: write a script outline, find the locations, film B-roll, choose background music, edit the intro, etc. 

You get the picture. I’m trying to trick my mind into doing these relatively easy tasks instead of thinking about it in terms of creating a whole video from scratch, which can be overwhelming. 

I also love tricking my mind with the notion that I’ll only do something for 10 minutes, and that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. 

However, what happens then is I’ve already started doing the thing, and I just keep going it. I never stop at the 10-minute mark.  

A couple of hours later, and I’m finished. 

3) Ignoring personal passions and interests

If there are two things you shouldn’t be neglecting, they’re your family and the activities you’re genuinely passionate about. Without doing both of these, you can end up feeling empty and dissatisfied.

Instead of setting aside your interests, carve out time to pursue your passions. Engaging in activities you love can bring joy and purpose to your life.

I know that was always true for me personally. Even when I had terrible jobs, merely thinking about things I was passionate about helped me survive the day. 

But one of the things that I struggled with and that kept holding me back was this:

4) Avoiding challenges and staying in your comfort zone

Avoiding challenges and staying within your comfort zone can be a natural response to the anxiety of the unknown or the fear of failure. 

It’s a safe space where you feel familiar and in control. Still, this reluctance to venture beyond the familiar comes at the cost of personal and professional growth.

When you resist challenges, you often miss out on valuable opportunities for learning and development. 

Growth often happens only when you push your boundaries, tackle new problems, and navigate uncharted territories.

Each successful encounter with a challenge builds confidence and contributes to a more robust sense of self.

5) Lack of financial planning and budgeting

Financial instability adds stress and distracts from a purposeful life. Financial planning and budgeting are the most important things we don’t learn in schools.

Yet, we’re somehow supposed to know these things.

Still, instead of neglecting financial planning, create a budget and set financial goals. 

Learning as much as you can about these things, even if they bore you to death, is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family. 

That’s because taking control of your finances contributes to a more stable and purposeful future. It’s as simple as that.

6) Binge-watching TV shows instead of doing meaningful things

This is something most of us do on a daily basis, yet it can also hold us back, even if we have a purpose in life (and it isn’t watching Netflix as much as you can!).

While entertainment has its place, excessive binge-watching indicates a lack of balance. 

Consider incorporating activities that contribute to personal growth or connect you with others. It’s about finding a healthy mix between relaxation and meaningful engagement.

So, for instance, dedicate one evening each week for networking or meeting new people, online or IRL. 

One evening can be for doing online courses, another one for evening walks, and optionally listening to thought-provoking podcasts. 

You get the picture. You don’t have to get rid of TV nights altogether. Simply skip a few each week. 

7) Constantly complaining without taking action to improve situations

Complaining without taking constructive action creates a cycle of negativity and stagnation. 

I understand that you need to vent frustrations, but when complaining becomes a default response without an accompanying effort to address the underlying issues, it slows personal growth and improvement.

Instead of solely expressing discontent, consider shifting your focus toward problem-solving. Start by identifying the root causes of your concerns.

8) Avoiding exercise and neglecting physical health

Neglecting exercise and overlooking physical health has far-reaching consequences on your overall well-being. 

The connection between physical and mental health is deep, with one significantly influencing the other. Instead of dismissing exercise, consider it as a pivotal aspect of self-care.

As a result of neglecting to exercise and burying myself in work, I ended up with dangerously high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.

The fix was dead easy – healthier food choices and exercising half an hour per day. With a clear mind and a healthy body, I was invigorated to work on my future and spend more quality time with my family. 

9) Surrounding yourself with negative influences

The company you keep can significantly impact your mindset. Just imagine your life as a playlist and the people around you as the songs. 

Now, think about what happens when that playlist is filled with constant negativity. It’s like having a soundtrack that’s always gloomy and downbeat, making it hard to find the rhythm of joy.

But here’s the thing:

You have the power to switch songs. Instead of sticking to the same old dreary playlist, seek out those tracks that make you want to dance and fill you with energy and optimism. 

Connect with people who bring good vibes and uplift and inspire you. Think about it for a moment. 

10) Focusing on short-term pleasures instead of long-term goals

How often do you choose to eat a whole bag of chips right now instead of preparing a healthy meal for yourself? 

Sure, those chips are yummy and an instant delight, but in the long run, you might regret not going for the healthy alternative.

Immediate gratification is tempting, but prioritizing long-term goals leads to a more fulfilling life. 

But think about it this way: by setting and pursuing long-term goals, you’re basically investing in your future happiness. 

You’re planting seeds that will grow into something amazing. Sure, it takes time and effort to nurture those goals, but the satisfaction you get when you achieve them is so much more fulfilling than the brief joy of short-term pleasures.

11) Neglecting relationships and avoiding social interactions

Skipping out on social life and keeping to yourself might make life seem simpler. Still, it’s like missing out on a really good party – you don’t realize what you’re missing until you’re in the middle of it.

So, instead of being a solo act, try joining the band. Building and keeping up with relationships might take some effort, but it’s investing in happiness. 

Friends, family, or even just someone you chat with at the local coffee shop – these connections make life flavorful and filled with purpose.

Tips for finding purpose in life

Start by taking some time for deep self-reflection. Ask yourself what truly matters to you.

What activities make you lose track of time, and what brings you a sense of fulfillment.

Consider your values, passions, and strengths. Reflect on both positive and challenging experiences in your life, as they often give you clues about what resonates with you. 

Jot down your thoughts in a journal to help clarify your thoughts. 

Finding your purpose is also not a one-time event: 

It’s a continuous process of exploration and adaptation. 

Be open to change, learn from your experiences, and stay true to what feels authentic and meaningful to you. It’s about the journey as much as it is about the destination.

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Adrian Volenik

Adrian has years of experience in the field of personal development and building wealth. Both physical and spiritual. He has a deep understanding of the human mind and a passion for helping people enhance their lives. Adrian loves to share practical tips and insights that can help readers achieve their personal and professional goals. He has lived in several European countries and has now settled in Portugal with his family. When he’s not writing, he enjoys going to the beach, hiking, drinking sangria, and spending time with his wife and son.

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