If a man uses these 7 phrases regularly, he has almost zero emotional intelligence

There’s a clear distinction between expressing one’s emotions effectively and being emotionally unintelligent.

When it comes to emotional intelligence, it’s not just about controlling your own emotions, but also interpreting and managing the feelings of those around you.

If a man is regularly using particular phrases, it may reveal a startling lack of emotional intelligence.

And trust me, as the founder of Love Connection blog and a relationship expert, I’ve heard them all.

The phrases in question? They might seem innocuous at first glance, but they can be pretty revealing.

We’ll get to those shortly.

Just know this – if these phrases are part of his regular vocabulary, he might need a little help in the emotional intelligence department.

But don’t worry, I’m here to guide you through it. Without sugar-coating or unnecessary frills – let’s dive straight into it!

1) “I’m not upset”

In the world of emotional intelligence, denial is a clear warning sign.

Emotions are part of our human experience, and acknowledging them is a fundamental aspect of emotional intelligence.

When a man regularly uses the phrase “I’m not upset”, it suggests that he might be struggling to express his feelings effectively.

This isn’t about the occasional white lie to avoid a conflict – we’re talking about consistent, repeated denial of emotions.

It’s the refusal to admit when something has affected him on an emotional level.

Instead of openly discussing his feelings, he chooses to bury them, creating a barrier to effective communication.

And trust me, in my years of relationship counselling, I’ve seen how this can lead to misunderstandings and tension in relationships.

Emotional intelligence involves recognizing and expressing emotions appropriately.

If he’s always insisting that he’s “not upset”, even when it’s clear that he is, it might be time for a chat about emotional honesty.

Remember, it’s not about accusing or blaming.

It’s about opening up a dialogue and encouraging emotional growth.

2) “You’re just too sensitive”

Now, this one might surprise you.

At first glance, it could seem like a simple misunderstanding – maybe he doesn’t realize how his actions have affected you.

But if a man regularly uses the phrase “You’re just too sensitive”, it’s a red flag for emotional unintelligence.

This phrase is essentially a dismissal of your feelings, and it shifts the blame onto you.

Instead of taking responsibility for his actions or words, he’s blaming you for your reaction.

Emotional intelligence involves empathy and understanding.

It means being aware of how your actions affect others.

If he’s frequently telling you that you’re too sensitive, it shows a lack of emotional insight and awareness.

It’s often a deflection tactic, designed to take the focus off his own behavior.

And let’s be real – it’s not fair on you. Everyone has a right to their feelings, and no one should be made to feel guilty for expressing them.

3) “You always…” or “You never…”

A telltale sign of low emotional intelligence is the frequent use of absolute statements like “You always…” or “You never…”.

These phrases are usually used in heated situations and are rarely accurate.

Such sweeping statements are not only untrue but also unfair.

They put the other person on the defensive and shut down any possibility of a productive conversation.

It’s a form of emotional scapegoating, where he’s projecting his feelings onto you.

These extreme phrases can create an unhealthy dynamic in relationships. In my book, Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship, I talk about how these absolute statements can contribute to a cycle of codependency.

We all slip up and use these phrases from time to time, but if he’s regularly using them, it might suggest a lack of emotional intelligence.

It’s essential to communicate about this issue.

Encourage him to express his concerns in a less absolute way – instead of saying “you always”, he could say “I feel like you often…”.

This small change can make a big difference in your communication and overall relationship health.

4) “Whatever”

The phrase “whatever” can be a big red flag when it comes to emotional intelligence.

Sure, it might seem harmless – just a casual dismissal or an indication of indifference.

But when it becomes a go-to response, it tends to suggest a lack of emotional engagement.

“Whatever” is often used as a way to disengage from a conversation or avoid confronting an issue. It’s a vague, non-committal response that leaves the other person feeling unheard and unvalued.

As Eleanor Roosevelt wisely said, “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”

Emotionally intelligent people aren’t afraid to engage with life and its challenges – they don’t hide behind dismissive phrases like “whatever”.

In my experience, frequent use of this phrase often goes hand-in-hand with passive-aggressive behavior.

It’s a way of expressing dissatisfaction without actually addressing the issue at hand.

So if he regularly responds with “whatever”, it might be worth having a conversation about active engagement and emotional honesty.

5) “Calm down”

Now here’s a phrase that can be quite deceptive – “Calm down”.

On the surface, it might seem like a reasonable request during a heated moment.

But when used regularly, it can reveal a significant lack of emotional intelligence.

The phrase “calm down” often serves to invalidate the other person’s emotions.

Instead of acknowledging their feelings and working through the issue, he’s attempting to diminish their response.

It’s akin to saying, “Your emotions are not valid or important right now.”

And let me tell you, in my years of relationship counseling, I’ve seen how damaging such dismissal can be.

People with high emotional intelligence understand the importance of validating emotions – their own and others’.

They strive to understand and empathize instead of suppressing or dismissing feelings.

6) “It’s not a big deal”

One phrase that can quickly reveal a lack of emotional intelligence is “It’s not a big deal”.

This statement has a way of belittling the other person’s emotions and experiences, making them feel insignificant.

When a man frequently uses this phrase, it suggests he might be struggling to empathize with others’ feelings.

He may not understand that what may seem trivial to him might be a big deal to the other person.

As Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

True emotional intelligence involves recognizing and respecting the feelings of others, even if they differ from your own.

In my experience, it’s crucial to address this behavior.

It may not be intentional, but it can lead to feelings of resentment and misunderstanding.

For more insights like these, I’d love for you to join me on my journey.

You can follow my Facebook page where I share all my latest articles. Let’s navigate the world of emotional intelligence together!

7) “I don’t care”

Perhaps one of the most revealing phrases when it comes to emotional intelligence, or lack thereof, is “I don’t care”.

It’s raw, it’s blunt, and it’s an outright dismissal of the feelings or concerns of others.

If a man regularly uses this phrase, especially in response to your feelings or concerns, it’s a sign of low emotional intelligence.

It suggests a lack of empathy and a refusal to engage emotionally.

Emotionally intelligent people understand the importance of caring.

They appreciate that relationships are built on mutual respect and concern for each other’s feelings.

“I don’t care” is more than just a phrase – it’s an attitude.

And if this attitude is prevalent in your relationship, it’s time for an honest conversation.

There’s no room for indifference in a healthy, emotionally intelligent relationship.

Emotional intelligence: A journey, not a destination

Unraveling the dynamics of human behavior and communication can be quite an expedition.

It’s akin to navigating the vast ocean, where each wave is a unique expression of emotion, and the undercurrents represent our deeper, often unexpressed feelings.

When it comes to emotional intelligence, it’s essential to remember that it’s not about perfection but progression.

All of us falter and fail in our emotional responses at times.

It doesn’t make us emotionally unintelligent, but human.

However, consistent use of certain phrases, like the ones we’ve discussed in this article, may indicate a struggle with emotional intelligence.

If you notice these patterns in someone close to you or even yourself, don’t despair.

Instead, view it as an opportunity for growth and change.

In my journey as a relationship expert, I’ve found one resource particularly insightful in this regard.

This video by Justin Brown explores the complexities of finding a life partner and how emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in this journey.

He reflects on his personal experiences and shares valuable lessons learned along the way.

YouTube video

Remember, emotional intelligence is not static – it’s a skill we can develop and enhance over time.

So let’s embark on this journey together, with open hearts and open minds.

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Tina Fey

I'm Tina Fey, the founder of the blog Love Connection. I've extremely passionate about sharing relationship advice. I've studied psychology and have my Masters in marital, family, and relationship counseling. I hope with all my heart to help you improve your relationships, and I hope that even if one thing I write helps you, it means more to me than just about anything else in the world. Check out my blog Love Connection, and if you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Twitter

If you recognize these 7 signs, you have an incredibly sharp and perceptive mind

If a woman uses these 8 phrases in a conversation, she lacks wisdom and maturity