People who’ve suffered major heartbreaks and moved on successfully often practice these 7 habits

Heartbreak hits hard. It feels like everything you’ve built has come crashing down, leaving you with jagged pieces you’re not sure how to hold, let alone put back together.

But here’s the thing—you can heal, even when it feels impossible right now.

Getting through heartbreak isn’t about pretending it didn’t happen or burying the pain. It’s about facing it head-on, learning to carry it differently, and slowly but surely finding your way forward.

The people who’ve come out the other side stronger didn’t have a secret formula—they made choices, sometimes messy and imperfect, that helped them rebuild.

In this article, we’ll talk about seven habits that can help you do the same. They’re not quick fixes or miracle cures, but they’re real, doable steps you can take every day to start healing. 

1) Embrace the pain

Heartbreak is tough, there’s no denying it.

And while it can be tempting to bury the pain and pretend it doesn’t exist, successful heartbreak survivors know better.

They understand that pain is a part of the healing process. Instead of running away from it, they embrace it. They allow themselves to feel the hurt, the anger, the sadness… all of it.

This isn’t about wallowing in self-pity. It’s about acknowledging the hurt and giving yourself permission to grieve.

Why does this help? Well, avoiding pain only prolongs the healing process. Facing it head-on, on the other hand, can be cathartic and lead to personal growth.

But while it’s important to let yourself feel the pain, don’t let it consume you. It’s okay to seek help if things get too overwhelming. After all, we’re only human.

2) Cherish the memories

It might seem counterintuitive, but those who’ve moved on from heartbreak often do something unexpected – they choose to cherish the memories, instead of trying to erase them.

Yes, you heard it right.

They don’t force themselves to forget the past, or worse, paint it in a negative light. Instead, they appreciate the good times for what they were – beautiful moments in their life’s journey.

This might seem challenging, especially when the wound is fresh. But over time, it can help you realize that a heartbreak doesn’t negate all the happiness you experienced.

The trick here is to separate the memories from the pain. You can appreciate what was good without longing for it or letting it hold you back from moving on.

This habit is about finding a sense of closure and peace with your past. And let me tell you, it can be incredibly liberating.

3) Practice self-love

This is a big one, my friends.

Self-love is crucial, not just in moving on from a heartbreak, but in all aspects of life.

After a breakup, it’s easy to start blaming yourself or questioning your worth. But let me tell you, that’s the last thing you should do.

What you should do instead is practice self-love. This means taking care of your emotional, mental, and physical well-being. It means accepting yourself as you are and recognizing your worth.

I’ve talked about this extensively in my book Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship. It’s all about learning to love and respect yourself first before seeking it from others.

Practicing self-love can help you recover from heartbreak and build a healthier relationship with yourself. And once you do that, you’ll be better equipped to handle future relationships too.

4) Cultivate resilience

The journey through heartbreak is a bumpy one.

But those who’ve successfully moved on have a secret weapon – resilience.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. It’s about picking yourself up each time you fall and moving forward, no matter how hard it seems.

I’ve personally found that cultivating resilience can be a game-changer, especially during tough times. Trust me, it makes the journey a lot easier.

A quote that has always stuck with me is this one by Helen Keller: “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

And isn’t that the truth?

Heartbreak is tough, but it can also be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and transformation. So embrace the journey, cultivate resilience, and remember – this too shall pass.

5) Stay connected

When you’re going through heartbreak, it can be tempting to isolate yourself.

But let me tell you, that’s not the way to go.

Staying connected with your loved ones during this time is crucial. And I’m not talking about venting or talking about your ex all the time. I’m referring to simply spending time with people who love and support you.

Over the years, I’ve realized that human connection is a powerful healing tool.

Whether it’s a coffee date with a friend, a phone call with your sibling, or a walk in the park with your dog – these moments of connection can bring a sense of comfort and normalcy when everything else seems chaotic.

It’s okay to lean on others for support. You’re not alone in this journey. And sometimes, a heartfelt conversation or a shared laugh can be just what you need to lift your spirits.

6) Keep the future in sight

Heartbreak can make your world seem small, like there’s nothing beyond the pain.

But those who’ve successfully moved on know better. They keep their eyes on the future.

Despite the pain, they remain optimistic about what lies ahead. They believe in a future where they are happy and healed. And let me tell you, this mindset makes a world of difference.

Heartbreak might be a part of your story, but it doesn’t define your future.

Personally, I’ve found that having a vision of a brighter future can be a powerful motivator to move on. It’s like a beacon of hope that guides you through the storm.

Life goes on and so can you. Keep your eyes on the horizon and take one step at a time towards a happier future.

If you’d like to stay updated with more such nuggets of wisdom and insights, do follow me on Facebook at Tina Fey’s Love Connection. I’d love to continue this journey of healing and personal growth with you.

7) Accept that it takes time

I’m going to be brutally honest here.

Healing from heartbreak doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process, and it takes time.

There’s no set timeline for moving on. Everyone heals at their own pace, and that’s perfectly okay.

It’s important to be patient with yourself during this time. Don’t rush the healing process or beat yourself up if you’re not ‘over it’ yet. Take all the time you need.

Moving on is not about forgetting the past or getting to a point where it doesn’t hurt anymore. It’s about accepting what happened, learning from it, and finding a way to live your life with the scars.

As they say, time heals all wounds. Trust in the process and believe that in time, you will find peace and happiness again.

The healing power of time and self-reflection

Going through heartbreak is a deeply personal and often painful journey.

But as we’ve discussed, it can also be a transformative experience that leads to growth and self-discovery.

One crucial aspect we keep coming back to is the role of time in this healing process. As the old saying goes, “Time heals all wounds.”

But it’s not just about the passing of days and weeks. It’s about how you use that time to introspect, learn, and grow.

This is where self-reflection comes in. It’s about looking back at your relationship, not with bitterness or regret, but with a desire to understand what went wrong and how you can avoid similar pitfalls in the future.

If you’re interested in exploring this further, I recommend this video by Justin Brown. He shares his personal experience of being single in a big city, reflecting on his journey and the lessons he learned along the way.

His insights might help you navigate your own path towards healing and self-discovery.

YouTube video

Heartbreak might leave scars, but remember – scars are marks of resilience. They’re proof that you can face adversity and come out stronger. And most importantly, they’re reminders of the lessons you’ve learned and the person you’ve become.

In the end, moving on from heartbreak is not about forgetting the past but learning from it. It’s about embracing your journey, cherishing your memories, and looking forward to a future filled with possibilities.

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Tina Fey

I'm Tina Fey, the founder of the blog Love Connection. I've extremely passionate about sharing relationship advice. I've studied psychology and have my Masters in marital, family, and relationship counseling. I hope with all my heart to help you improve your relationships, and I hope that even if one thing I write helps you, it means more to me than just about anything else in the world. Check out my blog Love Connection, and if you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Twitter

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