If a man displays these 8 subtle behaviors, he’s attracted to you but is keeping his options open

If a guy winks at you, he’s probably into you. If he compliments your dress, he’s certainly not indifferent.

That’s the ABCs of attraction.

But let me tell you, deciphering a man’s mind isn’t always as straightforward. Sometimes, it’s a maze that needs a little extra navigating.

There are men who are pros at playing the field, keeping their interests hidden under layers of subtlety.

But fear not, because if a man shows these 8 specific behaviors, I can assure you, he’s attracted to you but is keeping his options open.

Let’s dive into the complex world of male attraction together, shall we?

1) Constant but casual contact

The thing about attraction is, it’s like a magnet. You’re pulled towards the person, almost involuntarily.

But when a man is keeping his options open, he walks a tightrope.

He maintains contact, but it’s ever so casual.

He’s always around, in your DMs, liking your posts, even commenting now and then.

Yet, the conversations are light, breezy. Nothing too deep or personal.

He ensures he’s on your mind but doesn’t make any big moves. Keeps things ambiguous.

2) Inconsistent attention

A while back, I had this friend, let’s call him Jake.

Now, Jake was a great guy, charming and funny. We hung out often, and sometimes, it felt like there was a spark.

But then there were times when he would just disappear off the radar, not responding to texts or calls.

This puzzled me until I realized – this was his pattern.

He’d shower me with attention one week, and then be distant the next. It was like a rollercoaster that kept me guessing.

And that’s when it dawned on me. Jake was attracted but he didn’t want to commit.

He was keeping his options open.

3) He’s a master of mixed signals

Picture this. He’s pulling you in for a dance one minute and ignoring you the next.

Sounds confusing? Welcome to the world of mixed signals.

These signals are like a complex Morse code, where he’s saying yes and no at the same time.

It’s interesting how our brains are wired to send out these contradictory signals when we’re attracted to someone but don’t want to fully commit.

It’s all about maintaining balance – between showing enough interest to keep you hooked and not giving away too much to keep his options open.

4) He’s not making any solid plans

He’s all for spontaneous hangouts, late-night chats, and spur-of-the-moment adventures.

But when it comes to making plans for the future, he becomes evasive.

Maybe he’s always too busy or his schedule is always up in the air.

He might even dodge your attempts to plan something concrete or shrug off your suggestions to meet your friends or family.

This is a classic move of someone who’s attracted to you but doesn’t want to be tied down.

He enjoys your company, sure, but he’s not ready for any commitments that could close his other options.

A tricky one to spot, but a sure sign nonetheless.

5) He’s all about the here and now

I’m not just talking about planning the next date or weekend getaway—he’ll bring up months or even years down the road. 

On the flip side, if he’s more focused on the present, it might be a sign he’s keeping his options open.

I’ve noticed this pattern before: he’s all about enjoying the moment—whether it’s today, this week, or maybe even this month—but anything beyond that is a vague, blurry territory he’s reluctant to explore.

Why does this happen? Because staying in the present is safe. It allows him to enjoy your company without making any promises or commitments.

According to research from the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, men who avoid future-oriented discussions often do so because they’re not ready to commit and want to keep their options open.

6) He’s overly reassuring

If he’s frequently telling you how much he enjoys your company, how amazing you are, or how much he cares, it might not be as straightforward as it seems.

Words are great, but if he’s genuinely into you and ready to commit, his actions should be doing the heavy lifting.

When someone is truly invested, they’ll show it through their behavior—making time for you, prioritizing your needs, and planning a future together.

According to a study in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, verbal reassurances without matching actions often indicate ambivalence in the relationship.

This over-reassurance might be his way of keeping you hooked without making any concrete promises.

It’s a subtle game where he keeps you interested just enough to stick around, but not enough to fully commit.

7) He’s all ears but not much of a sharer

He listens attentively when you speak, remembers what you said, and even gives insightful responses.

But when it comes to his life, his dreams, his fears, he keeps you at arm’s length.

Sharing personal details indicates a certain level of trust and intimacy, something that a man keeping his options open might avoid.

He would prefer to keep things light and surface-level.

If he’s always willing to lend an ear but rarely shares anything significant about himself, it could be a sign that he’s attracted to you but is playing it safe.

8) His actions and words don’t align

The ultimate telltale sign? When his words and actions are singing different tunes.

Maybe he tells you he’s into you, but then he doesn’t make an effort to see you.

Or perhaps he flirts with you one day and acts distant the next.

This mismatch is a classic sign of someone who’s attracted to you but is keeping his options open. Remember, actions speak louder than words.

If they’re not in sync, trust the actions, not the words.

Wrapping it up

At the end of the day, remember that these subtle behaviors are just patterns, not a rulebook.

Each man is unique and might express his feelings differently.

However, understanding these signs can help you decipher his confusing actions and mixed signals.

It can offer you a perspective to understand where he stands.

Attraction is a complex game, and sometimes, it’s played with guarded hearts and cautious moves.

But knowing the signs gives you an edge, a glimpse into his mind.

So, tread carefully, trust your intuition, and most importantly, respect your feelings in this journey of attraction and love. After all, it’s your heart that matters the most.

Ava Sinclair

Ava Sinclair is a former competitive athlete who transitioned into the world of wellness and mindfulness. Her journey through the highs and lows of competitive sports has given her a unique perspective on resilience and mental toughness. Ava’s writing reflects her belief in the power of small, daily habits to create lasting change.

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