7 subtle things a narcissist will do when they realize you’ve stopped caring

We’ve all had that person in our lives, haven’t we?

The one who constantly needs the spotlight, who twists every conversation to talk about themselves, who seems incapable of considering anyone else’s feelings. Yes, I’m talking about a narcissist.

Now, let’s say you’ve finally reached that point. You know, the one where you stop caring about their self-centered antics. But what happens next?

Well, that’s what we’re here to explore. We’re delving into the often perplexing world of narcissistic behavior to highlight the 7 subtle things a narcissist will do when they realize you’ve stopped caring.

In this journey of self-improvement and mindfulness, understanding these signs can help you navigate these complex interactions and potentially protect your mental and emotional health.

Read on if you’re intrigued to learn more about this rather intriguing aspect of human behavior.

1) They will try to regain control

Here’s the first thing to watch out for.

A narcissist thrives on control, especially when it comes to interpersonal relationships. So, when they realize you’ve stopped caring, it can feel like a direct threat to their power dynamic.

Suddenly, they’re no longer the puppet master, and this can lead to some pretty desperate attempts to regain that lost control.

They might start by trying to manipulate you emotionally or even by creating dramatic situations to draw you back in. It’s their way of saying, “Hey, I’m still here. You should care about what I’m doing.”

But remember, you’ve already made a conscious decision to distance yourself from this toxic behavior. So when these attempts at manipulation begin, stay firm and protect your peace.

2) They’ll start playing the victim card

This one hits close to home for me.

Once upon a time, I had a friend who was a classic narcissist. When I finally decided to distance myself from her negativity, she suddenly transformed into the ultimate victim.

She would call me up, sobbing about how everyone was against her, how she was struggling, and how she needed me. It was an emotional tsunami, and it was hard not to get swept up in it.

But here’s what I realized: It was all a manipulation tactic. She was using her ‘victimhood’ as a tool to reel me back in, to make me feel guilty for abandoning her in her ‘time of need’.

It took some time and a lot of strength, but I finally learned to see through her tactics and maintain my distance. This wasn’t about me being heartless; it was about protecting my mental health from her toxic behavior.

3) They’ll suddenly become Mr. or Ms. Perfect

Ever heard the phrase “too good to be true”?

Well, when a narcissist realizes you’ve stopped caring, they might suddenly transform into the ‘perfect’ friend, partner, or colleague.

It’s as if they’ve had an overnight epiphany and are now the epitome of kindness, generosity, and understanding.

They’ll start saying all the right things, doing all the right things, and it can be incredibly tempting to believe this new persona. But let me tell you something from the heart: It’s a mirage.

This sudden change isn’t about them becoming a better person; it’s about them trying to win you back, to regain their lost influence over you.

True change takes time and effort. It’s not a switch that can be flipped on demand. So if your narcissist becomes suddenly perfect when you stop caring, take it with a grain of salt. Your well-being is more important than their performance.

4) They’ll start to devalue you

This one can be tough to swallow, but it’s crucial to be aware of.

When a narcissist realizes you’re slipping away, they might resort to devaluing you. It’s a subtle way of trying to undermine your self-worth and make you question your decision to distance yourself from them.

They might start criticizing you more frequently, or subtly belittling your achievements and decisions. The aim is to make you feel small, and in turn, make themselves appear superior.

This tactic can be incredibly damaging, especially if it’s coming from someone you once considered a friend or loved one. But remember this: their words are a reflection of their insecurities, not your worth.

Don’t let their negativity taint your self-perception. Your journey towards self-improvement doesn’t need to include their toxicity.

5) They’ll bring in a third party

It’s an odd phenomenon, but did you know that narcissists will often resort to third-party involvement as a way to regain control?

When they sense they’re losing their grip on you, they might start involving mutual friends or colleagues in your relationship. They could spread rumors about you, or even try to turn these third parties against you.

It’s a classic ‘divide and conquer’ strategy. By creating conflict between you and others, they’re hoping to isolate you and make you more vulnerable to their influence.

It’s a twisted game, but being aware of it can help you handle it better.

Always remember: those who truly care about you will seek your side of the story. Don’t let the narcissist’s manipulative tactics sway your relationships with others. Stay true to your path and maintain your integrity.

6) They’ll resort to the silent treatment

This one can be tough. Suddenly, the person who was once a constant presence in your life is giving you the cold shoulder. They might ignore your messages, avoid you in public, or even block you on social media.

But here’s something I want you to remember: You’re not alone in this.

Many narcissists use the silent treatment as a form of punishment when they feel they’re losing control. It’s their way of saying, “If you don’t care about me, then I don’t care about you.”

It can feel harsh, and it might make you question whether distancing yourself was the right move. But let me assure you, it was. You’ve chosen to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being over their toxic behavior.

It’s okay to feel hurt by their silence. It’s okay to miss them. But remember, their silence isn’t a reflection of your worth. It’s a reflection of their inability to handle not being the center of attention.

You’re strong, and you can navigate this silence with grace and dignity.

7) They may try to guilt-trip you

This is perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind.

When a narcissist realizes you’ve stopped caring, they might start using guilt as a weapon to reel you back in. They’ll remind you of the good times, of how much they’ve ‘sacrificed’ for you, and how ‘unfair’ you’re being by distancing yourself.

But don’t let these attempts shake you. Your decision to prioritize your mental health and well-being is not a selfish act. It’s an act of self-love and self-preservation.

You’re not responsible for their happiness or their behavior. You’re responsible for your own happiness and well-being. So stand firm in your decision, and remember: You owe them nothing.

Wrapping up

If you’ve recognized these behaviors in someone you know, it can be a tough pill to swallow. But remember, acknowledging the problem is the first step towards finding a solution.

This journey isn’t about blaming the narcissist or getting lost in their mind games. It’s about understanding them, so you can better protect yourself and maintain your emotional health.

Your decision to distance yourself, to stop caring, is an act of self-love. It’s an act of reclaiming your peace and your mental space.

It may not be easy, but with mindfulness and determination, you can navigate this journey with grace and resilience.

As you move forward, keep in mind that your worth is not defined by how a narcissist sees or treats you. You are worthy of respect, kindness, and genuine love.

Don’t let their behaviors sway you from your path of self-improvement and mindfulness.

And remember: You’re stronger than you think, and you’re definitely stronger than any narcissist’s attempt to pull you back into their chaos.

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Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder, and editor of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 15 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. Check out my latest book on the Hidden Secrets of Buddhism and How it Saved My Life. If you want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Facebook or Twitter.

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