If someone uses these 12 phrases, they have low social intelligence

I often wonder how some people function in the real world when they have zero self-awareness and almost no social intelligence. 

You know the types, right? I often saw them in my workplace, but also on public transport or in supermarkets. They’re all around us, and they’re someone’s brother, sister, mother, friend, teacher, coworker, etc.  

They’re not some mythical being, but your neighbor or even friend. That’s why I’ve always been intrigued by people who lack social intelligence. 

And in this article, I am analyzing some of the things they say, which clearly reveal their lack of social skills.  

So, let’s begin! 

1) “I don’t care”

It’s okay not to care or have an interest in everything. The problem with these people is that they’re not interested in anything

It’s like saying, “I’m not invested in what you’re talking about, and your thoughts or feelings don’t matter to me.”

At the same time, they get surprised when someone doesn’t care about them and what they’re saying. 

Conversation is a two-way street.

2) “Whatever”

When you want to dismiss or brush off a topic, you’ll say “whatever,“ right? With this, you imply you don’t want to participate in the conversation. 

But the thing is, those with low social awareness use this expression all the time. They don’t care about many things, as I’ve mentioned in the first phrase on this list. 

What they do care about is themselves and their full bellies and pockets. Apart from that, everything is “whatever” for them. 

3) “It’s not my problem”

Hand in hand with “I don’t care” and “Whatever” goes “It’s not my problem.” They persistently refuse to take responsibility for anything.

It’s one of the only resolute things they’ve ever done in their lives. 

But this phrase also shows us something else, and that’s a lack of will to help others. So, don’t waste time asking them for help. 

And they almost certainly won’t reach out and assist you. 

4) “That’s dumb”

And when you’re that socially inept, the irony is that you find other things and people dumb. That’s why they constantly insult or belittle people’s ideas or opinions

And not just in person, but even more so online, where they can troll and spew nonsense shielded behind fake profiles and encouraged by an army of like-minded people.  

If you’ve ever wondered who leaves these incredibly insensitive and downright shameful and offensive comments under even the most benign topics, now you have your answer.

5) “Why are you so sensitive?”

And when you get worked up after their comment (which was their intention), they accuse you of being too sensitive. 

In reality, they’re just projecting their own sensitivity because we’ve seen many, many times that they are the absolute worst crybabies. 

6) “You’re overreacting”

“You’re overreacting” is another banger and similar to the previous one. They’re accusing you of overreacting after their answer, statement, or comment made your blood boil because it lacked any and all decency. 

The offense is the best defense, and they know it. That’s why they often preemptively blame others for things they would get accused of themselves in no time. 

7) “I told you so”

This phrase is a classic and is condescending and unsupportive. With it, they’re saying, “I knew better than you, and now you see I was right, but I’m not offering any understanding or empathy.”

The worst thing about it? They will tell you, “I told you so,” even if they never warned you or told you something about it before. 

That’s just how they roll. That’s also why it’s best not to engage with them in the first place. 

I guarantee you you’ll end up with a sour taste in your mouth after interacting with them, no matter how right you are about things. 

8) “Get over it”

When you want to dismiss someone’s struggles or emotions and suggest they should quickly move on, you just tell them to “Get over it.” 

But for people with no social intelligence, this is a part of their normal repertoire. They talk like this with almost anyone because they don’t care about their problems and emotions. 

It’s all about them. Me, me, me. 

9) “I don’t need anyone”

It should come as no surprise that these kinds of people think they can do everything themselves. They also believe they know everything the best, and anyone else would just slow them down, right?

That’s why, if you offer them help on a work project, they’ll simply dismiss you and tell you they can handle things on their own.

Or, when they’re going through a tough time, they’ll reject your sympathy or advice and deal with the situation all alone. 

10) “You’re wrong”

Did you ever work with a colleague or even a boss who would immediately shut down suggestions? I have, and it wasn’t pretty. 

They say people don’t quit their jobs, they quit their bosses, and now I know why.

People with low social intelligence believe their viewpoint is the only correct one and aren’t willing to consider alternatives.

In fact, they love putting down others and their ideas or suggestions, no matter how good they are. 

11) “I don’t want to hear it”

We see this all the time in some people – they’re stubborn and don’t want to hear what you have to say to them. 

In many cases, it’s their lack of social skills that makes them do and say such things. They simply know what’s best for them, and that’s it. It doesn’t matter if they’re completely wrong or not. 

No amount of persuading will change their minds, which is frustrating when you only want what’s best for them, and they’re shooting themselves in the foot. 

They’re the types of people who learn things only when they happen to them personally. They don’t have the brain power to learn from other people’s mistakes.  

12) “It’s not a big deal”

Again, they love downplaying other people’s concerns or feelings. To them, almost any topic that isn’t about them is a non-issue. 

It’s not a big deal because they’re not the ones who are directly involved in it. If their skin was on the line, they would act completely differently. 

How to deal with them

Understand that people with lower social intelligence may not be aware of their impact on others. Be patient and try not to react negatively to their behavior.

Avoid relying on subtle cues or sarcasm, as they could misunderstand them (know your audience, right). You should clearly express your thoughts and feelings.

If their behaviors are affecting you negatively, set clear boundaries. Politely talk to them about your limits and let them know what behaviors aren’t acceptable. 

In other words, tell them to F off but in a polite way. 

I also like to find shared interests or topics that I can discuss comfortably with them. I get to know them and build a connection to create a more positive interaction.

But if all else fails, remain calm and composed. Reacting emotionally will only escalate the situation. So, take a deep breath and respond thoughtfully because you’re above this.

Adrian Volenik

Adrian has years of experience in the field of personal development and building wealth. Both physical and spiritual. He has a deep understanding of the human mind and a passion for helping people enhance their lives. Adrian loves to share practical tips and insights that can help readers achieve their personal and professional goals. He has lived in several European countries and has now settled in Portugal with his family. When he’s not writing, he enjoys going to the beach, hiking, drinking sangria, and spending time with his wife and son.

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