If someone displays these 8 behaviors, they’re a deeply self-centered person

There’s a fine line between being confident and being self-centered.

Now, we all have moments of self-centerdness, but there are those who take it a notch higher. These individuals exhibit distinct behaviors that scream “me, myself, and I”.

Identifying these behaviors is crucial in understanding their mindset and how it impacts their interactions with others. And let me tell you, I’ve figured out 8 key behaviors that are tell-tale signs of a deeply self-centered person.

So buckle up, because we’re about to delve into the world of self-absorption.

1) They dominate conversations

We’ve all had those conversations where it feels more like a monologue than a dialogue.

When you’re dealing with a deeply self-centered person, they often have this tendency to dominate conversations. And it’s not just about them talking more, it’s about them talking mostly about themselves.

These people are often so engrossed in their own world, that they forget there’s another person in the conversation. Their stories, their achievements, their problems – it’s all about them.

Remember, a conversation is a two-way street. If you find yourself constantly on the listening end, barely getting a word in edgewise, you might just be dealing with a self-centered individual.

2) They lack empathy

Now, this is a behavior I’ve personally encountered, and it’s a clear red flag of a self-centered personality.

I once had a friend who seemed to be oblivious to other people’s feelings. Let’s call her Lisa. Whenever I was going through a tough time and needed someone to lean on, Lisa was quick to brush off my concerns or even worse, turn the conversation back to herself.

Her lack of empathy was startling. It was as if she couldn’t step out of her own shoes to understand or share the feelings of others. It was all about her feelings, her experiences.

It’s normal for people to focus on their own feelings but when this becomes habitual and they consistently fail to show empathy towards others, it’s often an indicator of a deeply self-centered person.

In my experience, dealing with such individuals can be emotionally draining. So, watch out for this behavior.

3) They crave admiration and attention

Self-centered individuals have a strong desire to be in the limelight. They crave admiration and attention like plants need sunlight.

In fact, people who exhibit self-centered behavior often have high levels of narcissism. These individuals thrive on the admiration of others and are always seeking ways to be the center of attention.

So, if you notice someone constantly fishing for compliments, or turning every situation into an opportunity to showcase themselves, these could be signs of a deeply self-centered personality. The need for constant validation is not just about boosting their ego, but it’s a way they affirm their self-worth.

4) They are poor listeners

Listening is an art that not everyone masters. And for self-centered individuals, it’s a skill that’s often found lacking.

Have you ever shared something important, only to find the other person barely paying attention or quickly steering the conversation back to themselves? That’s a classic sign of a self-centered person. They are more interested in voicing their own thoughts and opinions than in hearing what others have to say.

This lack of active listening not only makes meaningful conversations difficult, but it also indicates a lack of respect and consideration for others. So if you notice someone constantly interrupting or showing disinterest when it’s your turn to speak, it might be a red flag of a deeply self-centered personality.

5) They rarely offer help

In the journey of life, we all need a helping hand from time to time. But with self-centered individuals, this help often comes sparingly, if at all.

These people are so focused on their own needs and wants that they rarely step up to lend a hand to others. It’s heartbreaking to see someone who is more interested in their own well-being than the struggles of those around them.

It’s as if they are in their own bubble, oblivious to the needs of others. And when they do offer help, it often comes with strings attached, as they expect something in return.

6) They struggle to celebrate others’ success

In my life, I’ve crossed paths with individuals who seem to find it difficult to genuinely celebrate the successes of others.

I remember when I got my first book published, a milestone moment for me. But instead of sharing my joy, one particular acquaintance was quick to downplay my success and even hinted that it was pure luck rather than hard work.

Such behaviors are often a sign of a deeply self-centered person. They struggle to rejoice in other people’s achievements, possibly because it makes them feel less accomplished or important.

A person’s inability to acknowledge and appreciate others’ success without feeling threatened or overshadowed can be a red flag of self-centeredness. So, keep an eye out for this behavior.

7) They are often defensive

Ever come across someone who seems to have an invisible shield up, ready to defend themselves at the slightest hint of criticism? That’s another classic sign of a self-centered person.

These individuals often perceive any form of feedback or criticism as a personal attack, even if it’s meant to be constructive. They are quick to defend their actions and beliefs, and rarely take the time to consider the other person’s viewpoint.

Their high-defensiveness can often lead to unnecessary conflicts and damage relationships. It shows a lack of emotional maturity and an inability to accept their flaws or mistakes.

So if you find someone who’s constantly on the defense, unable to take criticism in their stride, chances are you’re dealing with a deeply self-centered person.

8) They lack gratitude

The most telling sign of a deeply self-centered person is their lack of gratitude. They often take things for granted and fail to appreciate the good in their lives and the people around them.

Gratitude involves acknowledging the efforts of others and the positive aspects of one’s life. For self-centered individuals, this can be a struggle as they are too wrapped up in their own world.

If someone rarely expresses thankfulness or fails to appreciate the simple things in life, it’s a clear indication of their self-centered disposition.

Remember, gratitude is an essential trait that fosters positivity and nurtures relationships. Its absence can be a glaring sign of deep-seated self-centeredness.

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Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.

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