People who maintain a youthful energy as they get older typically display these 8 traits

Age is just a number, right? Well, for some folks, it seems like more than just a cliché.

They maintain a vibrant, youthful energy even as they age which often leaves us wondering – what’s their secret?

Let me tell you, it’s less about the magic of good genes and more about certain traits these people typically display.

These are traits that are not exclusive to them. Anyone can adopt them to keep their energy levels high and maintain a youthful zest for life.

So, curious to know what these traits are? Stick around as we delve into the 8 traits that people who retain a youthful energy as they get older usually display.

1) Embrace positivity

If you’ve ever spent time with people who seem to defy the aging process, you’ve probably noticed they’re some of the most positive folks around.

Positivity isn’t about ignoring life’s challenges or turning a blind eye to hardships.

It’s more about choosing to focus on the bright side of things and maintaining a hopeful outlook on life.

This doesn’t mean that they don’t experience life’s ups and downs. They do.

But their default setting is to look for the silver lining, to find the good in people and situations.

This positive mindset does more than just make them pleasant company.

Research suggests that a positive attitude can also benefit physical health, including lower blood pressure, reduced risk for heart disease, and improved weight control.

If you’re aiming for perpetual youthfulness, cultivating positivity could be a good starting point.

It’s not about pretending to be happy all the time. It’s about a genuine positive outlook on life that comes from within.

2) Regular physical activity

If there’s one thing I’ve noticed about folks who seem to maintain a youthful energy, it’s that they keep their bodies moving.

It’s like they’ve tapped into the fountain of youth, and the secret is – regular physical activity.

Take my friend, Sarah, for instance. She’s in her late 60s but has more energy than most people half her age.

Every morning, rain or shine, you’ll find her jogging around the local park.

And if the weather is really against her, she just switches to an indoor workout.

Sarah is not training for a marathon or trying to set any records.

She simply understands the value of keeping her body active and making sure her energy levels remain high.

And it’s not just about physical health. Studies show that regular exercise can reduce stress, improve sleep, and even boost your mood.

Whether it’s a brisk walk around the block, a yoga session, or a dance class – find something you enjoy and make it part of your regular routine.

3) Lifelong learning

Ever noticed how the most youthful people are also some of the most curious ones?

They have an insatiable desire to learn, grow, and explore new things.

This trait is not confined to academic pursuits. It could be learning a new instrument, exploring a new culture, experimenting with a new recipe or even picking up a new language.

The key is to remain curious and open-minded.

Continued learning keeps the mind active and sharp. It helps us adapt to change and keeps us engaged with the world around us.

Not to mention, it adds a dash of excitement and novelty to life.

If you want to maintain that youthful spark, never stop learning.

There’s always something new to discover, and in today’s connected world, the resources are right at your fingertips.

4) Practicing mindfulness

One trait I’ve noticed in people who maintain a youthful energy is their ability to live in the present moment.

They practice mindfulness, which is all about being fully engaged and present in the here and now.

Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can help us to slow down, appreciate our surroundings, and engage fully with life.

It’s not always easy to achieve, but the benefits are worth the effort.

In my book “The Art of Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Living in the Moment”, I delve deeper into the practice of mindfulness and how it can help us lead more fulfilling lives.

By practicing mindfulness, we can reduce stress, improve focus, and savor the joys of life that we might otherwise overlook.

This practice allows us to maintain a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world – traits often associated with youthfulness.

If you’re looking for a way to keep your energy levels high and retain a sense of youthfulness, consider incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine.

You’d be surprised at how such a simple practice can make such a big difference.

5) Nurturing relationships

Strong, positive relationships are one of the cornerstones of a happy, youthful life.

People who maintain youthful energy often have a strong network of friends and family, and they make it a point to spend quality time with them.

These relationships provide emotional support, bring joy and laughter, and offer a sense of belonging.

They also provide an opportunity to share experiences, learn from others, and create cherished memories.

There was a time when work took up so much of my life that I started neglecting my relationships. I was feeling older and more drained each day.

Soon enough, I realized that I was missing out on the richness that comes from maintaining close, personal connections.

Since then, I’ve made it a point to carve out time for my loved ones regularly, be it a quick catch-up call or a leisurely Sunday brunch.

The energy, wisdom, and warmth that these interactions bring are truly rejuvenating.

If you aim to keep that youthful zest for life, don’t forget to nurture your relationships. They’re just as important as any personal health routine.

6) Embracing change

This might be a bit surprising, but people who maintain youthful energy are often those who embrace change.

While it’s human nature to seek comfort in the familiar, change is a crucial part of life.

It’s easy to fall into a routine and resist changes, especially as we age.

But change is what keeps life interesting and stimulates our mind and body to adapt and grow.

People who stay youthful understand this. Instead of resisting change, they welcome it, seeing it as an opportunity for growth and new experiences.

They are not afraid to step out of their comfort zones, try new things, or adjust their plans.

If you want to maintain that youthful energy, don’t run from change. Embrace it.

7) Adequate rest

It might seem contradictory, but one of the secrets to maintaining youthful energy is to make sure you’re getting enough rest.

People who keep their youthful spark understand the importance of good quality sleep and relaxation.

Rest is not just about sleeping enough, although that’s a significant part of it.

It’s also about taking time out from our busy schedules to relax and recharge.

This could be in the form of leisure activities, hobbies, or even just quiet moments of reflection.

Good quality rest helps improve mental and emotional well-being, boosts our immune system, and recharges our energy levels.

If you want to maintain that youthful energy as you age, don’t skimp on rest. Listen to your body and give it the downtime it needs.

The renewed energy and focus you’ll gain will be worth it.

8) Balanced diet

There’s no escaping it. What we put into our bodies has a tremendous impact on our overall health and energy levels.

People who maintain a youthful energy as they age typically follow a balanced, nutritious diet.

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can provide the essential nutrients our bodies need to function optimally.

It also helps maintain a healthy weight, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and promotes overall health.

Remember, your body is like an engine. If you want it to run smoothly and efficiently for a long time, you should fuel it with high-quality ingredients.

Make wise food choices and enjoy the vitality that comes with a well-nourished body.

In essence: It’s a lifestyle

The journey towards maintaining a youthful energy as we age is less about a magic pill and more about the lifestyle we choose to lead.

These 8 traits aren’t just behaviors, they’re a way of life, a conscious choice to live fully, vibrantly, and authentically irrespective of the number of candles on our birthday cake.

At the heart of this lifestyle is mindfulness – being present, actively participating in life, and appreciating every moment for its uniqueness.

In my book “The Art of Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Living in the Moment”, I explore this concept in depth, offering practical strategies on how to adopt mindfulness in daily life.

Adopting these traits won’t just add years to your life, but life to your years.

It’s about embracing change, nurturing relationships, learning continuously, staying active, eating right, resting adequately and staying positive.

As you reflect on these traits, remember that it’s never too late to start.

Every day is a new opportunity to embrace a youthful energy and live your best life.

Eliza Hartley

Eliza Hartley, a London-based writer, is passionate about helping others discover the power of self-improvement. Her approach combines everyday wisdom with practical strategies, shaped by her own journey overcoming personal challenges. Eliza's articles resonate with those seeking to navigate life's complexities with grace and strength.

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