8 signs someone in your life is a negative influence on you, says psychology

If you’ve ever felt drained or upset after spending time with a certain person, you might be dealing with a negative influence in your life.

In my experience, these individuals can bring about feelings of self-doubt, stress, or general unease.

They might belittle your accomplishments, constantly play the victim, or always find something to complain about.

Psychology tells us that these negative influences aren’t just a nuisance – they can have a real impact on our mental health and overall well-being.

Recognizing these influences isn’t always easy, but understanding the signs can be a big help. By identifying these signs, you can better protect yourself and nurture positive relationships instead.

1) They constantly criticize you

We all know that constructive criticism can be a great aid to personal growth, but there’s a clear line between helpful feedback and constant, unnecessary criticism.

If someone in your life seems to always find fault in what you do, say, or even what you wear, it’s a key sign that they’re a negative influence.

They might make you feel inferior, doubt your abilities, or even question your worth. This persistent negativity can slowly chip away at your self-esteem and confidence.

The truth is, no one should make you feel less than who you are.

It’s important to recognize these negative influencers so you can choose to either address the situation with them or distance yourself.

Remember, you deserve to be surrounded by positivity and support, not constant criticism and negativity.

Psychology tells us that those who persistently criticize others are often projecting their own insecurities and issues onto others.

Don’t take it personally – instead, take it as a sign that this person may not be the best influence in your life.

2) They celebrate your failures

It’s natural to assume that the people in our lives would feel upset when we fail, right? But surprisingly, a negative influence might actually seem to take pleasure in your setbacks.

When you stumble, they might be the first ones to point it out, often under the guise of being ‘realistic’ or ‘just telling it like it is’.

They might downplay your achievements, but highlight your failures.

This can be incredibly damaging. Over time, you might start to feel like you can’t do anything right or that you’re always failing – which is not true.

Everyone makes mistakes and experiences setbacks. It’s part of being human.

But a positive influence in your life will help you learn from these failures and encourage you to get back up again.

They won’t use these moments as an opportunity to bring you down.

If someone seems to relish in your troubles rather than offer support, it could be a clear sign they’re a negative influence.

3) They’re energy drainers

Ever notice how you feel utterly drained after spending time with certain people? That’s not random.

Studies show that our brains are wired for empathy, which means we can actually take on the emotions and energy of those around us.

Negative influencers often leave you feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted.

They might monopolize conversations, constantly vent about their troubles, or always focus on the negative aspects of life. It feels like they’re sucking out all your energy.

Instead of feeling uplifted after spending time with them, you might feel tired, stressed, or even depressed.

This is a strong sign that someone is a negative influence on your life.

It’s important to surround yourself with people who energize you and make you feel good about life, rather than those who drain your energy.

4) They don’t respect your boundaries

We all have our own set of personal boundaries – and that’s perfectly okay. It’s a way of ensuring our own comfort and safety, and it’s crucial for maintaining healthy relationships.

If someone in your life often dismisses or crosses these boundaries, it can leave you feeling violated and upset.

They might pressure you into doing things you’re uncomfortable with or disregard your feelings or needs.

Remember, it’s not selfish to set boundaries. It shows that you value your own well-being.

If someone consistently disrespects these boundaries, it might be time to consider how much influence they should really have in your life.

It’s not always easy to stand up to those who cross our lines, but it’s important to remember that we all deserve respect and understanding.

You’re allowed to put your needs first, and anyone who doesn’t respect that may not be the best influence for you.

5) They’re always the victim

We all have that one person in our lives who seems to be constantly battling some sort of crisis.

Everything that happens to them is someone else’s fault and they never take responsibility for their own actions.

Sure, life can throw curveballs at us and it’s okay to feel upset about it. But if someone never takes accountability and always blames others, it can become a recurring pattern of negativity.

This constant victim mentality can be draining for those around them. You might find yourself constantly being their emotional support, only to be blamed when things don’t improve.

It’s a tough cycle, and one that can leave you feeling responsible for their happiness – which is neither fair nor healthy.

If you find this pattern familiar, it might be a sign that they are a negative influence in your life.

6) They discourage your growth

A few years back, I decided to make a significant career change. It was exciting, but it was also scary. I expected my close friends to support me during this journey.

However, one person always had something negative to say about my decision. They’d question my abilities, made fun of my dreams, and even suggested I was wasting my time.

If someone in your life always doubts your potential or discourages you from pursuing your goals, it could be a sign that they’re a negative influence.

Positive influencers will encourage your growth, believe in you, and celebrate your successes, no matter how big or small. They won’t let their own fears or insecurities hinder your progress.

Remember, it’s okay to outgrow people who aren’t growing with you. It’s a natural part of life.

7) They’re never happy for your success

It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but not everyone in your life will be thrilled about your success.

You might notice a friend or family member who always downplays your achievements or even tries to steal the spotlight.

If they’re always turning the conversation back to themselves or can’t muster genuine happiness for you, it’s a clear sign they’re a negative influence.

Success should be celebrated, not overshadowed with jealousy or one-upmanship.

You deserve to be surrounded by people who cheer you on and celebrate with you, not those who belittle your victories or make you feel guilty for excelling.

Don’t let anyone dim your shine. Your accomplishments are worth celebrating and anyone who can’t see that may not deserve a front-row seat in your life.

8) They manipulate you

Perhaps the most significant sign of a negative influence is manipulation.

If someone in your life often uses guilt trips, emotional blackmail, or gaslighting to control your actions, it’s a serious red flag.

Manipulation can be subtle and hard to recognize, but it can leave you feeling trapped and powerless.

It’s important to remember that you have the right to your own feelings, thoughts, and decisions.

No one should make you feel guilty for standing up for yourself or expressing your needs. If they do, it’s a clear sign that they’re manipulating you and exerting a negative influence on your life.

Remember, relationships should be based on mutual respect and understanding, not control and manipulation. Your mental and emotional well-being is paramount. Don’t let anyone undermine that.


Recognizing a negative influence in your life is a step towards creating healthier, more fulfilling relationships—and ultimately a happier life.

This article is here to guide you in identifying those individuals who may be draining your energy and affecting your well-being, but ultimately, the power to make changes lies with you.

Remember, time spent fostering positive relationships is never wasted.

Being truly self-aware means understanding the impact others have on you and not allowing them to dictate your emotions or control your life.

Here’s to cultivating positivity, nurturing healthy relationships, and living a more balanced, joyful life!

Isabella Chase

Isabella Chase, a New York City native, writes about the complexities of modern life and relationships. Her articles draw from her experiences navigating the vibrant and diverse social landscape of the city. Isabella’s insights are about finding harmony in the chaos and building strong, authentic connections in a fast-paced world.

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