Men who are struggling emotionally in life but hide it well typically display these subtle habits

When a man laughs, you assume he’s happy. When he’s silent, you think he’s calm. Simple, right? But oh, how misleading appearances can be.

Indeed, the male psyche is a labyrinth that often hides deeper struggles beneath its surface.

Some men are masters at concealing their emotional turmoil.

They’ve developed eight subtle habits that reveal their hidden struggles. Allow me to guide you through these signs.

1) They’re masters of deflection

Men who are emotionally struggling but are good at hiding it have turned deflection into an art form.

They’ve mastered the craft of diverting attention away from their feelings, expertly shifting the focus onto something else, or even better, someone else.

Ask them how they’re doing, and they’ll swiftly steer the conversation towards you or a completely different topic.

They’re less likely to share their own feelings, but they’re more than happy to engage in a discussion about yours.

These men are walking contradictions – they might appear to be open books while simultaneously keeping their chapters of emotional turmoil well hidden.

Intriguing, isn’t it?

2) They’re the life of the party

I have this friend, let’s call him Jack. Jack was always the life of the party, the one with the infectious laugh and endless jokes. He had this uncanny ability to light up a room as soon as he walked in.

But behind closed doors, it was a different story.

Jack was using humor as a defense mechanism to mask his internal struggles.

He was always ready to make others laugh, but seldom allowed anyone to see him cry or in pain. His emotional struggles were well concealed behind his vibrant social facade.

These men are like Jack – they use their jovial persona as a mask, hiding their emotional battles behind laughter and jokes. It’s a clever camouflage, don’t you think?

3) They’re often overly busy

Did you know that busyness can sometimes be a form of emotional avoidance?

Men who are struggling internally often keep their schedules jam-packed. They’ll take on more work, more projects, more social engagements – anything to keep their minds off their emotional turmoil.

Their calendars are filled to the brim, leaving no room for idle time or self-reflection. They’d rather drown in tasks than confront their feelings, using productivity as a shield against their inner battles.

It’s not just about keeping busy, it’s about escaping their own emotions. Quite the paradox, wouldn’t you say?

4) They’re unusually quiet

While some men use humor or busyness to mask their emotions, others resort to silence.

These men may suddenly become quiet or distant.

They’ll retreat into their shells, choosing solitude over social interactions. It’s not that they don’t enjoy company, they’re just using silence as their armor.

Their quietness isn’t a result of shyness or introversion. Instead, it’s a subtle sign of their emotional struggle – a struggle they’re trying hard to hide.

Silence, as they say, can sometimes speak volumes.

5) They’re perfectionists

I’ve noticed this trait in several men around me – the constant striving for perfection. They set high standards for themselves and feel immense dissatisfaction when they fall short.

I once believed this was purely about ambition. But over time, I realized it’s often a way for them to distract themselves from their emotional struggles.

They channel their energy into achieving unrealistic goals. If they’re focused on perfecting every little detail, they don’t have to confront the chaos of their emotions.

As someone who’s been there, I can tell you – it’s not about the pursuit of excellence, it’s about avoiding emotional pain. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but an important realization nonetheless.

6) They’re unusually generous

Generosity is usually seen as a purely positive trait, but sometimes it can be a smokescreen for deeper issues.

Men who are emotionally struggling might overcompensate by being excessively generous. They’ll go out of their way to help others, often neglecting their own needs in the process.

Their selflessness is commendable, but it can also be a diversion – a way to avoid dealing with their own emotional turmoil. By focusing on others, they sidestep confronting their own feelings.

It’s an unexpected twist, isn’t it? Generosity as a disguise for emotional distress.

7) They’re often sleep-deprived

Sleep is often the first casualty in the battle against emotional struggles. Men who are dealing with internal turmoil often suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders.

Their minds are a whirlpool of thoughts, worries, and emotions that keep them tossing and turning at night.

They might stay up late, either because they can’t sleep or because they’re avoiding the silence that comes with bedtime.

Sleep deprivation isn’t just a symptom – it’s a subtle sign of their hidden emotional battles. It’s a silent cry for help, often overlooked and misunderstood.

8) They rarely talk about their feelings

The most telling sign of a man struggling emotionally is his reluctance to share his feelings.

They might be articulate, insightful, and engaging when discussing other topics. But when it comes to their emotions, they become evasive, changing the subject or downplaying their feelings.

It’s not that they’re unemotional – they’re just guarding their emotional world closely. Their silence about their feelings isn’t an absence of emotion, but a fortress protecting their inner struggles.

Understanding hidden struggles

By now, you might have a better understanding of the subtle habits men often display when they’re struggling emotionally but hide it well.

Remember that these habits aren’t signs of weakness. Instead, they are manifestations of a complex emotional battle taking place underneath the surface.

It’s not about hiding emotions, but about finding ways to cope with them.

In the words of psychologist Carl Jung, “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

It’s crucial to look beyond the exterior and understand the inner struggles that a person might be going through.

May this understanding foster compassion and empathy towards those around us. Because sometimes, the most profound battles are those that remain unseen.

Lucas Graham

Lucas Graham, based in Auckland, writes about the psychology behind everyday decisions and life choices. His perspective is grounded in the belief that understanding oneself is the key to better decision-making. Lucas’s articles are a mix of personal anecdotes and observations, offering readers relatable and down-to-earth advice.

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