Most couples experience a small decline in sexual attraction as time goes by.
I’m sorry, that’s just a fact.
But it’s one thing to take off your rose-colored glasses and settle into a comfortable rhythm; it’s another thing to lose sexual attraction completely.
The first is normal and to be expected. The latter, though…
Let’s just say it may pose some issues.
If a man no longer feels attracted to you, he’ll usually display these 7 behaviors.
1) His sex drive will go down
Let’s get the most obvious one out of the way first – when a man isn’t as attracted to you anymore, it’s very likely his libido will decrease as well, especially if you’re in a monogamous relationship together.
Don’t get me wrong, this in and of itself isn’t a good enough reason to suspect he no longer wants you on a sexual level – he may be stressed out at work, tired, or anxious about some big life events.
As explained in Psychology Today, “Some common reasons why men experience a decreased interest in sex include: lack of emotional connection, repeated sexual rejection, stress, feelings of shame and guilt about their sexuality, and various health issues.”
But if this sign is paired up with the other behaviors on this list, it’s pretty clear that something’s up.
It’s also important to take a step back and try to reassess what your intimacy looks like when you do get to partake in it – is the passion he used to display gone? Is he less attentive than he used to be?
Does it sometimes feel like he just wants to get it out of the way, with no real interest from his side no matter how much he tries to pretend?
Those are some vital questions to ask yourself.
2) He isn’t as physically affectionate anymore
Unfortunately, a lack of sexual desire can translate into very little physical affection overall.
All those cuddles you enjoyed together while watching Netflix? Gone.
Those light touches and brushes when cooking in the kitchen? That’s a thing of the past.
Random forehead kisses, playfights, and massages? Forget it.
People often say that sexual intimacy begins in the morning and is built up throughout the day, from flirty remarks to subtle touches, interesting conversations, and teasing.
But if the man you’re dating no longer feels attracted to you, there’s a high chance he won’t do any of that because he’s simply not interested in building sexual rapport in the first place.
3) He doesn’t put any effort into his appearance when he’s around you
While it’s perfectly normal for people to be so comfortable with their partners that they don’t mind walking around the flat in their pajamas and with their hair all messy, men who don’t have any interest in sexual intimacy with their significant other don’t try at all.
Like, at all. They might lounge on the sofa all day wearing nothing but their robe, they may forget to shower or brush their teeth because they don’t care about how they’re perceived by their partners, or they might completely underdress for a date.
Whatever it is, the man in question no longer strives to impress or seduce you. There is no real desire to make himself appear attractive and to be his best version around you – even when you go out together.
Yep, it’s a problem.
Because it means he views you as a friend or flatmate rather than a sexual being, and so he doesn’t feel any need to engage with you as his sexual self.
4) Compliments are getting rarer by the day
Remember when your man ahhed and oohed over how beautiful, sexy, or breathtaking you looked?
Remember when he noticed little details about your appearance, complimented you on how great your outfit was, and told you he loved you on a daily basis?
Well, if there’s been a hiccup in his sexual interest in you, it’s very likely that those kinds of compliments are now few and far between.
Of course, it’s possible that your partner has simply forgotten to put effort into the relationship because he’s been caught up in other matters, from a family crisis to work responsibilities.
But if you bring up the issue, it’s important that he makes some changes and corrects the problem.
5) He can be quite critical of you
Not every man does this, but some men may go from complimenting you on how gorgeous you look to criticizing your appearance or certain aspects of your behavior.
Naturally, this is a really unexpected switch, one that can have a detrimental impact on your well-being.
Your partner may do this for various reasons – for example, he might be trying to rationalize his lack of sexual attraction by pinpointing specific flaws about you and hoping that everything will go back to normal once you change “for the better” – but his motivations ultimately don’t matter.
What matters is how your partner’s words influence you and whether he makes you feel less confident in yourself.
If he does, his lack of sexual attraction is a small problem in comparison to how his behavior makes you feel.
Remember: your significant other should be your biggest supporter. This isn’t to say they shouldn’t be honest with you, however, honesty can always be delivered in a gentle, caring way.
6) He rarely takes you out on dates or makes plans with you
The most crushing consequence of a lack of sexual attraction in a relationship is that the quality of the time you spend together may suffer as well.
It’s time to ask yourself some tough questions.
- When was the last time he planned a date and took you out, excited to spend time with you?
- How engaged is he during your dates?
- How much effort does he put into his appearance before the date?
- How interested is he in your life, thoughts, and feelings? In other words, does he genuinely want to connect with you during the date?
To put things into perspective, psychotherapist Kelli Miller LCSW says that date nights should ideally take place once a week.
She writes, “Dates can be day or evening but set aside at least one to two hours of uninterrupted time with your partner. If once a week is too much for either partner’s schedule, then do it twice a month.”
7) There is less and less emotional intimacy between you as time goes on
While all friendships work just fine without any sexual charge whatsoever, most romantic relationships require sexual intimacy in order to thrive.
When sexual attraction is missing, all other aspects of the relationship may be affected – you might bicker and fight more often, not feel as safe with each other anymore, and have less interest in each other’s lives.
In short, a lack of sexual intimacy may lead to less emotional intimacy, which then means your sense of companionship begins to deteriorate as well.
Of course, this isn’t applicable to every single relationship. It’s extremely important to take your individual circumstances into consideration.
But if sex and physical touch are something you value and cherish, it may be incredibly difficult to exist in a relationship with a man who no longer feels attracted to you.
And while it’s completely possible to reignite that spark, it takes two to tango.
Ultimately, you’ve got to do what’s right for you. You’ve got to choose yourself and your happiness.