15 ways to make someone think of you 24/7

We all like being thought of.  And when we like someone, it’s crazy how we spend time thinking about them.

But we never know if we’re on their minds – and this could drive us around the bend.

So could you make someone think of you? Yes, it’s possible!

There are 15 underhanded ways to make someone think of you all the time and stick out more in their mind.

How to make someone think of you 24/7? 15 ways to do

Conditioning a person’s mind to think about you is a powerful act that you can master. It’s not a mind game though.

But these ways will give you a much better chance of being on someone’s mind – and eventually fall in love with you.

There’s no need to consciously wait for hours wondering if they are thinking of you.

Now let’s get people to think more about you when you’re not around. Get on people’s minds with these powerful tricks.

1) Share interesting personal information with them

People who are close to and trust each other share vulnerable thoughts and feelings.

When you share something personal, the other person feels that you value them. This can have a powerful effect on how their subconscious views them.

This is an important factor in making someone think of you constantly or even fall in love with you.

It’s because sharing personal info with only a few is an intimate act. The other person doesn’t expect it – and will make them think about you in the coming days.

For instance, you can share something that not many people know about you. You can even try some lines like, “I’m trying to keep this with me, but I’m planning to… and I was wondering what you think of it.”

2) Have an air of mystery

Make someone think of you all the time by not being an open book or a movie with a known ending.

Have this intriguing sense of mystery in you without acting cold and distant.

You never have to divulge every single detail about your life with someone. It’s better to share interesting facts about yourself than save things for later to create anticipation and curiosity.

There’s something about being unique and creating a sense of mystery. This is about being indifferent, not going into details, and not sharing too much on social media.

It’s an attractive trait that you can use to your advantage – and make someone think about you all the time.

People will start to notice your uniqueness and be curious as to who you are. They may want to know you better.

When you know how not to give too much, you tend to attract people to you.

3) Stop being too available all the time

Sure it’s great to spend a lot of time with them –  but fight the urge to be available 24/7.

The thing is, we love things that we can’t get easily. So if you can be someone that people desire to be with, then don’t always be available.

Sometimes, being too available can push someone away and you will lose importance in their eyes.

If you want someone to constantly think about you, then don’t give too much of yourself. It’s better to make them value your time and presence.

Here’s how you can stop being available without the guilt:

  • Do the unpredictable to make people think about you
  • Have the guts to say “no” when you want to say it
  • Find a hobby that makes you happy
  • Be invisible on social media for a few days
  • Enjoy and love your own company
  • Don’t reply immediately to calls and text messages
  • Don’t accept last-minute dates and invitations

4) Win the person’s trust

This is a surefire way to attract someone into your life and even desire you. The important thing is to have their best interest at heart.

And it’s about being honest, keeping your commitments, and respecting boundaries.

This will make the other person comfortable and more positive towards you – and think more about you.

Here’s the thing,

You see, for most men, it’s all about making them feel like an everyday hero.

I learned about this fascinating hero instinct concept from relationship expert James Bauer. This is something that drives men in relationships – but most women have no idea about it.

Once this instinct is triggered, it turns men into heroes of their lives. When they find someone who knows how to trigger it, they feel better, commit stronger, and love harder,

But do guys need to feel like superheroes to commit to a woman?

Well not at all. It’s not about buying a man a cape or playing the damsel in distress.

So how do you bring out his inner hero?

The best thing to do is to check out James Bauer’s excellent free video here. In this video, you’ll know easy tips to get started, like sending him a 12-word text that will trigger his hero instinct right away.

And that’s the beauty of the hero instinct.

It’s a matter of knowing the right things to say to make him realize that he wants you and only you – and making him the man he’s always wanted to be.

Click here to watch the free video.

5) Always leave your conversation positively

And be the first to end it.

Whether you’re exchanging messages, doing video calls, or talking on the phone, be the first one to end the conversation. And always leave things on a positive note.

This person will remember the pleasant conversation you have, appreciate your treasured time together – and make them think about you.

And it will surely make them want you more.

This works best if you’ve been unavailable lately – as it will drive them crazy.

They may even reach a point where they’ll want to be with you as they’ve fallen in love already.

6) Mention a song or a film that reminds you of them

Music and movie lines have a profound effect on our lives.

When you tell someone that the song “Treat You Better” by Shawn Mendes or the movie “Jerry Maguire” somehow reminds you of them – they’ll likely listen to or watch that movie.

You can also play a song that will go around in their heads all day. Or pick a popular song that they can hear everywhere.

This will help them think about you all day long because the song will keep playing in their minds.

They might even listen to this song while out for a walk, at work, or even while relaxing at home.

Making someone think about you constantly should be fun. It’s more effective if you won’t do anything extraordinary to make it happen.

The thing is, even with little gestures, you’ll stay on their minds throughout the day. This creates a fun memory that triggers their mind to think of you lightly.

Who knows? They might start to fall in love with you.

7) Slip secret notes for them to find

It may seem like an old technique, but it works if you want to stick out more in their mind.

Doing this reminds them of the moments and feelings you share when you’re together.

It’s a small act, but can go a long way.  This fun and sexy surprise will remind them of you throughout the day in a way that feels more special than a text.

For instance, if he’s making dinner for you, leave a note on his fridge saying, “Love the food… I had a great night!”

You can slip a note anywhere he could find it. Perhaps you can say, “I had a great time and can’t wait to see you again.”

For sure, every time he looks at it, he’ll think about you non-stop.

This would bring a thrill to their day – and make them think more of you!

8) Do something thoughtful

The way we engage with people – even the simple ones – can make such a profound impact on our relationships. It can even make our lives a lot sweeter too.

This is about putting thought into what can make the other person feel good.

So if you want someone to think of you more (and desire you), do something unintentionally.

Try these subtle random acts of thoughtfulness:

  • Send a message in the middle of the day just to say hello
  • Bake some cookies or sweets
  • Buy a small present without any occasion
  • Give encouraging words on tough days
  • Plan a simple lunch date
  • Say a sweet, genuine compliment
  • Take them out for coffee or ice cream

True enough, those small things will keep you on their mind as it shows that you care about them on a deeper level.

And the truth is, we all need a little thoughtfulness in our lives.

9) Make them laugh even when you’re apart

Sharing laughter is a great way to make people bond as it strengthens the connection they have.

If you want someone to keep thinking about you, humorously present your words.

Try to make her laugh when you’re together and when you’re not.  For when you can make someone laugh, you’ll be on their mind all the time.

It’s because laughter is the key to the heart and happiness. It keeps us warm inside.

This goes without saying that having a sense of humor is a desirable trait. It makes one more attractive and sexy.

When you send them a joke or a funny meme, it will help you make a mark on their mind.

This relates to the concept I mentioned earlier: the hero instinct.

When a man feels respected, useful, and needed,  he’s more likely to think about you 24/7.

Triggering his hero instinct can be as simple as knowing the right words to say.

And you can learn exactly how to do that by watching this simple and genuine video by James Bauer.

10) Casually talk to a mutual friend about them

Friends love to gossip – and that’s not a secret!

If you have mutual friends or common acquaintances, have a conversation about the person you’re interested in.

Let your mutual friend know that you want to be on this person’s mind a bit more.

You can do it directly or drop subtle hints like, “There’s something about him that I like,” or “Do you have an idea what she wants in a woman?”

Probably, your mutual friend will also mention your conversation when they talk with them, inadvertently (or not).

But this technique will surely make them think more about you.

11) Create fun experiences with them

We tend to remember those very best moments of our lives (and even the very worst).

There’s something about those times that make us laugh or when we’re smiling from ear to ear.

So when you’re spending time together, do things that you both love – and have fun!

Give these activities a try:

  • Play online games together
  • Watch a light movie or Netflix show
  • Go on a biking adventure
  • Visit an amusement park
  • Go on a food or wine tasting session
  • Have a picnic or sit around a campfire
  • Play bowling or tennis
  • Walk your dogs around the neighborhood
  • Go outside at night and do stargazing
  • Explore a nearby town

You don’t even have to put too much effort and pressure when you’re having fun.

Don’t question if this person will think about you non-stop, for he will think about the fun times you have – and would even want to spend more time with you!

12) Smile effectively

I love to smile because I’m genuinely happy and interested to meet new people.

Smiling doesn’t only make your day happier but it also makes people remember you. It creates a good impression and makes someone comfortable with you.

While this may want you to flash a smile across your face a lot, the trick is to wait before you smile.

This means you can introduce yourself or wait after you have been introduced before smiling. Then as you shake the person’s hand and say their name, smile genuinely.

Doing this will make the other person feel that their name brought a smile to your face.

In a way, they will catch your happiness, creating a ripple effect of attraction.

Your smile can take you far, which will make people think of you more.

13) Use the power of scents as your arsenal

Be ‘scent-sational.’

Psychology Today’s article shares, “Physical attraction itself may literally be based on smell.”

Scents are extremely powerful as they can leave a trace and can trigger long-term memories. For instance, the smell of freshly baked cookies makes you think of the Christmas season.

If you’re wearing your trademark scent, it can leave a trace and make someone think of you if they smell something similar.

The key here is to make them long for you whenever you’re not around by leaving some scent-tied memories behind.

For instance, you can give them a room spray with your signature scent or light a scented candle when you’re together.

Either way, scents can be one fun and effective way to bring you to mind.

14) Make a remarkable first impression

We all know that first impressions matter. And when it comes to making someone think about you all the time, that first impression matters a lot.

Make it strong and positive so it will last long beyond that moment.

So when you meet someone for the first time, you have to be on top of your game – from your words to your attitude.

Here’s how to make sure that people view you in a positive light:

  • Make them feel comfortable with positive words
  • Dress the part and be presentable
  • Smile and make good eye contact
  • Show your true self
  • Be interested in the other person
  • Show your sense of humor
  • Call the person by his name
  • Look for a common ground

15) Always be your true self

When you’re trying to get someone to think about you all the time, it’s important to be your unique self.

This will make you stand a much better chance of being in someone’s mind.

For when you’re confident and comfortable in your skin, you become naturally memorable.

You don’t need to pretend or wear a mask to make people admire you. You don’t have to please them or worry about what they think about you.

Open yourself and let them get to know the amazing person that you are.

When you appreciate your uniqueness and weirdness, you’ll get to live a happier and more optimistic life.

By owning who you are, you can get someone to think more about you even when you’re not around.

Get on someone’s mind

Even if you’ve just met, just started dating, or have been together for a long time, those tips I’ve mentioned work. You just have to see what works best for you.

With a few techniques and gestures, you can make them think about you in no time!

So by now, you should have a better idea of how you can make someone think more about you even when you’re not around.

The key here is getting through to your man in a way that empowers you both.

I touched on the hero instinct earlier – as it’s a powerful trick to stick out more in their minds.

By appealing directly to his primal instincts, you can take your situation further than ever before.

And since this free video reveals exactly how to bring out your man’s hero instinct, you could make this change as early as today.


Because with James Bauer’s incredible concept, you’ll reach a part of him that no woman has ever managed to reach before. And he’ll see you as the only woman for him.

So if you’re ready to take things to the next level, be sure to check out the video now.

Here’s a link to his excellent free video again.

Czaroma Roman

Czaroma is a content strategist and copywriter with a purposeful mindset. She finds fulfillment in crafting content for entrepreneurs and life coaches. In a place of love and growth, she's raising a tribe of three with her husband - and writes to inspire people to create impactful relationships.

Connect with her on LinkedIn and Instagram.

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