We’ve all been there. The missed opportunity, the unfinished goal, the dream left on the back burner—all tied up in a tidy little package of excuses.
“I don’t have time,” “It’s too hard,” or “I’m just not ready.”
Sound familiar?
Here’s the thing: highly successful people hear those same whispers of doubt and temptation to deflect responsibility.
The difference? They don’t let excuses define them.
According to psychology, what sets them apart isn’t talent or luck—it’s their refusal to rely on the crutch of excuses that hold so many others back.
Curious about what separates the go-getters from the quitters?
Let’s dive into the 9 excuses you’ll never hear from someone truly successful—and how adopting their mindset can push you closer to your own goals.
1) “I don’t have time”
One of the most common excuses we all tend to make is claiming we don’t have enough time.
However, this is an excuse you’ll never hear from a highly successful person.
Successful people understand that time is a valuable resource and everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. They know it’s not about “having” time, but about “making” time.
Maybe they’re juggling multiple projects, or have a meeting that runs over time.
Regardless, instead of saying they don’t have time, they prioritize their tasks and manage their schedules effectively.
In essence, they don’t allow themselves to be victimized by time; instead, they take control of it and ensure it works in their favor.
They recognize that if something is truly important to them, they will make the time for it.
2) “I’m not good enough”
Another excuse you’ll never hear from a highly successful person is “I’m not good enough”.
This type of self-deprecating statement stems from a place of fear and doubt, and it’s one that successful people have learned to banish from their vocabulary.
They understand that everyone starts somewhere, and that it’s okay to not be perfect.
Instead of focusing on their shortcomings or comparing themselves to others, they focus on their strengths and how they can leverage them to achieve their goals.
They also recognize the value of self-improvement and growth. They know that they may not be the best today, but with hard work and determination, they can continue to learn and improve.
3) “It’s too late now”
You might think that timing is everything, but for a highly successful person, “it’s too late now” is never a valid excuse.
They understand that it’s never too late to start a new venture, learn a new skill or chase a new dream.
While others might see the passing of time as a hindrance, successful individuals view it as an opportunity.
They are aware that starting late doesn’t mean they are at a disadvantage, but rather it means they bring more life experience and wisdom to the table.
So the next time you find yourself holding back because you think it’s too late, remember that success doesn’t have an expiration date.
It’s never too late to start, and every moment can be the right moment if you decide to make it so.
4) “I’m scared of failing”
Failing can be scary, no doubt about it.
But for the highly successful, “I’m scared of failing” is not an excuse that holds water. They understand that failure is not the opposite of success, but a stepping stone to it.
They know that every failure brings with it valuable lessons and insights that can help them improve and grow.
Instead of being paralyzed by the fear of failure, they embrace it as part of the journey towards success.
Failure is not a dead-end street but a detour sign. It’s a signal that there’s a different, potentially better route to your destination.
So don’t let the fear of failure hold you back from taking risks and pursuing your dreams.
In the end, regret over things not done can be far more haunting than failure itself.
5) “I don’t deserve success”
It’s a sad truth that many of us grapple with feelings of unworthiness.
However, you’ll never hear a highly successful person say, “I don’t deserve success.” They understand that self-worth shouldn’t be linked to accomplishments.
They know that every person, including themselves, is deserving of success and happiness.
They don’t tie their value to external achievements, but rather to their own personal growth, resilience, and compassion.
They also understand that everyone’s journey is unique and everyone’s definition of success is different.
They don’t compare their progress to others’, but focus on their own path.
6) “I’m too overwhelmed”
Life can get chaotic, and sometimes the pressure can feel overwhelming.
But you’ll never hear a highly successful person say, “I’m too overwhelmed.” They understand that feeling overwhelmed is usually a sign that things need to change.
Instead of letting the feeling of being overwhelmed stop them, they:
- Use it as a cue to step back
- Reassess their priorities
- Make necessary adjustments
They know it’s okay to ask for help, delegate tasks or even take a break if needed.
7) “I’m not a morning person”
We’ve all heard it or said it before – “I’m not a morning person”.
However, you’ll never hear this from a highly successful person. They understand that success doesn’t discriminate between early birds and night owls.
While they may appreciate the peace and quiet of the early morning or the stillness of late nights, they don’t use their personal preferences as an excuse to avoid tasks.
They know that the key is finding a routine that works best for them and sticking to it, regardless of what the clock says.
So whether you’re a night owl, an early bird, or somewhere in between, remember – success does not have a bedtime.
Find your productive hours, and let them work for you!
8) “It’s too hard”
Life can be tough, and the road to success is often riddled with challenges.
But saying “it’s too hard” is not an option for highly successful people. They understand that anything worth having doesn’t come easy.
They acknowledge the difficulty, but they don’t let it deter them.
Instead, they roll up their sleeves and tackle the challenge head-on. They know that the harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.
9) “I can’t”
Perhaps the most important excuse that a highly successful person will never use is “I can’t”.
They understand that these two small words have the power to hold them back from their greatest potential.
Instead of saying “I can’t”, they say “I can”, or better yet, “I will”.
They understand that they are capable of anything they set their minds to, and they do not allow self-doubt to stand in their way.
So whenever you’re faced with a challenge, remember to replace “I can’t” with “I can”.
And who knows? You might surprise yourself with what you’re capable of achieving.
After all, the only real limits in life are the ones we set for ourselves.
Moving forward
Excuses might feel like a safety net in the moment, but in the long run, they only hold you back from reaching your full potential.
Highly successful people know this truth: progress begins where excuses end.
The 9 excuses we’ve explored aren’t just words—they’re barriers that block you from growth, resilience, and the life you envision for yourself.
But here’s the good news: by recognizing and rejecting them, you take the first step toward adopting a mindset of accountability, action, and unstoppable momentum.
So the next time you’re tempted to reach for an excuse, pause and ask yourself, “What would the best version of me do instead?”
Success doesn’t wait for perfect timing or conditions—it waits for the person brave enough to own their journey, excuses and all.