It’s when the going gets tough that people often reveal their true selves.
Some folks falter under pressure, while others rise to the occasion and show what they’re really made of.
These individuals, those who shine brightest in the face of adversity, often share common characteristics.
In this piece, we’ll delve into the eight traits most commonly found in people who let their true colors shine during difficult times.
1) Resilience
There’s something to be said about the human spirit and its ability to bounce back.
When things get tough, it’s the resilient ones who often stand out from the crowd. They’re the ones who, despite all odds, manage to keep going.
Resilience is more than just a buzzword. It’s a characteristic often found in those who shine brightest during challenging times.
Resilient individuals don’t crumble under pressure. Instead, they adapt, learn, and grow from their experiences. They understand that setbacks are a part of life and not the end of the world.
It’s through this lens that they view adversity not as a roadblock but as an opportunity for growth. And it’s this perspective that allows them to show their true colors and remain steadfast in the face of adversity.
2) Empathy
Sometimes, it’s during the toughest times that the most empathetic among us truly shine.
I remember a time when my grandmother fell seriously ill. Our family was in turmoil, and everyone was struggling to cope with the situation. But amidst all the chaos, my cousin, Sarah, emerged as a beacon of support.
Despite being in the midst of her final exams, Sarah would always find time to visit our grandmother, to sit by her bedside, and just listen. It was her empathetic nature that allowed her to understand what our grandmother was going through and provide her with much-needed comfort and companionship during those difficult times.
Empathy isn’t about feeling sorry for someone. It’s about understanding their feelings, their struggles, and their perspective. And it’s this trait that empowers people to show their true colors when times are tough.
3) Optimism
Optimism, the tendency to see the glass as half-full, is a trait that often comes to light during challenging times.
Did you know that Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, found that optimism can lead to better health and increased longevity? This isn’t just about seeing the silver lining in every cloud but more about having a hopeful perspective on life, even when things are falling apart.
People who maintain an optimistic outlook amidst adversity are often those who show their true colors. They manage to stay positive, inspire others, and often find creative solutions to problems when others can’t.
4) Mental toughness
Let’s talk about mental toughness. It’s an attribute that is often synonymous with resilience, and it’s a trait that is highlighted during trying times.
People with mental toughness don’t let adversity deter them. Instead, they face it head-on, with a determination and tenacity that sets them apart.
In my book, “The Art of Resilience: A Practical Guide to Developing Mental Toughness”, I delve deeper into this concept. I discuss how mental toughness isn’t about being unemotional or suppressing feelings, but rather about approaching difficulties with a positive attitude and an understanding that challenges are a part of life.
Those who display their true colors in difficult times often possess this mental toughness. They have the ability to stay focused on their goals, despite the obstacles that come their way. And it’s this trait that not only helps them persevere but also inspires those around them to do the same.
5) Authenticity
Authenticity is a trait that shines brightly during challenging times.
I remember a time when I was working in a high-pressure job, with deadlines constantly looming over my head. One day, I just broke down in front of my team. I admitted that I was struggling and couldn’t keep up with the pace.
Instead of hiding behind a mask of invincibility, I allowed myself to be vulnerable and authentic. And it was during this difficult time that I showed my true colors.
People who are authentic don’t pretend to be someone they’re not. They are true to their feelings, their values, and their beliefs. And it’s in the face of adversity that this authenticity becomes even more evident and admirable.
A 2025 study published in the Open Journal of Business and Management found that leaders who embrace vulnerability foster authenticity and openness, leading to increased employee empowerment and organizational success.
6) Flexibility
When we think of people showing their true colors during tough times, we often imagine them standing firm, unyielding in the face of adversity. But sometimes, the trait that truly shines through isn’t steadfastness, but flexibility.
Being flexible doesn’t mean being weak or indecisive. Quite the contrary, it’s about adaptability and the ability to change course when necessary. It’s about understanding that there is not always one right path and being open to exploring new avenues.
Those who display their true colors in difficult times often show remarkable flexibility. They adapt, they adjust, and they pivot, proving that sometimes the strength lies not in holding on rigidly, but in bending gracefully with the winds of change.
7) Patience
During challenging times, patience can be a virtue that sets people apart.
When everything seems to be going wrong, it’s easy to want immediate solutions or quick fixes. But often, the best course of action is to wait, to persevere, and to have faith in the process.
An article in Psychology Today discusses how facing adversity can enhance resilience, enabling individuals to persevere through current challenges with greater patience and strength.
People who show their true colors in the face of adversity often demonstrate an admirable level of patience. They understand that good things take time and that sometimes, the best response to a difficult situation is simply to keep calm and carry on.
Their ability to patiently weather the storm speaks volumes about their character and resilience, making patience an essential trait in their true-colors palette.
8) Courage
Above all, it’s courage that truly stands out during difficult times.
Courage to face the unknown, to stand up for what’s right, to keep moving forward even when the path is steep and rocky.
People who show their true colors during adversity are often the ones who exhibit remarkable courage. They’re not fearless – they feel fear just like everyone else – but they choose to step forward despite it.
This courageous spirit speaks volumes about their character and is often the most defining trait in those who truly shine in the face of adversity.
It’s about embracing the challenge
Ultimately, the way we react to adversity is a true testament of our character.
It’s during these difficult times that our true colors show, and these traits like resilience, empathy, optimism, mental toughness, authenticity, flexibility, patience, and courage come to the forefront.
Each of us has the potential to display these traits when faced with adversity. It’s just a matter of harnessing them and allowing them to shine through.
In my book, “The Art of Resilience: A Practical Guide to Developing Mental Toughness”, I dive deeper into how you can cultivate these traits and build your resilience in the face of adversity. It’s a journey that starts with self-awareness and culminates in personal growth.
So remember, it’s not about avoiding challenges or hoping they’ll pass. It’s about embracing them, learning from them and coming out stronger on the other side. Because it’s during these difficult times that we truly discover who we are.