If someone displays these 12 behaviors, they lack humility

It seems like humility is a dying trait, doesn’t it? We’re surrounded by people living for social media and likes. 

But apart from flashy clothes, cars, and accessories, how do we recognize these people? Well, that’s the answer I’m giving you today. 

So without further delay, join me while we uncover the behaviors of people who lack humility and self-awareness. 

1) Self-centeredness

Humility and self-centeredness shouldn’t be in the same sentence, right? 

People lacking humility prioritize their own needs, desires, and interests above those of others. They regularly don’t genuinely consider other people’s feelings or perspectives in their decision-making.

All they care about is me, me, me, and for that reason, they lack any and all humility. Being around people like that isn’t fun at all, and they can easily drain all your energy. 

2) Name-dropping

One of the most hated traits in people is name-dropping. 

When somebody frequently mentions the names of influential or famous people they know in conversation, they want to impress and elevate their own status. 

Society is largely to blame for that, as we associate celebrities with wealth, status, beauty, etc. 

The people that constantly name-drop, truthfully or not, want to gain recognition or admiration by association instead of earning that status for their own merit.

Luckily, I don’t personally know any people that hang out with celebrities, so I’m spared of this. 

3) Arrogance

Arrogant people are full of air because they have an inflated sense of self-importance and see themselves as superior to others. 

That’s why arrogant people act condescendingly, look down on others, and believe they deserve special treatment or recognition. None of that corresponds to humility.

Humble people recognize their limitations, learn from others, and treat everyone with respect and empathy. 

If only more people would act like that. 

4) Inability to admit mistakes

People that simply can’t admit their mistakes also lack humility. They do it out of fear of appearing weak or imperfect. But arrogance and self-centeredness also play a big role. 

Admitting mistakes requires vulnerability and openness, but people lacking humility fear that doing so makes them appear less competent or admirable. 

They prioritize preserving their ego and self-esteem over owning up to their actions.

I mean, I get it; no one wants to feel the shame of admitting to a (big) mistake. But confident, self-aware, and humble people don’t have issues owning up to errors, faulty judgments, wrong views, etc. 

And if you’re guilty of everything on this list I just mentioned, of course, you won’t have any issues blaming others. It’s better than the alternative. 

5) Ignoring social norms

As we already learned, people without humility feel a sense of entitlement and superiority. That’s why they regularly disregard societal conventions or rules. 

They often believe rules for ordinary mortals don’t apply to them and behave, what’s often perceived as disrespectfully to others.

In extreme cases, a lack of humility leads them to believe they’re above ethical principles or even the law. They engage in unethical or illegal behavior without remorse or consideration of the consequences.

Just remember the case of Elisabeth Holmes

And if you’ve ever worked with a self-absorbed person, their lack of humility interferes with effective collaboration and teamwork. 

Their struggle to cooperate with others often results in conflicts and interpersonal complications. A great example for that is the late Steve Jobs, who was ruthless to his subordinates

6) Using false modesty

Have you ever heard of humblebragging

It’s when people pretend to be humble but do so in a calculated way to receive praise or attention from others. Their “modesty” is just a subtle form of self-promotion or fishing for compliments.

Of course, not every person that humblebrags has ulterior motives. Some simply don’t know how to share their achievements with others, so they come up with things like “I work so much. I can’t believe I got another promotion,” or “My new luxury car is such a gas guzzler.”

But, ultimately, a self-centered person knows exactly what they’re doing and saying and how that sounds to others. 

7) Excessive flattery

There are also plenty of people that are sucking up to others. They casually flatter people to manipulate them or gain favors. 

They shower them with insincere compliments to win approval or achieve their objectives. They’re more concerned with how their words can benefit them than genuinely supporting or appreciating others.

But excessive flattery is also a symptom of deep-seated insecurities. By seeking validation through compliments and praise, these people attempt to build up their self-esteem and self-worth.

8) Talking over others

I already mentioned how rude people without humility are. But one of the things I dislike the most about them is when they interrupt others in conversations.

I guess they believe their ideas and opinions are more valuable than others. Or they simply don’t care what others have to say to them or even about them.

This behavior obviously shows a lack of respect for diverse perspectives, and that’s why they’re only surrounded by yes-men.

When you think about it, who else would voluntarily spend time with them? Would you?

9) Seeking attention

I think we can all agree that arrogant, egotistical, and self-absorbed people crave constant attention and validation

They dominate conversations and situations, interrupt others, and talk only about themselves to ensure they’re the center of attention.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that these types of people constantly talk about their achievements, flaunt their possessions, or share every detail of their lives on social media to gain admiration.

Seeking attention, in and of itself, isn’t inherently negative. But, when the desire for attention becomes excessive and self-centered, without consideration for others, it’s a clear sign of a lack of humility.

10) Belittling others

I’ve had the “fortune” to meet some people who completely lacked humility. I noticed they regularly belittle or demean others to elevate their own sense of self-worth. 

They simply love making others feel inferior to boost their own ego.

One of the ways they do this is by downplaying or dismissing others’ achievements, making it seem as if they’re unimportant or insignificant compared to their own accomplishments.

They also mock or ridicule others for their ideas, beliefs, or actions, undermining their confidence in the process. This is especially nasty when there’s an imbalance in power. 

When a supervisor does it to their subordinate, for example. 

11) Ignoring advice

Having a lack of humility can and does hinder many people’s success. Because they believe they know best and don’t need guidance or input from others. 

They love to ignore or dismiss feedback as unimportant, preventing them from recognizing areas for improvement.

Arrogance leads people to believe they have nothing to learn from others and that their knowledge and abilities are superior. 

This mindset closes them off to valuable insights and growth opportunities.

For example, when someone consults a lawyer for legal advice on a specific matter, but they ignore the lawyer’s recommendations and pursue actions that may have legal consequences.

Or when someone’s doctor advises them to adopt a healthier lifestyle, including dietary changes and exercise, but they disregard the advice and continue with unhealthy habits.

12) Refusing to apologize

And lastly, if someone struggles to apologize sincerely and genuinely to others, they lack humility, too. 

They see apologizing as a sign of weakness or unwillingness to admit they were wrong. 

Humility also involves understanding and empathizing with others’ feelings and experiences. 

Self-centered people struggle to see the impact of their actions on others, making it more challenging for them to apologize sincerely.

And ultimately, refusing to apologize often becomes their habit, especially if it has been reinforced by others who tolerate or enable such behavior (yes-men). 

Over time, this results in a diminished sense of personal responsibility.

Final thoughts

So tell me, do you know someone who behaves in this way? Would you say they lack self-awareness and humility? 

Adrian Volenik

Adrian has years of experience in the field of personal development and building wealth. Both physical and spiritual. He has a deep understanding of the human mind and a passion for helping people enhance their lives. Adrian loves to share practical tips and insights that can help readers achieve their personal and professional goals. He has lived in several European countries and has now settled in Portugal with his family. When he’s not writing, he enjoys going to the beach, hiking, drinking sangria, and spending time with his wife and son.

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