An epic list of grateful things to say (and how to say them)

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can bring positivity and happiness into our lives. 

Expressing gratitude can be as simple as saying a heartfelt “thank you”, but it can make a big difference in our relationships with others. 

Why is it important to express gratitude to someone? 

For me, it’s three main things: 

One: simple – it makes me feel good to say it!

Two:  saying thank you is just good manners. And manners make for a more polite and harmonious society. 

And three: life is short! I can’t let time pass by without letting the people who’ve helped me know how much their kindness meant to me. They need to know they make a difference! 

Wondering how to express your gratitude in different ways? 

Check out this list of grateful things to say! I’ll also show you how to say them and why you should always practice gratitude. 

Let’s dive in! 

The Thankful List

Personal thank-you

  • I appreciate you!
  • You bring joy to my life.
  • You’re a lifesaver!
  • I’m grateful for you.
  • I couldn’t have done it without you!
  • You make a difference.
  • Thanks for being there.
  • You’re a blessing to me.
  • You’ve made my day!
  • I’m so touched beyond words.
  • You don’t know how much this means to me.
  • Your kindness means the world to me.
  • I can’t thank you enough for…
  • I’m eternally grateful. 
  • From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much.
  • When I think of things I’m grateful for, you’re always on the list.
  • I couldn’t ask for a better friend/partner/sister, etc. 
  • Thanks a million!

Professional or work-related thank-you

  • Your thoughtfulness is appreciated.
  • Your hard work is noticed.
  • I value your help/contribution.
  • I wanted to express my gratitude for…
  • I wanted to thank you for…
  • Thank you so much for your assistance.
  • Thanks for helping me achieve my goal.
  • I’m so glad you’re on my team. 
  • I’ll never forget your support and kindness.
  • Your support means a lot to me.
  • I am truly grateful for this opportunity.
  • Thank you for taking the time to…
  • Your input is so valuable
  • Let me know how I can return the favor.
  • I’d just like to say how much I value your support.
  • I appreciate you for your efforts to…
  • Please accept my deepest thanks.
  • Much obliged
  • I owe you one
  • The impact you’ve had is incredible.

This list definitely isn’t exhaustive – there are just so many creative ways to say thank you! 

And of course, some of these expressions can be used in both personal and professional contexts. 

For example, “thank you” is a classic way to express gratitude for a favor or gift. Whether you’re talking to a friend, a co-worker, or a stranger, “thank you” will get the message across clearly. 

The same goes for “I appreciate you” – this is a more general expression of gratitude you can use in a variety of situations. 

But generally, with personal thank-yous, you can be super casual and informal. 

In contrast, professional situations typically call for a more formal way of expressing gratitude. 

No matter what the context is, gratitude is a core value that can enrich your life in so many ways.

I discovered this from Life Journal, created by the highly successful life coach and teacher Jeanette Brown. 

With the help of this course, I was able to really hone in on the things I value most in life and how to live intentionally following these values.

And yes, gratitude is definitely one of them! I can’t tell you how much my perspective shifted when I started practicing gratitude mindfully every day. 

Click here to learn more about Life Journal.

How to say them

In addition to the words we choose, it’s important to consider how we say them. Here are some tips on how you can express gratitude more meaningfully: 

1) Mind your body language

Your body language might be non-verbal, but it definitely speaks volumes. 

Your facial expressions, gestures, posture, how much eye contact you make – all of these play a role in how your message is received by the person you’re speaking to. 

So, if you want to convey sincerity while you thank someone, make sure to smile and make eye contact. 

You can also reinforce the message with non-verbal cues like a hug, a handshake, or a pat on the back. 

You also want to hold your body in an open and relaxed manner to match the words you’re saying. 

Think about it – what if someone thanked you while their arms were crossed? Or while frowning? 

For sure, you’d feel quite confused, wondering at the disconnect between their words of gratitude and the way they look and behave.   

That’s why, aside from maintaining positive body language, make sure you…

2) Show enthusiasm

That’s right! Now is the time to let your gratitude burst forth with energy

Your tone of voice also matters when expressing appreciation – you want to sound warm, upbeat, and truly appreciative!

Here’s an example – which one do you think shows more appreciation? 

“You made my day!” or “Oh, thanks”?

I think you’ll agree with me that the first statement shows more enthusiasm, right?

Aside from that, don’t be afraid to get creative…

3) Vary your vocabulary

When thanking someone for their help or kindness, try to go beyond the usual “thank you.” 

How does that help?

You see, using a variety of words packs a more powerful punch. Colorful language conveys more enthusiasm and effort in getting your message across. 

It tells the person you’re talking to that your gratitude can’t be contained with a mere “thank you.”

But don’t go around sounding like you’ve just read a thesaurus! Make sure you still express yourself in a way that’s creative yet sounds natural. 

4) Be specific

What makes you particularly thankful for the person you’re talking to? What action did they do to make you feel cared for

Adding these details is a more powerful way to show them how much you appreciate them. You can also pair your thank-you with a sincere compliment.

And who knows, receiving such a specific expression of thanks might inspire them to do even more of that for others!

5) Show deeper appreciation with emotional statements 

Sometimes, some acts of kindness touch you to the core, so much that a casual way of saying thanks just won’t do it. 

If that’s the way you feel, then go ahead, don’t be shy. Go deep and use emotional statements to express yourself. When you use really thoughtful and deliberate words, the person will be able to grasp just how much their kindness affected you. 

Here are some examples of deeper and more emotional expressions of gratitude: 

  • I cannot thank you enough…
  • I have no words to express how much this means to me.
  • I’ll never forget your support and kindness.

Why should you practice gratitude?

Since we’re on the topic of being thankful, it’s worth discussing why we need to maintain an attitude of gratitude

Sure, it’s only natural to be thankful when someone does something nice for you, but what about life in general? Why should you stay thankful even when life is hard? 

The answer is this: 

Research has shown that gratitude can reduce stress, improve mood, and increase overall life satisfaction. 

By focusing on what we are thankful for, we can shift our perspective from negative to positive, bringing more happiness and contentment into our lives.

If that’s not enough reason to always be thankful, I don’t know what is! 

What are some other ways to show gratitude? 

Looking for a more memorable way to appreciate the people who have helped you? Here are some ways to make them feel extra special!

For those who support and love you…

How do you thank the people who make your life brighter and easier? Let me count the ways…

  • Give them a thoughtful gift.
  • Write a thank-you note.
  • Take them out for coffee or a meal.
  • Do an activity with them that they enjoy.
  • Offer to help them out or lighten their workload.
  • Let them know you’re there to listen.
  • Give them a hug!
  • Pay them a compliment.

For the people who challenge you…

I probably sound crazy for saying you should also thank the people who challenge (and frustrate) you! 

But remember, gratitude is a mindset we should cultivate even in difficult situations!

  • Listen attentively when they speak.
  • Thank them for showing you a different perspective.
  • Resist the urge to tell them they’re wrong. 
  • Say you appreciate their commitment to their beliefs even if you don’t see things the same way.

And for yourself…

Yup, you read that right. You can’t have a gratitude list without including yourself! 

All too often, we forget to show ourselves the same kindness and thoughtfulness we extend to other people. But that shouldn’t be the case. 

Here are some habits you can do to give yourself some extra appreciation…

  • Treat yourself to something you enjoy – a cup of coffee, a day at the spa, a gorgeous dress, and so on. 
  • Learn to accept compliments – you deserve them! And while you’re at it…
  • Compliment yourself, too!
  • Make a list of the things you like about yourself or the good things you’ve done for others
  • Schedule a date with yourself.
  • Be patient with yourself when you fail at something. 

Final thoughts

Thankfulness calls us to acknowledge how other people help us, whether financially, emotionally, or physically. 

Whether it’s saying “thank you” or expressing more specific gratitude, the words we choose and how we say them are important. 

By incorporating gratitude into our daily lives, we can improve our emotional and physical well-being and bring more happiness and positivity into our world.

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